Rapido UK Newsletter No. 18
©2022 Rapido Trains Ltd
Dear Rapido Customer,
It was the Southern Railway’s proud boast that you had to head ‘south for sunshine’.
Well, seeing that the sun is shining – for how long remains to be seen – we decided to give this newsletter a bit of a Southern theme.
So, what Southerny treats do we have for you? Only ALL this!
- 'OO' gauge new tooling announcement
- 'N' gauge new tooling announcement
- ‘E1’ update
- SECR brake van update
And that’s not all!
- ‘15XX’ video
- Order deadline reminder... and video!
- Last few APT-Es available
- Buy some North American goodies
- Some Shron-based inspiration
Let’s kick off now, shall we?
Here are the first EPs of our new SR eight-plank open wagons. These have been designed by our UK design team and they're available to order now.
New tooling announcement: Southern Railway eight-plank open
Choosing an eight plank design set the Southern apart from most other railway companies and this distinctive design actually became the SR’s most numerous wagon.
The Diagram 1379 was the first eight-plank design to be introduced and 7,950 were built between 1926 and 1933. In 1935, the SR increased the wheelbase to 10ft. The first wagons with this wheelbase were fitted with vacuum brakes. However, two batches of unfitted 10ft wagons were built during 1936 and 1937. These 1,400 vehicles were, fittingly, given the diagram number 1400.
The Dia. 1379s featured a standard RCH underframe with 9ft wheelbase and, originally, all were unfitted. The first 3,000 were built with Morton brakes but this was subsequently changed to a design that the SR called ‘Freighter’ brakes.
The beauty of the Southern Railway eight-planks is that they could be found all over the Southern’s network, including the Isle of Wight, where they ran with ‘E1s’…
ANDY: See, this range isn’t just thrown together, you know?
RICHARD: Absolutely!
We’re producing two types of eight-plank: the unfitted 9ft wheelbase Diagram 1379 and the 10ft wheelbase unfitted Diagram 1400.
You can see the detail differences below:
Here are EPs of the Dia. 1379 eight-plank. They both have Freighter brakes but one has split-spoke wheels whilst the other has discs.
So what's the difference between these EPs? Well, they are both Dia. 1379s fitted with Morton brakes and, as you can see, there are split-spoke and disc wheels variants.
JASON: And these two? They all look the same to me!
RICHARD: These are the Dia. 1400s. They both have Freighter brakes but there's
a choice of wheels. Did you not notice the longer wheelbase?
JASON: Yes, that 4mm difference really jumps from the screen....
We’re simply delighted with the six samples that we received. They're absolutely exquisite and we think that they're very slightly better than the SECR opens. And they're designed in the UK too.
More importantly, they’re available to order now. RRP is £32.95 and you've got until October 1st to get your order in.
Just look at that chain detail on the bodyside! The tool-makers have excelled themselves this time. Incredible, isn't it?
Take a deep breath because there are 31 eight-planks to choose from.
Here they are:
940001: D1379 No.29306, SR brown (pre-1936)
940002: D1379 No.30601, SR brown (pre-1936)
940003: D1379 No.31458, SR brown (pre-1936)
940004: D1379 No.31372, SR brown (pre-1936)
940005: D1379 No.32565, SR brown (pre-1936)
940006: D1379 No.33333, SR brown (pre-1936)
940007: D1379 No.36485, SR brown (pre-1936)
940008: D1379 No.36759, SR brown (pre-1936)
940009: D1379 No.30004, SR brown (pre-1936)
940010: D1379 No.29898, SR brown (post-1936)
940011: D1379 No.29427, SR brown (post-1936)
940012: D1379 No.31364, SR brown (post-1936)
940013: D1379 No.31421, SR brown (post-1936)
940014: D1379 No.33255, SR brown (post-1936)
940015: D1379 No.33730, SR brown (post-1936)
940016: D1379 No.36359, SR brown (post-1936)
940017: D1379 No.36871, SR brown (post-1936)
940018: D1400 No.10939, SR brown (post-1936)
940019: D1400 No.11783, SR brown (post-1936)
940020: D1400 No.27363, SR brown (post-1936)
940021: D1379 No.S30215, BR grey
940022: D1379 No.S27915, BR grey
940023: D1379 No.S27930, BR grey
940024: D1379 No.S31472, BR grey
940025: D1379 No.S34301, BR grey
940026: D1379 No.S36194, SR brown with BR lettering
940027: D1379 No.S34745, BR grey
940028: D1400 No.S10953, SR brown with BR lettering
940029: D1400 No.S26782, BR grey
940030: D1400 No.S11530, BR grey
940031: D1379 No.DS719, Motive Power Department black
We'll leave you with look at the eight-plank's underframe. It's a work of art and, you'll note, the brake hangers are now a folded metal part rather than the solid moulding that's on our SECR open wagons. These wagons are available to order now.
