News and Events in Lower Manhattan
Volume 6,
26, June 30, 2020
"This is a smart thing to do. We have taken our three states to hell and back."
- New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on why New Jersey, New York and Connecticut have created a joint travel advisory that mandates quarantine for visitors who have recently been in states where Covid-19 is raging
WEATHER INFORMATION: For current weather information,
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COVID-19 CASES IN NEW YORK CITY: As of June 29 at 12:40 a.m.
1,727,347 tested * 211,569 confirmed cases * 22,470 deaths
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MASTHEAD PHOTO: On June 28, 2020, a group on Classic Harbor Line's schooner Adirondack celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first Gay Pride parade with a cruise on the Hudson River.
(Photo: © Terese Loeb Kreuzer 2020)
Since I've been publishing Downtown Post NYC for six-and-a-half years, I can tell you with authority that the two topics that most interest DPNYC readers are real estate and food.
With that in mind, I'm devoting much of this issue of DPNYC to food. Here's some news. New York City's restaurants were scheduled to join others in the state on July 6 with socially distanced indoor dining in addition to the socially distanced outdoor dining that's already allowed. However, both Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo are having second thoughts about this. Both of them cite the surge in Covid-19 cases that have overwhelmed the medical care systems in 22 other states, causing many of their governors to dial back on reopening and to mandate mask-wearing, which many of these lawmakers had previously scorned.
New York State has been prudent in its phased and regionally tailored reopening, however, as Gov. Cuomo points out, New York is a magnet. Many people come here from elsewhere, bringing their germs with them as well as their dollars. Also, New Yorkers tend to be rambunctious. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. For instance, an article called "Indoor Dining May Not Return to NYC Next Week," (published on June 29, 2020), notes that there have been 311 complaints about social distancing in recent weeks "as local revelers have flocked to bars and restaurants in popular neighborhoods across the city, often without masks. Roughly 2,500 social distancing complaints were registered during the weekends beginning June 11 and June 18 according to city data analyzed by the New York Post. The bulk of these violations occurred in Manhattan with the most violations in the West Village, Upper East Side and Soho neighborhoods."
Gov. Cuomo has the final say on whether New York City restaurants will be allowed to offer indoor dining on July 6 as previously scheduled. Cuomo said he would let us know on Wednesday, July 1. Cuomo said that indoor dining may still not be safe due to social distancing violations and a lack of local enforcement.
As an interesting corollary to the restaurant-reopening issue, an article published by CNBC said that higher restaurant spending in a state predicted a rise in new infections three weeks later. ("This chart shows the link between restaurant spending and new cases of coronavirus," CNBC, June 26, 2020) This conclusion was based on an analysis of data from 30 million JPMorgan Chase credit and debit cardholders and from Johns Hopkins University's case tracker. Restaurant spending was the strongest predictor of Covid-19 surges across all categories of card spending.
As interesting as this is, there are many New Yorkers who would find this information irrelevant. On May 21, 2020, NPR reported that "In New York City, 2 Million Residents Face Food Insecurity, Officials Say." The article states that "The number of people going hungry in the five boroughs has risen sharply during the Covid-19 pandemic....Roughly one in four New Yorkers faces food insecurity."
Many of these New Yorkers live in city's poorest neighborhoods, which are also the neighborhoods that have had the highest rates of Covid-19 infections. An article entitled "Coronavirus pandemic deepens New York's Hunger Crisis" (The Intercept, June 16, 2020) describes the situation in detail.
People are lining up at food pantries and waiting in line for hours, hoping to get some food. There are descriptions in the article of lines going around the block. Some of the people in those lines are elderly, with underlying medical conditions, and shouldn't be there but feel they have no choice. Some people, trying to feed a family, had no savings and were living paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic that cost them their jobs.
Despite a budget crisis, New York City is doing what it can to help by opening schools to supply free grab-and-go meals for all New Yorkers in need, at least through the summer. That program is described in this issue of Downtown Post NYC. Also, there are private organizations addressing the hunger crisis such as City Harvest, which "rescues" unsold food from grocery stores and restaurants and redistributes it to food pantries and other social service organizations, and Citymeals-on-Wheels, which delivers meals to homebound seniors.
Because of increased need, these organizations have had to expand their operations throughout the city. They depend on volunteers to make this possible. They also, if you can and are so inclined, depend on donations.
Terese Loeb Kreuzer
Downtown Post NYC's website ( is updated daily. That's the place to check for urgent messages, breaking news and reminders of interesting events in and around Lower Manhattan. So be sure to look at the website every day, especially if you want to know about breaking news.
