February 19, 2021

Dear Dosberg Manor Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties,

Dosberg Manor residents kicked off the week with a Valentine's Day social on Monday, and a Mardi Gras celebration on Tuesday. Many enjoyed making masks, wearing beads, and eating delicious baked goods from the treat cart, courtesy of Paula's Donuts! The rest of the week was filled with virtual exercise classes, Bingo, classic movies and individual activities.
COVID-19 Information
Vaccine Update
If your loved received the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, they have an opportunity to receive the second dose on February 25 from CVS Health, right here on campus. We are pleased to report that so far, 92% of our residents have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Ongoing Safety Precautions
We continue to adhere to the following safety precautions to protect and care for residents and staff on campus.
  • Per Department of Health (DOH) recommendations, please do not take residents out of Dosberg Manor except for medically necessary appointments.
  • Care for residents with COVID-19 is provided within one unit to prevent the potential spread. We continue to work closely with the DOH to follow the latest recommendations and requirements.
  • Our facility uses a comprehensive, science-based 7-step disinfection program that includes a pulsed UV disinfection system proven to eliminate pathogens from surfaces in seconds. This technology is also used in many hospitals.
  • To ensure everyone’s safety, we continue to follow the DOH requirements in utilizing personal protective equipment such as face masks, eye protection, gowns, and gloves. 

At this time, we have zero positive cases of COVID-19. To schedule your in-person visit:

  • Click this link: https://calendly.com/weinbergcampus/dosbergvisits 
  • Select an appointment time from the available options.
  • Follow the prompts, and you will be automatically directed to the pre-appointment questionnaire. For each visit, the DOH requires you to complete a new questionnaire.

Skype & Window Visits
Virtual and window visits can be scheduled by contacting Alyssa Fitzgerald at afitzgerald@weinbergcampus.org, (716) 639-3311 ext. 2458.

Want Additional Updates?
Please contact Dana Zientara, case manager for Dosberg Manor, at dzientara@weinbergcampus.org, (716) 639-3311 ext. 2505.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Dana Notaro
Administrator, Dosberg Manor & Garden House

(716) 639-3311 ext. 2507
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