Over the past several months we've been working with our Clean Air Implementation Team to design a window sticker for new cars that will help buyers understand the EPA smog rating system and how buying decisions affect local air quality.
The sticker supports the current EPA window sticker and visually explains each vehicle's individual smog rating—including how it compares to other cars on the lot. The sticker also breaks down where our current emissions come from (about half come from cars and trucks).
Click here
for a PDF version for a car with a smog rating of 5.
Mark Miller Toyota has agreed to pilot the window stickers during the coming months. If the program is successful in helping potential car buyers purchase cleaner vehicles, we hope to expand to dealerships across the state.
The more clean cars we can get on the road, the better our air will be! So if you or anyone you know is looking to buy a car soon, make sure they know its smog rating.