Here's a 3D render of our new 'N' gauge SECR wagon four pack. Scroll down to find out more. Please note that all subsequent images are 3D renders taken from the 'N' gauge wagon CAD files.
New tooling announcement: SECR wagons in ‘N’
One common question that we get asked is: when are you going to produce your SECR wagons in ‘N’?
We can answer that one right now: we are!
We’ve got the factory to not only scale down our Dia. 1349 five-plank open, our Dia. 1355 seven-plank open and our Dia. 1426 van but also the six-wheel
dual-veranda brake van too.
An 'N' gauge version of the Dia. 1349 five-plank open.
The Dia. 1355 seven-plank open.
The 'N' gauge version of the dual-veranda six-wheel brake van. This will not be available individually - read on to find out more!
Now, we're going to do things a little differently with these models than perhaps you're used to from other manufacturers. These ‘N’ gauge wagons will only be available in multi-packs.
ANDY: N gaugers, please pay attention for this is where it gets a bit complicated...
RICHARD: The starting point is the ‘Freight Train Pack’. This contains
1x Dia. 1349 five-plank, 1x Dia. 1355 seven-plank, 1x Dia. 1426 van and
1x dual veranda brake van. RRP: £99.95 each.
942001: SECR Freight Train Pack (all wagons in SECR grey)
942005: Southern Railway Freight Train Pack (all wagons in SR pre-1936 brown)
924009: Southern Railway Freight Train Pack (all wagons in SR post-1936 brown)
942013: BR Freight Train Pack (all wagons in BR grey).
We’ve then grouped the five-plank, the seven-plank and the 10t van into triple packs. This means that you can increase the length of your goods train at a stroke. We’ve called these ‘Top Up’ packs and they’re available in the main livery options (please note that each wagon will have its own unique running number).
942002: 3x Dia. 1349 five-planks in SECR grey
942003: 3x Dia. 1355 seven-planks in SECR grey
942004: 3x Dia. 1426 10t vans in SECR grey
RRP: £69.95 each
You can now order triple packs of the Dia. 1349 five-plank opens in SECR, SR and BR liveries.
942006: 3x Dia. 1349 five-planks in SR pre-1936 brown livery
942007: 3x Dia. 1355 seven-planks in SR pre-1936 brown livery
942008: 3x Dia. 1426 10t vans in SR pre-1936 brown livery
RRP: £69.95 each.
The Dia. 1355 seven-planks will be available in SECR, SR and BR-themed livery triple packs.
942010: 3x Dia. 1349 five-planks in SR post-1936 brown livery
942011: 3x Dia. 1355 seven-planks in SR post-1936 brown livery
942012: 3x Dia. 1426 10t vans in SR post-1936 brown livery
RRP: £69.95 each.
And, finally, the 10t van will also be available in triple packs covering the main livery versions: SECR grey, SR brown (pre- and post-1936 styles) and BR grey. All packs are available to order now.
942014: 3x Dia. 1349 five-planks in BR grey
942015: 3x Dia. 1355 seven-planks in BR grey
942016: 3x Dia. 1426 10t vans in BR grey
RRP: £69.95
ANDY: This is a bit of a different approach than most other manufacturers take but we think that it’s the simplest way to build up accurate SECR and Southern Region goods trains in ‘N’.
RICHARD: Indeed, and it opens the door for us to offer more of our ‘OO’ gauge wagon models in ‘N’. With the ‘Iron Mink’, GWR four-plank and Dia. AA20 ‘Toad’, we’ve already got the makings of GWR-themed packs!
ANDY: But, as with all these things, we will only consider doing more if this first experiment is successful. And by successful, we mean getting lots of orders!
The two open wagons and the Dia. 1426 van share the same underframe and, as you can see, just because these are 'N' gauge doesn't mean that we've skimped on the detail! Want to see more 'N' gauge wagons to this level of detail? Then you need to place an order!
Here are 3D renders taken from the 'E1' CAD file. They're a work in progress so please ignore the combination of different parts from different eras. But they show that we're making some progress!
‘E1’ update
Something else we've asked in recent weeks is ‘what’s happening with the ‘E1’; you promised us an update!'
You’re right, we did.
I had a free couple of days just before the Jubilee weekend and was able to make some great progress on the ‘E1’.
This is loosely the 'original' version with original chimney and dome and condensing pipes.
The factory has devised a very clever modular system so that we have the capacity to offer the Stroudley, Billinton and Marsh dome positions. We have also been able to tool myriad different detail configurations, so we’re confident that this will be the definitive take on the ‘E1’.
