August 28, 2020
Dear Dosberg Manor Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties,
I hope you are all enjoying the last few weeks of summer! We’re keeping busy as usual at Dosberg Manor, making sure all residents are happy, healthy and safe. I am happy to report that we continue to have zero COVID-19 cases among residents and staff in our community. We look forward to hosting more reunions on campus! We are doing everything we can to ensure this continues, including our commitment to the following precautions:
  • Employees are screened daily and tested weekly.
  • Every staff member wears a mask.
  • We follow frequent hand washing and social distancing practices.
  • We follow Sodexo’s seven-step cleaning program using hospital-grade disinfectants approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • We have also been using a Solaris UV Disinfection machine, a cutting-edge technology used in many acute care hospitals and healthcare settings to prevent the spread of illnesses, helping to eliminate coronavirus and other germs from surfaces in seconds with proven pulsed UV light.
We deeply appreciate everyone's understanding and compliance with Department of Health (DOH) visitation rules. Haven’t stopped by for a visit yet? Follow the links below to schedule time with a loved one!
Visitation Reminders
To schedule your visit, please complete our online pre-appointment questionnaire required by the DOH each time you would like to visit. Once you submit the questionnaire, a staff member will call you to schedule your visit. Visiting hours by appointment are Monday - Friday, 10 am - noon and 1:30 - 3:30 pm. The visiting area is cleaned between visits and we thank you for following visitor protocols.  
Pictured above - another joyful reunion on campus!

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Hope to see you soon!
Dana Notaro
Administrator, Dosberg Manor & Garden House

(716) 639-3311 ext. 2507
Weinberg Campus |