Downtown Post NYC on Facebook: On its Facebook page, Downtown Post NYC has been providing information about the time of Governor Andrew Cuomo's daily press briefings and how to access them. DPNYC has also been highlighting some of Gov. Cuomo's announcements concerning COVID-19 statistics, reopening of various parts of the state for business and executive orders. Go to Downtown Post NYC's Facebook page by
clicking here.
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On June 24, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont announced that anyone traveling from states with significant community spread of COVID-19 must self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut. The edict was effective at midnight on June 24. (Kevin P. Coughlin / Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo)
Over a 111-day period, New Yorkers, as Gov. Andrew Cuomo likes to say, "climbed a mountain." That's how long it took for New York State to go from being the most Covid-19 infected state in the country to one of the least infected. This happened not because of government edict, as Cuomo also likes to say, but because New Yorkers heeded admonitions to observe social distancing, shelter-in-place, mask wearing, hand washing and hand sanitizing.
Meanwhile, an increasingly long list of other states are faltering under a tsunami of Covid-19 infections.
In an effort at self-protection, Cuomo and the governors of New Jersey (Phil Murphy) and Connecticut (Ned Lamont) announced a travel advisory effective at midnight on June 24. It said that anyone traveling into these states from states with 10 or more positive Covid-19 tests per 100,000 residents or a state where 10% of those tested came back with a positive diagnosis must self-quarantine for 14 days. Anyone found breaking that quarantine is subject to a mandatory quarantine and a fine of $2,000 for a first offense with escalating fines for additional offenses.
As of June 24, the states to which this advisory applies are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, Utah and Texas. Based on new data, it's probable that the states of California, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada and Tennessee will join that list, representing nearly half the country's population.
The three states in the travel advisory pact are using uniform parameters and messaging on highways, airports, websites and social media to get the word out. They are also asking hotels to communicate the 14-day quarantine to guests who have traveled from one of the impacted states. Cuomo said that New York State will be checking flight logs and randomly checking in with people who come from high-Covid states.
Gov. Murphy said of the quarantine, "This is a smart thing to do. We have taken our three states to hell and back." All of the governors said that they did not want to see a relapse.
The quarantine does not just apply to out-of-state travelers. Tri-state residents who visit any of the affected states and then return home will have to self-quarantine for 14 days after their return. The reason for this has become abundantly clear.
As of June 26, Cuomo had happily announced that New York State had the lowest seven-day average infection rate of any big state in the country. The three day average of deaths in New York State was 16 he said - "the lowest three-day average of deaths since this began."
But June 27 brought bad news. On June 20, someone who had recently traveled to Florida attended a drive-in graduation ceremony for Horace Greeley High School in Westchester County. That person subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. Since then, four more people who had contact with this person at the graduation ceremony tested positive.
In addition, the Covid-19 infected student participated in a non-school event that was attended by Horace Greeley juniors and seniors and by students from surrounding school districts. Events associated with the graduation stretched on in various ways into June 21.
The New York State Department of Health and the Westchester County Health Department are working with officials from Horace Greeley to identify everyone who attended the graduation ceremony and any subsequent gatherings. All of these people should get tested for Covid-19.
One person. That was all it took to infect many others, who in turn potentially spread the infection within their families and the community.
"If we're going to maintain the progress we've seen, we need everyone to take personal responsibility," Cuomo said.
- Terese Loeb Kreuzer
Bits & Bytes
A still from the film 'I ♥ NY' about Milton Glaser, who designed the famous logo and who died on June 26, 2020 - his 91st birthday. |
Milton Glaser, who designed the 'I ♥ NY' Logo, died on June 26, 2020 - his 91st birthday. His death was reported in The New York Times, among many other places. That article, published on June 27, began as follows:
Milton Glaser, a graphic designer who changed the vocabulary of American visual culture in the 1960s and '70s with his brightly colored, extroverted posters, magazines, book covers and record sleeves, notably his 1967 poster of Bob Dylan with psychedelic hair and his "I ♥ NY" logo, died on Friday, his 91st birthday, in Manhattan.
His wife and only immediate survivor, Shirley Glaser, said the cause was a stroke. He also had renal failure.
Mr. Glaser brought wit, whimsy, narrative and skilled drawing to commercial art at a time when advertising was dominated by the severe strictures of modernism on one hand and the cozy realism of magazines like The Saturday Evening Post on the other.