Here are some 3D renders from the latest CAD files. There are still a few things to iron out but the bulk of the design is very close to completion. As soon as the design work is finished, we’ll announce what versions we’re doing and the order book will open.
Here's a rear 3/4 view of a "sort of" Isle of Wight 'E1'. It's got extended coal rails, extra steps, different chimney and additional sand boxes.
The 'E1's' face is starting to look very convincing!
Here are the artwork files for our forthcoming SECR six-wheel brake van, to whet your appetite. This is SKU931001, No. 2033 in SECR grey.
Six-wheel brake vans... in colour!
We conclude our little Southern section with an update on the SECR six-wheel brake van.
We had to launch this project with just the 3D CAD renders to show what it will look like. We've now finished the artwork files and we thought that you'd like to see what these brake vans will look like in colour, so to speak. We are expecting our first samples next month, all going well.
SKU931002 is another SECR grey 'van, in this case No. 2036.
SKU931003: No. 55382 in Southern Railway brown with red ends and large lettering.
SKU931005: No. 55384 in post-1936 livery (SR brown with red ends but small lettering).
SKU931006: No. 55366 in post-1936 livery (SR brown with red ends but small lettering).
SKU931007: No. S55429 in SR post-1936 livery but with British Railways lettering.
JASON: Wait... I think you're missing one. Honestly, I can't leave you guys alone with a newsletter for five minutes!
RICHARD: I, er, um... Andy, do you want to handle this one?
ANDY: Yeah, sorry everyone. I made a very tiny mistake with SKU931004. Turns out that the running number I chose for SKU931004 isn't actually correct for the veranda style that awe're producing.
RICHARD: Never mind, these things do happen. Could you all please make a note that SKU931004's running number is now 55409 and NOT 55389 as previously advertised. The livery (SR pre-1936 brown with red ends) is still correct.
This is SKU931004 in SR pre-1936 brown but with the new (and correct) running number of 55409.
This is Train Times Model Shop's exclusive SECR six-wheel brake van.
Exclusive SECR brake van revealed
ANDY: Now, the interesting thing about this brake van...
And now for some non-Southern Railway stuff!
'15XX' video!
We showed off the ‘15XX’ last issue but, with a little more time available, we’ve put together a video too. It’s the usual high quality, refined affair that you’ve come to expect from Rapido Trains UK. You can click here to watch it.
It's worth watching just to get a better look at the '15XX', especially as you can see how well it performs.
ANDY: Sadly, that's the only decent performance in the whole thing. The presenter seems to have had an off-day...
ANDY: Serves you right. The KESR's SECR brake van does have an interesting story to tell!
JASON: Stop bickering you two and use this space constructively. How about showing off more '15XX' images?
It might have taken a while to reach this stage but the '15XX' has been worth the wait! It looks great, although it is a first EP so there are a few areas that need attention and it has been bashed about a bit in transit.
The cab side shutters move which, we think, is a first for a 'OO' gauge outline Western Region model.
The model really captures the utilitarian look of the real thing with big chunky outside cylinders and no running plates.
OOA order deadline reminder
Another month has flown by which means that another order deadline is rapidly approaching. This time, it’s for the OAA open wagon.
There are 17 superb versions to choose from but you’ve only got until July 1st to secure the one you want. Need to remind yourself of what’s available? Click here to take a look… and then hurry back here to carry on reading!
We couldn’t let the OAA order deadline pass without bringing you a video. In fact, while we were talking about videos, we realised that we hadn’t actually produced one for the Loriot Y or the Dia. AA20 ‘Toad’.
Andy, therefore, decided to kill three proverbial birds with one stone. Click here or on the above image to watch the video.
We couldn't leave this segment without another look at the OAA...
Here's a final look at it. Remember, it's available to order now (RRP £39.95) but you've only got until July 1st to guarantee getting the OAA you want.
...or rather some of the exquisite detail that we've been able to include.
If all that fine and accurate brake gear doesn't get you ordering a Loriot Y, nothing will. Don't forget that one lasted until the late 1980s so even you modern image modellers can get away with ordering one for your layout!
We have very limited numbers of APT-Es in stock here in the warehouse so if you want one, best get your order in quick before they all disappear. We have original and spoof liveried sets available.
APT-Es - limited stock available!
We've had a couple of cancelled APT-E orders meaning that we have VERY limited numbers of sets AND individual coaches available.
