Preparing for Sunday, August 20, 2023

Worship Sunday

9:30 a.m. Open Door Outdoors · Livestream

11 a.m. Sanctuary · Livestream

The church office is open Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Friday the office is closed

In Memoriam

Transferred to the Church Triumphant

Pat Meehan  · August 15, 2023

Hawaii Wildfire Relief through UMCOR

Perhaps with us, your hearts are breaking as we've seen the devastation that wildfires are bringing to Hawaii and especially on the island of Maui. Last week, we heard that our sisters and brothers at the Lahaina United Methodist Church have lost their beautiful historic place of worship. If you're wondering how you might help out, please remember that the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is already mobilizing a disaster response with the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church where the Hawaii District is located. When you give to UMCOR disaster relief, 100% of your donation goes directly to the disaster response. Please consider making a contribution online or by sending in your gift to St. Paul's and marking it for "UMCOR" as together we share life, healing, and hope in the face of tremendous loss.

September Evangel

Now Available

Find out what is happening at St. Paul's in September. Pick up a copy in church on Sunday or see it online.

We are near the end of our Challenge!

Mission Challenge 2023 Update

Help us reach our $25,000 goal for Improvements to Henri Dennis School. Mission Council created a 10-week challenge ending August 27. Please consider setting aside an amount of your choosing each week. An anonymous donor will match each donation. Please note MC2023 when making your donation. Donations can be made online or by check sent to St. Paul’s UMC, 620 Romeo Street, Rochester, MI 48307.

We hope you will prayerfully consider participating.

Many updates are needed to the Henri Dennis School campus including improvements to the library, science laboratory and computer laboratory.

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The Evangel
Online Services
A Word from the Pastor

Sunday Worship

9:30 a.m. Open Door Outdoors & Livestream

11 a.m. Sanctuary & Livestream

You Be You

We all have things we wish were different about ourselves: our bodies, our personalities, our abilities, our habits, our tendencies. And though there are plenty of parts of the Bible that call us to change or improve, it’s clear witness of Scripture that each of us is wonderful, loveable, and beloved, exactly as we are right now. That’s how God feels about you right now! Find us on Facebook at St. Paul's United Methodist Church-Rochester.

Rev. Dr. Gutierrez

Vesper Service Thursday

Thursday at 7 p.m. on Facebook

Unwind, relax, reflect, and connect with God.

Jesus, the Light of the World

Light is a universal symbol for goodness, justice, and peace. Jesus called himself the light of the world, but what did Jesus think that meant? Is the light of the world still relevant today? Tune into consider how the image of Jesus as light can encourage you today.

Vespers at

Rev. Rick Kress

Prayer List

The following prayer requests have been received by our church. Please contact the office at 248-651-9361 with your prayer requests.

Healing & Comfort

Josephine Beach, Valerie Crafts, Anna Pearcy, Don Johnson, Jan Alverson, Marilyn Huston, Rev. Dwayne Kelsey, Sharon Newhouse, Jane Deavers, Jerry Nemeth - friend of Otto & Monika Arentzen, Kathy Ludlow - daughter-in-law of Jeri Ludlow, Donna Heflin, Thom Parker


Habitat for Humanity Work Day

Saturday, September 9; 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

150 Osmun, Pontiac, MI 48342

Volunteers are needed for St. Paul’s Habitat Work Day. Register Here. If this is your first time volunteering with Habitat Oakland you will be directed to create a volunteer profile. Every volunteer must have a volunteer profile and must be over the age of 17. Remember to include any skills you may have that will help us place you at the appropriate tasks. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY however it helps to let us know. Contact Mike Becker at 248-770-1906 with questions.

Where You Belong

Fall '23 Kick-off

Sunday, September 10

Celebration 10:15 a.m. - 1 p.m. on North Lawn

9:30 a.m. Open Door in Hickey Hall

11 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary

To kick off fall we will take over the north lawn of St. Paul’s, from the Hickey Hall entrance to the Garden of Hope, for an outdoor celebration with food, music, bounce houses, lots of fun (of course) and a few other surprises.

Join us for worship before or after this very exciting celebration.

In case of inclement weather, the event will be held in Hickey Hall.

Women's LIFE

Signs and Wonders Take a fresh look at several of Jesus’ miracles and examine the role of caregivers, how we attend to nature, the importance of women’s bodies, taking death seriously and more! Discussions will center on Amplify videos shown in class; Books ($13) are optional.

Two Classes

Fridays, September 8 - October 13

9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Parlor or on Zoom

To order a book or find out more, contact Nancy Fidler at 248-933-1981.

Mondays, September 11 - October 16

7 - 9 p.m.; Hybrid: Room 128-129 or Zoom

To order a book or find out more, contact Rebecca Lawson at 248-568-6382.

Seeker’s Study

Mondays, beginning September 11

1 - 2:30 p.m. in the Parlor and on Zoom 

Everyone is invited to be part of St. Paul’s Seekers Study as we begin reading and discussing Truth Speaks to Power…The Countercultural Nature of Scripture. Author Walter Brueggemann will help us look at the interface between biblical faith and public policy and the way in which the Bible is concerned with questions of social justice and its mandate to social action. Books can be ordered from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Contact Rev. Judy May at 586-242-1555 with questions.

Handbell Choir Opening

Thursdays, beginning September 14

7:30 - 8:45 p.m. in the Bell Room 

Wesley Ringers have an opening to fill ASAP. If you are interested in joining us and have a music background, please contact Al Fisk at 248-252-4486. Highlights this year include playing with the Rochester Community Concert Band on December 12 and participating in a handbell festival in Clarkston in April. 

Are you interested in a New Study?

A Study of the Book of Romans

Sundays, beginning October 1; 10 a.m. in Room 128/129

Gerry Bryce will be leading an in-depth 32-week study of Romans, the Apostle Paul's letter written to the Christians living in Rome. See an detailed description of the class. If you are interested in this study, please contact Gerry Bryce at 248-520-1771.

Position Available

Receptionist/Administrative Support

We are seeking a part-time Receptionist/Administrative Support person to join the staff of St. Paul’s. Individual will be responsible for answering phones, greeting people, provide clerical support, manage database, and generate reports as requested. Applicant will have experience with MS Suite and database management. Excellent communication skills with a friendly demeanor and familiarity with the church. Confidentiality is a must and a strong faith. Please contact Rachel Henry for more information.

Scare Away Hunger 5K/Family Fun Run

Sunday, October 8; 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Help Neighborhood House "Scare Away Hunger" by participating in this one-of-a-kind fun run/walk! Proceeds from this event will help our neighbors with food insecurities and during times of hardship. Whether you are a casual walker or a running enthusiast, join us in helping in Neighborhood House's vision of a community of neighbors helping neighbors on the path of self-sustainability. Register 

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Contact your pastors:

Rev. Elbert Dulworth -

Rev. Dr. April Gutierrez

Rev. Judy May - 

Rev. Rick Kress -


Church Office               248-651-9361 


Dr. Timothy R. Hickey  Pastor Emeritus