Welcome Back and Registration
Your Live Oak Ed Fund Donations at Work
Dear Live Oak Families:
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! On behalf of the Live Oak Education Fund, I want to say thank you to all of you who supported Live Oak Education Fund during the 2018-19 school year.  Through your donations, we were able to invest over $409,000 into our school this last year. Your donations to Ed Fund at registration and participation in our Poker Night, Auction/ Gala, and Readathon fundraisers made last year a great success for our school!

Over the past year, Live Oak Education Fund has seen challenging times with declining donations, much of which is related to declining enrollment.  At our town hall meeting in February, we highlighted how declining enrollment and donations affects Live Oak. In the last 4 years, Live Oak has gone from 1200 students to 700 students. Unfortunately the correlation between number of students and program support needs is not direct. Fewer students has meant fewer people donating, but many of the program needs, such as art, music and library, remain the same.

As a result of the decline in donations, the Live Oak Education Fund (which directly represents you and is made up of elected Live Oak parents), in close coordination with the school administration, has had to make some very difficult decisions including reduction of 2 Para’s, and the end of Ed Fund support of field trips for the upcoming year.*

On a bright note, after our town hall meeting in February, many of you stepped up and came out in support during Gala and made it a huge success! Through the success of Gala we were able to sustain funding for a number of our remaining programs!
This past year, your Ed Fund donations paid for 9 para-educators, effectively reducing class-size ratios. Funding of paras is Live Oak Ed Fund’s biggest expense, but also has the greatest impact in the classroom and on YOUR child. Additionally, Live Oak’s innovative STEAM curriculum, technology, high-impact learning experiences, and cutting-edge programs are ONLY possible because of your generous support to the Ed Fund.
We hope the Live Oak community will step up its participation during registration to ensure no additional cuts occur to the important programs upon which your students rely.

What can you do?

To continue all the important programs LOEF has historically supported, we need EVERYONE’s support, so please make a donation! Did you know we continue to have the lowest elementary "ask" in the Dougherty Valley? This year we are asking each family to donate $595 per student at fall registration. That breaks down to less than a cup of coffee a day! We understand a single payment may be an issue so we have extended the payment options this year too.

This requested donation amount reflects the true cost of maintaining the level of curriculum and programming that have made students so successful at Live Oak and that our families have come to expect. The money raised at registration in August will be used to fulfill the immediate student needs this school year. This will allow for a more enriching and innovative learning experience for our children.
In addition to the donations we receive at registration, you can also double your Ed Fund donation through employer company match. Check to see if your company has a corporate match program or email us and we can help you find out. Please make sure that during registration, both parents’ and employer’s information are listed in the system. This will allow us to send you the automated information for steps required with each employer.

Our goal for 2019-20 year is to raise $387,000 to cover otherwise unfunded expenses:
Salaries of staff not paid by SRVUSD ( $250,000)
Without your support, your students will have reduced or no access to these services as the district provides limited budget for these staff:
  • 7 Classroom Para-Educators
  • Music Teacher
  • Art Teacher
  • Librarian
  • Teacher Special Assignment
Technology and Classroom Supplies ($125,000)
P urchase, maintenance and replacement of technology used in the classrooms and classroom supplies:
  • All School/Classroom Supplies 
  • iPads/Chromebooks
  • Art Supplies 
  • Science equipment and lab supplies
  • Classroom Leveled Libraries
  • Technology upgrade
Operating Expenses($12,000)
  • Software
  • Licensing fees
  • Program support
  • Marketing
  • Credit Card Processing

Your support of Ed Fund is what helps Live Oak consistently remain a high-performing school. Live Oak Ed Fund is a non-profit organization, made up of elected parents and staff whose sole support is to ensure that your donation dollars go to ensure the best possible curriculum, staffing and support is provided for YOUR child. Your donation may be tax-deductible (consult with your financial advisor) and goes directly to the classroom and supports our mission of maintaining and improving the quality of education at Live Oak. For more information about the Live Oak Ed Fund please visit our website .
Thank you for your continued support of Ed Fund and have a fantastic 2019/20 school year!
Art Mimnaugh
Live Oak Ed Fund President 2019-2020

*In the past several years, LOEF has tried to make it easier for the school to make plans for field trips and make it easier for parents in writing one check, by funding field trips. Field trips are not funded by the district and LOEF no longer receives enough donations to support them. This means some field trips may be eliminated since funding isn't guaranteed, and will be subject to event-by-event support through donations by parents in the classroom. Please support your child's classroom field trips when requested by your teacher in the coming year. If all parents don't step up when requested, those field trips may be canceled if they cannot be paid for.
2019-2020 Registration is NOW OPEN!

  • SRVUSD Annual Update (see information below)

  • School Registration Process (see information below)

Complete Online Registration Today!
Live Oak Elementary Back-to-School online registration is open! You must complete the following before attending walk-through registration on August 6.

  • Update Family and Student Profile;
  • Volunteer Interest Form;
  • Support the Live Oak Education Fund (covers classroom supplies and libraries, supports STEAM curriculum, funds classroom para-educators, funds technology and science equipment and supplies, funds the library, vocal music and art teachers and programs, funds the Eagles Nest and much more!); and
  • Band Information and Donation;
  • Adopt-A-Book
  • PTA Membership;
  • Birthday Message Marquee;
  • Order Yearbooks and Spirit Wear (discounted during registration); and
  • Sign-up for School Directory

For the most up to date back-to-school registration details, please visit the  Live Oak Elementary School Website . Links are available under the "parents" tab.
Additional Steps
Pictures, Volunteering, Annual Update

  • Complete your LifeTouch Online Picture Order Live Oak Picture Day ID# BY419018Q0 before walkthrough registration on August 6.

  • Complete or update your SRVUSD Volunteer Management System Status (new to Live Oak? Submit your online application to volunteer on campus, for field trips or for the 5th Grade camp; returning to Live Oak? Be sure your vehicle insurance and other items are current.

  • Complete the SRVUSD Annual Update. The SRVUSD Annual Update opened June 20 for the Dougherty Valley feeder schools, including Live Oak. Log into the Parent Portal to complete the Annual Update. For questions and information, visit the SRVUSD FAQ page.
Save the Date
Walkthrough Registration August 6
July 16, 9am
Live Oak Online Registration OPENS

July 29
Live Oak Office Reopens
August 6, 7:30-11am and 1-7pm 
Walk-Through Registration and School Pictures Taken

August 12, 8:05-8:20am
Donuts with Live Oak Staff - Come Meet Grade Level Teachers!
August 12, 12pm
Class Assignments Posted on SRVUSD Parent Portal

August 12, 11:30am
Staff Luncheon Hosted by Live Oak PTA

August 12, 7:45am
Staff Breakfast hosted by Live Oak PTA

August 13, 8-11:50am
First Day of School (minimum day for grades 1-5)
August 13, 8-9:30am
First Day - TK and Kinder

August 13, 8:45-9:15am
TK and Kinder Welcome Coffee/Tea (parents)
August 13, 5:30-6:30pm
Back to School Night (1st Grade)

August 13, 6:30-7:30pm
Back to School Night (TK & Kinder)

August 14, 5-5:30pm
Band Information Mtg (4th & 5th Grades) - MPR

August 14, 5:30-6:30pm
Back to School Night (4th & 5th Grades)

August 15, 5:30-6:30pm
Back to School Night (2nd & 3rd Grades)

August 15 2:30pm
Ice Cream Social

August 26
Minimum Day

September 2
No School - Labor Day

September 6, 6pm
Family Movie Night

October 13
SRVEF Run for Ed