October 16, 2020
Dear Dosberg Manor Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties,

We are writing to share that we have reported one positive case of COVID-19 in a staff member within our facility. In compliance with the Department of Health (DOH) regulations, we are required to suspend restricted visitation at this time. The next potential date for restricted visitation is Monday, November 2, pending we have no new cases for the next 14 consecutive days. You can check the family web page for daily updates at the following link: https://www.weinbergcampus.org/News-Events/Family-Login.aspx

  • User name: family
  • Password: weinberg321

If you have scheduled a visit with a loved one within the next 14 days, our office will contact you to reschedule. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to keep your loved ones and our staff safe and healthy -- we continue to screen employees daily, test employees weekly for COVID-19, wear face masks, and use advanced cleaning and disinfecting practices in resident areas.

Skype or window visits can still be scheduled by contacting Alyssa Fitzgerald at [email protected], ext.2458.

If you would like to receive more updates on your loved one, please contact Dana Zientara, case manager for Dosberg Manor, at [email protected], ext. 2505.

Group Activities a Success
Last week we mentioned that we would be testing out small socially distanced group activities by unit, led by residents sharing their passions with others. We’re happy to share that this has gone smoothly so far! Residents are enjoying one another’s company, while engaging in a selection of creative activities catered to everyone’s interests. Check out some snapshots below!
Upcoming Halloween Festivities
We will be hosting some Halloween activities for residents in the coming weeks. If you'd like to drop off a simple costume for your loved one to wear throughout the festivities, please feel free to bring it to the front desk!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Dosberg Manor Activities Director, Alyssa Fitzgerald, at [email protected], ext.2458.

Veterans Day
In preparation for celebrating Veterans day next month, we'd like to know who among our residents is a veteran. If your loved one is a veteran, please reach out to Alyssa Fitzgerald at [email protected], with the following information:

  • Name of resident
  • Branch of service
  • Years of service (i.e. 1942-1948)
  • A photo of your loved one in the service

Thank you in advance for helping us to properly celebrate our veterans on campus!

Testimonial Request
When someone takes the time to recount a positive experience, it speaks volumes. Have you had a positive experience that you'd be willing to share with others? If you would be willing to recount your experience with us, please complete the following survey at your convenience. Thank you!

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Hope to see you soon!
Dana Notaro
Administrator, Dosberg Manor & Garden House

(716) 639-3311 ext. 2507
Weinberg Campus | WeinbergCampus.org