Downeast Medal Finals

September 2020
Downeast Medal Finals
September 16-19, 2021
Visit our website for more information about Downeast. We welcome all feedback and suggestions: please email Ginger at [email protected]

Hello everyone,

2020 has been such a challenging year for all of us. This month is especially difficult for the DMF family, as we should have all been getting together in just a few short weeks. I hope that the pictures and videos that we are sharing on Facebook and Instagram are bringing back pleasant memories, as well as the pictures and video here in this newsletter.

Thank you to everyone, exhibitors, sponsors and trainers for your support over the years. We will see you all in 2021, in the meantime please be well and safe. Most of all, be sure to appreciate what you have today... your friends, family and of course those wonderful horses that share our lives and bring us all together!

Ginger, Scott, Kate, Katie, & Barb
Become a Downeast Medal Finals Sponsor:
All levels accepted and appreciated! 
Visit for more information.
For more information or to become a sponsor, please email Ginger at [email protected].

Thank you to Spotted Vision Photography and Riitta Fortier for providing us with many wonderful photographs from the Downeast Medal Finals.
Bernard Klingenstein/Euclide Albert Memorial
The Cash Family
Lucky Clover Stables (207-651-1881)
Maggie Mae Memorial
My Horse Heroes Memorial
Peter N. Thompson Memorial
SeaHorse Stables
Seery Hill