At Push Pin Studios, which he and several former Cooper Union classmates formed in 1954, he opened up design to myriad influences and styles that began to grab the attention of magazines and advertising agencies, largely through the studio's influential promotional publication, the Push Pin Almanack (later renamed Push Pin Monthly Graphic).
Mr. Glaser was also the subject of a short film that was shown two years ago at the Tribeca Film Festival. The film was reviewed in Downtown Post NYC. This is the review:
I Heart New York: Someone (unseen and unknown) must have posed a question: "What's your first memory of New York?" and "Where did you grow up?" Apparently, we are in the midst of a conversation.
This short film begins with a glimpse of Manhattan, looking down on it from the north accompanied by the sound of a train rumbling along the subway tracks and then by an old man's voice answering the questions that we didn't hear: "My first memory of New York - I grew up in the Bronx. The neighborhood was full of immigrants from Europe fleeing Nazis and fleeing the Holocaust. They came here with the sense that this was a land of opportunity, that you could lead a full life and you could raise your children better."
The old man is not identified. In fact, his face is not even shown until almost the end of the film, but he quickly lets us know that he loves New York. "It's a city that ultimately cannot be anticipated," he says. And then he remembers the time around 40 years ago when the city was on the verge of bankruptcy and in despair and he was asked to come up with a logo to increase tourism and boost morale. In the back of a taxi cab, he made a sketch on a piece of paper: A heart symbol preceded by the word "I" and followed by "New York."
The designer thought his little idea might have a life span of a couple of weeks. Instead, it became an icon. "Once it started, it just spread all over the world," he says. "It worked because it was a real expression of people's feelings."
Finally, we see the man's face. It is Milton Glaser, designer not only of the "I Heart NY" logo but of the psychedelic Bob Dylan poster that has sold millions of copies and of hundreds of other posters - Glaser, the co-founder of New York Magazine. Glaser - whose work is in museums all over the world and on items such as T-shirts and coffee cups that people use in their daily lives.
The "I Heart NY" film was masterfully directed by Andre Andreev, who is based in New York City but who, like Glaser, is an immigrant. Andreev came from Bulgaria, where his mother managed a movie theater and his father worked as a graphic designer. This background must have helped give Andreev the chops to create this film about the master designer, Glaser. The film is short but it's a gem.
Downtown Post NYC's review of the Milton Glaser film was part of an article called "Some New York Stories." For the complete article, click here.
"How the Floyd Protests Turned Into a 24-Hour 'Occupy City Hall' in N.Y.,"
New York Times, 6/28/2020. "It started on Tuesday night when about 100 protesters began occupying City Hall Park in Lower Manhattan - with some spending the night - in an effort to draw more focus to their demand for deep budget cuts to the Police Department," The New York Times reports. "In a matter of days, a movement took root. What started on a patch of lawn and a few square feet has now taken over most of the park and drawn extensive attention across social media, with 'Occupy City Hall' as the group's rallying cry. Volunteers have flocked to the park, dropping off food, coffee and supplies to build a kind of campground. So far, the police have not broken up the gathering, which has taken some inspiration from the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations of 2011 at Zuccotti Park in the financial district in Lower Manhattan. But some disagreements have resulted between protesters and the police over the use of umbrellas, tents and bicycles." For the complete article,
click here.
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Downtown bulletin board
This photograph is in recognition of what didn't happen this year because of the Covid-19 crisis. There was no huge, hours-long Gay Pride Parade in New York City even though June 28, 2020 was the 51st anniversary of the initial salvo in the Stonewall Uprising when patrons of the Stonewall Inn, other Village lesbian and gay bars, and neighborhood street people fought back after the police became violent. It was also the 50th anniversary of the first Gay Pride parade. This photograph was taken on June 23, 2018 on Pier 97 in midtown Manhattan during that year's Gay Pride celebration. An event called "Pride Island," showcased a variety of musical talent over a two-day period amid dancing, drinking, eating and socializing. (Photo: ©Terese Loeb Kreuzer) |
Nadler wins Democratic primary: Although all the results have not yet been tabulated because of the large number of absentee ballots cast, Congressman Jerrold Nadler has prevailed over two opponents for the Democratic nomination in New York's 10th Congressional District. On primary day, June 23, Nadler garnered 19,411 votes (62.2% of those cast that day) to 7,886 votes for Lindsey Boylan and 3,923 votes for Jonathan Herzog. The absentee ballots will be counted on June 30.
Nadler has served in Congress since 1992 and heads the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. His Congressional district includes the west side of Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn.
