January 2019 Newsletter
Doug Dennis Ministries
In the Picture above I'm at the mountain Indian tribes having my monthly bible school
Doug Dennis Ministries January 2019

Dear friend,
         Happy New Year!  I want to start off by saying “thank you” to all that help the ministry with prayers and support. We greatly appreciate it.  It is because of your prayers and finances that we are able to accomplish all that we do in Venezuela and Colombia.  2018 was a very fruitful year.  Many people were saved and many rededicated their lives to Jesus. We had evangelistic services where I would preach the Word of God and then feed the people.  I added on two new radio stations to preach on so now I am on six radio stations.  The Bible School is going very well.  My goal is to train up Indian leaders and pastors for each of the 40 churches we started in the mountain tribes. I feel it is very important to continue to minister and disciple the new Christians.  Last year we continued to seek out and go to mountain tribes in Venezuela and Colombia that have never heard the gospel.
            I am sending out the Indian teams to the mountain Indian tribes to preach and disciple the first week of January I will send one team to the mountain tribes with the generator and projector.  They show my preaching videos, The Passion movie, and other Christian movies. (These tribes of course do not have electricity, so this is something new- a real “crowd drawer!”😊) At the tribes where they already have an established Indian pastor my leaders encourage everyone’s faith by preaching. My teams go to the tribes where they don’t have a pastor so that they can help disciple the Christians to grow in their new-found faith. My goal is to raise up a pastor for each of these tribes who don’t have spiritual leaders.
          My main Indian leader, Venancio, along with preaching at the far away tribes, has been working the chainsaw at those tribes in the day time by helping to re-build the older church structures. (We have a list of tribes that need their church structures replaced, and a list of tribes that need a church building.) I am sending Venancio with the job of preaching and working with the chainsaw. 
          I will be looking forward to having my Bible School with the Indians this month. The Indian leaders will come down from their mountain tribe and stay at the Bible school for 5 days. Right now I have it set for the 24th of January.  For this month’s Bible School, we will start Kenneth Hagin’s book Plans, Purposes and Pursuits.I usually preach throughout the day, and when I’m not preaching my main leader, Venancio, is explaining to everyone in their language the book that we’re study. We don’t hurry. If the book takes 4 months that’s fine. I want them to understand the teachings. The Indians ask questions and they talk about what is being said. They not only learn but they enjoy their time, fellowshipping and building each other up. 
          There is a testimony from Venancio that I would like to share with you.   I had sent the teams out to preach and one of the teams I sent to Colombia. About 15 hours on the preaching trip one of the leaders, Melecio, felt ill. He thought he had malaria, therefore Venancio decided to go back with Melecio to the nearest place where they could get medication.   They planned then to meet back up with the group once Melecio had the malaria medicine and felt better. 
          After taking the malaria medicine, Melecio felt better and they started their trek to catch up with the team that was in Colombia. They rested at the Tamero tribe for a day, and when they were about ready to head out, Venancio said that he had a burden to pray. He told Melecio that he was going to go pray in an isolated place and then he would be back. Venancio said that something didn’t seem right and he wanted to seek God’s direction. While praying Venancio had a vision.  In the vision he saw a demon attacking a flock of sheep. He realized it meant that there was a spirit of death and it was attacking God’s flock. After praying Venancio and Melecio decided to head out. They left to catch up with the group that was in Colombia but Venancio felt led to take the long way. (There are 2 paths to get there.) 
          While hiking they arrived at a hut along the pathway.  At the hut there was an Indian lady who had a very worried expression on her face. She replied that her son who was a few years old was extremely sick. He was very pale and malnourished. She said that her 8-year-old son died with the same symptoms a month before. Venancio remembered the vision and therefore rebuked the spirit of sickness that was attacking this baby. They then hiked another few hours and they arrived at an Indian tribe. At this tribe there was a man named Francisco who had a son with the same symptoms as the lady’s son. Therefore, Venancio prayed for this boy too and rebuked the spirit of death. 
           They stayed and preached at this tribe a few days. To Venancio’s surprise, the lady who lived along the pathway and whose son was dying, showed up at the tribe. She was very happy. She said that she walked all that way to give glory to God and to tell Venancio that after his prayer her son who wasn’t eating, all of a sudden became hungry started to eat and he felt healed. (He had been sick for a few months.) Then Fransisco’s son also started to eat and he also felt better. So praise God- they both thought that their children were going to die and both testified that their children were healed!
             I wanted to say a special thank you to all the boys and girls in the children’s church at World Outreach Church of Tulsa who raised money to donate $500 to build churches in the mountain Indian tribes. Your money will be used for metal roofing and other supplies to build the churches. Thank you boys and girls!
          Well, thank you again for all your prayers and support. God bless you.
                                                                                                              In His Service,

  Doug, Veronica, James & Ana

In the Picture Below Venancio is Using the Chainsaw to Make the Indian Churches in the Mountains
Giving to the ministry

I wanted to remind everyone that giving online is easy. If you would rather give online you can give through either PayPal (not tax-deductible) or to the ministry through Rhema bible Church (is tax deductible) 

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