Ms. Sophia Bekele with H.E.Uhuru Kenyatta
Ms. Sophia Bekele, CEO DCA Registry Services with H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta
the new President 
of Kenya, 
Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta


 PR Log:


Nairobi, Kenya, March 14, 2013: DotConnectAfrica Trust (DCA Trust), and its affiliate DCA Registry Services (Kenya) Ltd. is pleased to extend a very warm congratulations to the president-elect of the Republic of Kenya, His Excellency, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta and His Deputy, H.E. Mr. William Ruto. 

The Kenyatta name is deeply rooted in the history of the independence struggle of Kenya as a sovereign nation.

DCA Registry Services (Kenya) Ltd have observed that the recent successful elections were generally acknowledged to be free and fair, and conducted in a peaceful manner, and the results of the recent national elections will pave the way forward for Kenya towards a new era of peace, national reconciliation, political stability and economic development.

Kenya is a key strategic country for the development of Internet in Africa. Kenya is also home to many innovative flagship projects like M-PESA and the 'SiliconSavannah' Konza Techno-City project that is set to change the technology paradigms in Africa. Political stability will create the necessary conditions that would attract further ICT investments in Kenya. 

As an investor, DCA Registry Services Ltd. believes that the creation of national economic growth prospects and jobs remains a priority for our organization and we will continue to work with the incoming government of President Uhuru Kenyatta to unlock the unparalleled potential of the technology market in Kenya. 

We look forward to a close cooperation with the Government of Kenya and other institutions and civic society in Kenya, so as to further strengthen Internet and business development especially recognizing the position of Kenya in the East African Region and Africa at Large as a growing ICT Hub that has attracted large organizations to jointly develop new innovations and address emerging technology challenges. 

We wish Kenya a peaceful development and a continued sustainable business environment that is conducive to beneficial foreign direct investments (FDI) and national economic growth opportunities.

Press Release:

DCA Registry Services Ltd. 

DCA Registry Services (Kenya) Ltd is an affiliate of DotConnectAfrica Trust (DCA Trust) based in Kenya. DCA has partnered with Safaricom and Fincom Technologies in Kenya and CentralNic, a UK based world's pioneering domain registry to deliver superior domain registry services that are based on the latest Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP), and supported with RGP, DNSSEC.  There is a Launch Phase extension for Sunrise and Land Rush periods. Other key registry technologies include Thick Whois, IPv6 Compatibility, and IDN Support.

The registry services run on a redundant back end with an embedded Mobile Device compliant system. Security and Stability is also enabled with a Shared Registry System (SRS) for ease of use by registrars and other .africa appointed resellers.
Press Contact: Thomas Kamanzi, Newsletter Editor [email protected]
DCARegistry Services Ltd: