Puffy Face 2022: Thursday, March 24
Well, I pushed it yesterday. I woke up with the right side of my face, the side of my bone graft surgery, noticeably swollen. I reluctantly decided to stay in and rest while Wanda took our guests out and about. I had another dentist appointment at 5 pm. This was mainly a checkup.
Wanda played tour guide and they found a few more hidden neighborhoods. She returned in time to hop on the bus with me to the dentist office. So far I have had three different dentists and one technician at Dentoamerica. One dentist specializes in surgery. Another one does crowns. The third one did my root canal. Lastly, the technician worked up my futuristic 3D 360° MRI-like mouth and jaw picture.
Today, I saw the crown lady. She is so tiny and young looking it is hard to visualize her as a dentist. I keep wanting to ask if she has graduated from high school yet. But she is all business and professional. She immediately saw my puffy face and told me to take it easy in the next few days. I was chastised.
All we did the rest of the evening was to take a short golf cart trip to Oxxo for water, bananas, and Modelo Negra. I was feeling good even with my puffy right side.
Rockin’ the Rocky Streets 2022: Friday, March 25
Touring Bucerias by golf cart turns even the most routine and mundane errands into an adventure. Our first adventure was breakfast. We went to Panino's. Donna and John were introduced to huevos rancheros. Panino's conjures up amazing rancheros. Wanda ordered an omelet which is mushy enough to share with me. We all enjoyed Panino’s skillet sorcery.
Next came shopping at Chedraui, way across town. Chedraui, Mega, Walmart, and La Comer are the big box stores in our area. Chedraui is the only one accessible with the cart, and getting there is half the fun. Returning home with our booty is the other half of the fun. This requires a fair amount of driving on sidewalks, on the dry riverbed, and up and down steep badly pot-holed streets (Bucerias has some of the worst street infrustructure in Mexico). If that doesn't sound like fun, I don't know what does.