Some New York City beaches reopen: On
July 1, eight public beaches in New York City will reopen from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, when lifeguards are on duty. Swimming is prohibited at all other times. The beaches are Orchard Beach in the Bronx; Coney Island Beach in Brooklyn, Manhattan Beach in Brooklyn, Rockaway Beach in Queens, Midland Beach in Staten Island, South Beach in Staten Island, Cedar Grove Beach in Staten Island, and Wolfe's Pond Park Beach in Staten Island.
Social-distance guidelines must be maintained. NYC Parks ambassadors will circulate with masks and will watch to make sure that there are six feet of distancing between visitors. Public bathrooms at the beaches are open but bring your own sanitizer to use before and after. Although some food stands will be open, it might be advisable to bring your own food. And be sure to bring plenty of water!
Reopened or reopening in Battery Park City: In no order of importance, there were three announcements today (June 23) of reopenings in Battery Park City.
Battery Park Vision Associates at 101 Battery Place will be seeing patients again beginning on July 6. Phone calls for appointments can be made on weekdays between noon and 5 p.m. through July 2. Anyone entering the office must have an appointment, including anyone coming there for eyeglass adjustments and pickups. For more information, call (212) 945-6789. Also in Battery Park City, the
Vince Smith Hair Experience at 300 Rector Place reopened on June 23. The salon has been renovated to enable better distancing. Call (212) 945-1590 for more information. Finally, Jeff and Paula Galloway who head BPC Dogs report that all
Battery Park City dog runs are now open 24/7 as they were before the Covid-19 closure.
Independence Day fireworks: In celebration of July 4/Independence Day, there will be five separate fireworks shows this year, one in each borough. They started on
June 29 around 9:30 p.m. with a fireworks display launched from near Hunters Point in Long Island City. Each show will last five minutes and the exact locations will only be announced shortly before each show begins. "We do not want a lot of people out watching," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. He said that the idea was to position the shows so that people could see them from their own homes, rooftops and nearby parks. This will be happening through Wednesday,
July 1 said the mayor. Then, on Saturday,
July 4, tapes of the individual shows will be aired on NBC along with music "from leading cultural figures." (The mayor didn't say who these would be.) "There will be tributes to our heroes who got us this far, the healthcare workers, the first responders, everyone who fought through March, fought through April all the way to today to make this city come back." The mayor also said that there would be "something very special that night at the Empire State Building as well."
How to report police abuse: If you witness police abuse in person or see footage on social media, you can file a complaint with the City's Civilian Complaint Review Board at or (800) 341-CCRB.
New York State Attorney General James, who is conducting an investigation of the George Floyd protests, asks that any information, including visuals, be shared with her office as they proceed with that investigation. Email:
United States Census 2020 is hiring: The 2020 U.S. Census will require a massive effort to document everyone in the country. The U.S. government is hiring census workers with a promise of "great pay, flexible hours, weekly pay and paid training." The jobs include census taker, recruiting assistant, office clerk, and supervisory staff. Applications can be made online at For more information, call 855-JOB-2020.
Classic Harbor Line Restarts Harbor Cruises: Classic Harbor Line is back in New York harbor with its yacht Manhattan II and its schooner Adirondack. All passengers and crew are required to wear masks and social distancing is strictly observed with bookings at 50 percent of normal capacity. The ships are sanitized between cruises. No food or beverages are served. The cruises offered range in length from one to two hours. All tickets can be rescheduled or converted to credit up until 24 hours in advance for any reason. For more information or to make reservations, click here. For 20% off the ticket price, use the online promo code UPandRUNNING. (Valid until July 31st)
Working Harbor Committee and Classic Harbor Line team up: The Working Harbor Committee, which offers educational tours of New York Harbor, is waiting for the Covid-19 crisis to abate enough to resume its normal operations. In the meantime, the WHC has teamed up with Classic Harbor Line for their summer tours. When you book a tour on Classic Harbor Line's Manhattan II or Adirondack using the promo code TOUR5, Classic Harbor Line will give you a $5 discount and also donate $5 to the Working Harbor Committee. For cruise choices and dates, click here.
Register to vote: If you are not yet registered to vote, you can get registered so that you can vote in the general election, which will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 3.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, absentee ballots were made available for people to vote in the June 23 primary election. It is not yet known whether absentee ballots will be widely available for the Nov. 3 election. If they are available, it will be necessary to reapply, even if you did receive an absentee ballot to vote in the primary.
For answers to frequently asked questions about voting, click here.
For the results of the June 23 primary election, click here.
