What's New?
Happy first week of June! Pictured above we have Dosberg Manor residents enjoying their first outdoor exercise class in months. We started bringing our exercise instructors back this week - one exercise class was held, and Sarah held a women's wellness group. Everyone enjoyed spending time in the fresh air!

We are beginning to hold our dining room lunch rotation three days a week starting June 8. We will continue to explore ways to expand this.

Many of you have inquired about residents having access to the gift shop, theater, and beauty parlor. We are currently exploring ways to offer limited hours in each and will share updates on this soon.
Information for Visitors
Weekend visitation will be held on Saturday, June 12 and Sunday, June 20 from 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Please sign up with Alyssa Fitzgerald if you'd like to visit on one of these days: afitzgerald@weinbergcampus.org

Please note that visitors must go directly to their loved one's rooms and cannot stop at offices or other common areas at this time. Thank you for understanding.

Please Note: If you visit a loved one in a different facility (i.e. Forest Creek, Meadows, etc.) and then want to visit a loved one in Dosberg Manor, please go back to the reception desk to be screened and submit information about your loved one before visiting them at Dosberg. This will ensure we have all screening information for all individual visits in our records.

Visit the family web page for the latest information for visitors - password is weinberg321: https://www.weinbergcampus.org/portal-family/

Please feel free to reach out to me personally with any questions or concerns.
Dana Notaro
Administrator, Dosberg Manor & Garden House
(716) 639-3311 ext. 2507
Weinberg Campus | weinbergcampus.org