We have the following in stock and ready to order:
924001: APT-E train pack, original livery (DC); RRP £379.95
924002: Individual coaches, original livery; RRP £119.95
924501: APT-E train pack, original livery (sound-fitted); RRP £479.95
924503: APT-E train pack, InterCity blue/grey livery (sound-fitted); RRP £479.95
924505: APT-E train pack, InterCity 'swallow' livery (sound-fitted); RRP £479.95
Numbers are so limited that these items are only available on a first-come-first-served basis. Click here to place your order. Don't delay as they're not likely to hang around for long.
Copies of the APT-E history book that was included in the first production run back in 2016 are also now available. They're priced £19.99 but shipping is free.
We have a small number of Rapido Trains Inc's 'HO' scale Chevrolet Impala and Caprice cars available. You can only get them direct from ourselves. RRP is £19.99.
Exclusive offer on North American products
We also have limited numbers of some exciting Rapido Trains Inc products in stock. These items are only available direct from Rapido Trains UK. As well as the Chevrolet cars pictured above, we also have:
Also available from Rapido Trains UK is this lovely new coffee-table book about VIA Rail. RRP is £64.95. This beautiful tome really is a must for anyone with an interest in Canadian railways. It was authored by famed Canadian railway historian Kevin J. Holland, with a foreword by former Canadian Transport Minister David Collenette. You can buy your copy now by clicking on the button below.
Scroll down for more on VIA Rail.
ANDY: I wish they would disappear!
'The Canadian' was originally Canadian Pacific's Toronto-Chicago service before CPR allocated the name to its Montreal/Toronto-Vancouver service. It's now operated by VIA Rail between Toronto and Vancouver. While the Shrons usually travel between Toronto and Winnipeg, the train continues through the Rockies, where it was photographed near Jasper, Alberta, to Vancouver. Total journey length is 2,775 miles over four days! Photograph by Timothy Stevens/commons.wikimedia
Thought of the month
Normally at this point in the proceedings, there’d be some thought, comment or analysis from one of us about some aspect of model railway manufacturing or the state of the hobby. But now that the world is opening up again post-Covid and we’re able to travel again, we thought we’d share some of our favourite railway journeys in order to get old creative juices flowing again – or to maybe inspire your own travel plans.
We turn to Jason to kick us off:
‘The Canadian’ follows the original route of Canadian National's Super Continental between Toronto and Vancouver, via Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Jasper. My wife, Sidura, is from Winnipeg and most of her family still lives there. My children have grown up taking the ‘Canadian’ so many times that they know most of the Winnipeg-based train crews.
When Isaac was little, the five of us would squeeze into bedrooms E and F in a ‘Manor’ series sleeping car. The wall between the two bedrooms opens up to make one big room.
All five Shrons board 'The Canadian' in Toronto in August 2018.
The ‘Manors’ are stainless steel cars built by Budd in 1954/55 for Canadian Pacific and are still used every day in regular service. Bedroom F used to be sold as a compartment so it is 18 inches wider than a standard bedroom. Once Isaac got too big for the floor, we started getting an additional roomette. Sidura uses the roomette so she can take a break from the madness of the family whereas I am the cause of most of the madness so I stay with the kids.
We eat our meals in the dining car, just as people did on streamliners throughout North America in the 1950s. We also enjoy time in the Skyline mid-train dome, as well as the bullet lounge and dome in the Park Car at the rear of the train.
Dad and the kids headed to Winnipeg in October 2021 just so they could ride The Canadian again after a Covid-induced break. Here they are in Capreol, Ontario.
Below the rear dome is a fancy bar. On one trip there was an older gentleman and his even older mother sitting in the bar. They were making disparaging remarks about the train and its service, even though they were travelling in Prestige class, the most expensive accommodation. I wonder if the disparaging remarks were in any way connected to the fact that Isaac and I were sprawled on the floor of the bar playing with Thomas trains in our soft, dulcet tones.
Our next trip will be in August (God willing - there have been so many cancellations due to Covid lately). We can't wait!
RICHARD: Thanks for that Jason. We'll have more favourite and inspirational journeys in future newsletters.
A 3D render of an 'E1' hauling our new SR eight-plank wagons...
And finally…
We couldn’t leave this Southern Railway-themed newsletter without sharing this tantalising image with you: it’s an Isle of Wight goods train!
We’re working as hard as we can to turn this image into physical reality but you can almost hear the collective groan of hundreds of credit cards working out how to eke out a few more pounds before hitting the credit limit!
Thank you for making it to the end of yet another newsletter!
What do we have in store for you next time? Well, all being well, something Titfield related!
Until then, all the best!
Richard Foster
Sales & Marketing Manager
Rapido Trains UK
You can write to us at Rapido Trains UK, Unit 3, Clinton Business Centre, Lodge Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0QF. Alternatively, you can call us on 0330 460 9496 or you can
e-mail us at customerservice@rapidotrains.co.uk
Check out our YouTube channel, Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter!