Meals on Wheels
Beach Cities Health District (BCHD) has approved an additional
$25,000 grant to the Salvation Army Redondo Beach Corps' Meals on Wheels program
, which has seen a surge in requests from older adults since the COVID-19 outbreak.This program allows our most vulnerable populations to remain safely at home.
This money is in addition to a $55,000 non-profit grant the program already receives from BCHD.
Donate Today!
Similar to our successful Holiday Gift Bag program, we are opening up the opportunity to the community to donate to the Beach Cities COVID-19 Fund.
Donations will provide assistance to vulnerable groups (older adults and adults with underlying health conditions) who are income qualified, with essentials like groceries and household and cleaning supplies in the Beach Cities.
Tips To Help Those In Need During COVID-19 Emergency
Here are ways residents can support at-risk older adults in their area:
- Keeping a positive attitude as much as possible
- Taking out and picking up trash cans
- Shopping or running errands
- Bringing meals or scheduling meal delivery
- Picking up prescriptions or over the counter supplies
- Walking the dog(s)
- Moving the car for parking purposes
- Dropping off or picking up letters or packages at the post office
- Sending a care package
- Bringing the mail or newspaper to the front porch
- Calling or texting to let them know you are thinking about them. If they are willing, commit to calling each other a couple of times a week to check in and stay connected.
When helping neighbors, such as dropping off groceries and supplies, good Samaritans should follow these best practices for the safety of yourself and our community:
- Ring the doorbell or knock on the door
- Place items on the doorstep
- Step six feet away from the door
- Wait for the neighbor to open the door
- Wave, say hello and ask them how they’re doing!
- If they express needing additional help, you may suggest they call the BCHD Assistance, Information & Referrals line at 310-374-3426, ext. 256 (7 days a week, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
- After you leave, wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
Assistance for Older Adults & Adults with Disabilities
During this time of heightened health concern, BCHD is available to offer help and support. Please contact us if you or someone you know is in need of errand assistance in the Beach Cities.
Assistance, Health-Related Information & Referrals
If you have questions or concerns or are interested in health referrals, please reach out to our information and referral line, 7 days a week, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
For assistance, health-related information and referrals, please contact us at:
Feed Your Well-Being
Blue Zones Project® helps local eateries optimize their establishments for health.
Find out which Blue Zones Project Approved™ Restaurants and Grocery Stores have
take out, curbside pick-up or delivery
Looking to Stay Active & Healthy From the Comfort of Your Home?
Keep up with our interactive fitness videos!
Health Update:
On March 19, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health issued a Safer at Home order to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
The order further restricts and limits gatherings and requires the closure of malls, shopping centers, children's playgrounds and nonessential retail businesses. Essential businesses like grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals and pharmacies are open.
Later that evening, Governor Gavin Newsom also announced a Stay at Home order for the state of California:
All individuals living in the State of California are to stay home or at their place of residence,
except as needed to maintain continuity of operation of the
federal critical infrastructure sectors
, critical government services, schools, childcare, and construction, including housing construction.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health issued an enhanced Health Officer Order on March 21 to reconcile elements in the March 19 Health Officer Order necessary to be consistent with the Governor’s Order.
The enhanced Order prohibits all gatherings and events
, and clarifies that golf courses and personal grooming services (including hair and nail salons) are non-essential services that are closed.
If you are mildly sick:
- Stay home for at least seven days or until 72 hours after being fever free, whichever is longer
- Call your doctor if you are concerned and/or your symptoms worsen
- Individuals who are elderly, have underlying health conditions or pregnant should consider contacting their providers earlier when they are sick
Sign up for the Alert South Bay and Warning Notification System
The cities of Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach, along with 10 other South Bay cities, have established a mass notification system as part of an integrated regional platform.
The Alert South Bay emergency notification system gives the South Bay Police, Fire, Emergency Management, and specific contract cities the ability to deliver critical notifications to its employees and surrounding community.
Use one of these methods to sign up for alerts:
- Register online here
- Download the Everbridge App
- Text "ALERTSB" to "888777" to obtain a link to the Alert South Bay public portal and sign up to receive these alerts
Apply for a BCHD Non-profit or Micro-enrichment Grant
We’ve extended the deadline for our non-profit agency grants to April 30 and also have micro-enrichment grants available. Learn more and apply at
Apply to Join One of Our Board-appointed Committees
Applications are now available for our strategic planning, finance and community health committees. High school students welcome to apply. Deadline is noon on May 4. Learn more at
For more information about COVID-19 visit:
Beach Cities Health District
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
World Health Organization