DotConnectAfrica Update:  
Status on our .Africa gTLD application
and current Engagement with the
Independent Review Panel (IRP)

Press Release
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August 18, 2014 Port-Louis, Mauritius, The Panel deciding DotConnectAfrica Trust's IRP request has issued a ruling accepting DotConnectAfrica's position on the procedural framework of the IRP proceedings. The Panel has ruled that its determination is binding on ICANN.   

Panel's decision transmitted through the International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), among other things declares that based on the foregoing and the language and content of the IRP Procedure, the Panel is of the view that it has the power to interpret and determine the IRP Procedure as it relates to the future conduct of these proceedings.


Based on the language and content of the IRP procedure, on 14 August 2014, the Panel issued the following procedural directions:  The Panel:  

I.    Orders a reasonable documentary exchange in these proceedings with a view to maintaining efficacy and economy, and invites the Parties to agree by or before 29 August 2014, on a form, method and schedule of exchange of documents between them;

  Permits the Parties to benefit from additional filings and supplemental briefing going forward and invites the Parties to agree on a reasonable exchange timetable going forward; 
III.   Allows a video hearing as per the agreement of the Parties, but reserves its decision to order an in-person hearing and live testimony pending a further examination of the representations that will be proffered by each side, including the filing of any additional evidence which this Decision permits; and

   Permits both Parties at the hearing to challenge and test the veracity of statements made by witnesses.


The panel also concludes that this Declaration and its future Declaration on the Merits of this case are binding on the Parties. 

The Declaration on the IRP Procedure has Thirty Three (33) Pages and can be accessed here


On 12 May 2014, the Independent Review Panel has granted an Interim Relief for DotConnectAfrica by issuing a decision that ICANN should hold off from further processing of ZA Central Registry's (ZACR) application for the .AFRICA top-level domain (TLD) for the time being. 


The interim relief was granted after DCA Trust submitted an Amended Notice of Independent Review Process ("IRP") on Jan. 10, 2014, to the International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR).  DCA Trust sent its first Notice of IRP to ICANN on October 2013 as a process towards resolving of the dispute between ICANN and DCA Trust over ICANN discriminatory Board decisions and actions taken with regard to DCA Trust's application for the .africa new gTLD.


The IRP is an accountability review process set out in the ICANN Bylaws. More about the ICANN's accountability review processes work, is posted here.  The DCA Trust/ ICANN IRP is ongoing, and documents related to the IRP are available here Independent Review Process DCA Vs. ICANN 


Press Release:

About DotConnectAfrica 
DotConnectAfrica Trust is an independent, non-profit and non-partisan organization that is based in Port Louis, Mauritius (Reg.ID CT8710DCA90) with its registry operations located in Nairobi, Kenya. Its main charitable objects are: (a) for the advancement of education in information technology to the African society; and (b) in connection with (a) to provide the African society with a continental Internet domain name to have access to Internet services for the people of Africa as a purpose beneficial to the public in general. 
DotConnectAfrica through its affiliate DCA Registry Services Ltd.intends to channel surplus resources gained from the .Africa registry operation to sponsor foundations that will cater to various charitable projects including the already launched and, as well as capacity building for African ccTLDs, with the general objective of improving the African Internet and business landscape.
Press Contact: Thomas Kamanzi, Newsletter Editor [email protected]
DCARegistry Services Ltd: