Want to know how?
First let me tell you what we’ve done in these unprecedented times. In our managed accounts mostly held at TD Ameritrade, we got out of growth stocks and long-term bonds January 4th this year. Even though they were holding up better for a while, we got out of dividend/value stocks and even short-term bonds February 4th. Getting out of bonds was a first for us but the times called for it. Even though we have had a couple of equity positions since then, we have stayed essentially flat.
We believe in unprecedented times taking action to protect your future is imperative.
After all. It’s not your portfolio, it’s your future.
Many advisors believe in set it and forget it portfolios. “If you get the allocation right you are all set.” Do you think someone that “manages” your money should do that regardless of market conditions?
We do portfolios differently. Our philosophy is “what is working now.”
As you have watched asset class after asset class take its turn in losing 10%, 15%, 20% or more our clients have enjoyed not continuing to lose instead of the stress and wonder of what will happen next. This works great in retirement or other tax deferred accounts.
Investors that hear from us and not their own financial advisors have called and walked into our office because of their concerns over these issues: getting no changes and no communication. Or they get the old hand holding: “everything will work out in the long run, just hang in there.” That might be okay if markets quickly go back to where they were. But what happens to your hopes and dreams if this gets worse or lasts a lot longer?
Think about this too: many investment strategies still being used were developed when we used paper maps to make sure we got to our destination. Now we all use GPS on our phones. Investment technology has advanced just as fast and helps us make changes quickly to stay on course.
If you are not getting the attention you deserve, or the answers you need or you want more then set it and forget it, give us a call (520) 325-1600, click here to set up a time, or stay up to date by signing up here for our emails.
All my best,