One morning a few days ago, a huge crane appeared on the Hudson River in Lower Manhattan. It was Weeks 533 - the largest revolving floating crane on the East Coast of the United States. This crane was built in 1966 for use in bridge construction, but when US Airways Flight 1549 captained by Chesley Sullenberger went down in the Hudson River on Jan. 15, 2009, this was the crane that fished the airplane out of the river. This was also the crane that in 2012 hoisted the space shuttle Enterprise onto the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. (Photo: © Terese Loeb Kreuzer 2020) |
Most of the Downtown Post NYC bulletin board listings are now on the Downtown Post NYC website. To see the bulletin board listings,
click here.
Downtown food news
Peaches for sale at the Tribeca Greenmarket on Greenwich Street between Chambers and Duane Streets. (Photo: ©Terese Loeb Kreuzer) |
Tribeca Greenmarket to reopen on Wednesdays: GrowNYC's Tribeca Greenmarket on Greenwich Street between Chambers and Duane Streets is usually open on Wednesdays and Saturdays at this time of year, however the market has only been open on Saturdays so far this season. Beginning on Wednesday,
July 1, the market will be open on both Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Farmers attending the Wednesday market will include Jersey Farm Produce, with vegetables, herbs and small fruit from Hunterdon County, Meredith's Country Bakery with baked goods from Ulster County and Valley Shepherd Creamery with sheep cheese, yogurt and gelato from Morris County, New Jersey.
GrowNYC asks that shoppers wear a face covering inside the market space and maintain a six-foot distance between themselves, Greenmarket staff, farm stand employees and other customers. Dogs and bicycles should be left at home.
Lower Manhattaan food shopping hours for seniors: Several Lower Manhattan supermarkets have dedicated shopping hours for seniors and for people with disabilities. Among them are
Trader Joe's, 233 Spring St. Open from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. for senior customers (age 60 and over) and for customers with disabilities who may need extra assistance. (Closed on July 4).
Whole Foods, 270 Greenwich St. in Tribeca. Open from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays for customers 60+ at high risk or with disabilities.
Target, 255 Greenwich St. Open from 7 a.m to 8 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for vulnerable guests.
Gristedes, 315 South End Ave. (in Battery Park City) and 90 Maiden Lane (in the Financial District). Open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. for senior, immunocompromised and disabled neighbors.
Key Foods, 55 Fulton St. Open for seniors
from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. For other stores with dedicated hours for seniors and for more information, click here.
Free grab-and-go meals at schools: After schools were shuttered at the beginning of the pandemic, the Department of Education launched a grab-and-go lunch program to ensure that New York City kids wouldn't go hungry. Soon after, the program expanded to include three free meals a day for all New Yorkers - not just students. And now the program will continue through the summer. No one will be turned away. Vegetarian and halal options are available at all sites. No registration or ID is required. No dining space is available, so meals must be eaten off premises. Parents and guardians may pick up meals for their children.
Meals can be picked up at all 435 meal hubs across the city from Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Meal hubs will operate for children and families 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and for adults from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Find your pickup location by texting "FOOD" or "COMIDA" to 877-877 or by checking the website. The meal hubs in or near Lower Manhattan include Battery Park City School, 55 Battery Place; Stuyvesant High School, 345 Chambers Street; P.S. 001 Alfred E. Smith, 8 Henry Street; P.S. 126 Jacob August Riis, 80 Catherine Street; P.S. 130 Hernando De Soto, 143 Baxter Street.
Cocktails to go: Last week New York State put the word out that your favorite watering holes can still serve to-go alcoholic beverages through July 25. Click here for some places in Lower Manhattan that offer this service.
Dine Around Downtown, Cooking at Home edition: The Downtown Alliance has created a "Cooking at Home" edition of its popular food festival, Dine Around Downtown. Rocco DiSpirito, celebrity chef and cookbook author, is acting as host to three Lower Manhattan chefs as they demonstrate easy-to-replicate dishes from their restaurants. The series debuted on June 11 with Delmonico's executive chef, Billy Oliva, in the kitchen.
It continued
on June 25 when Michele Iuliano, co-owner and chef of Gnoccheria at 100 Broad St. showed participants how to make fresh hand-rolled gnocchi with three sauces: pesto, sorrentina and quatro formaggi. Finally, on July 9, Einat Admony, chef and co-owner of Taïm at 75 Maiden Lane, will call on her upbringing in Israel as she makes eggplant sabich salad and cauliflower shwarma. This event starts at 4 p.m.
The series is free to join via Zoom but registration is required and limited. If they wish, participants can donate to a fund of the restaurants' choice, which will support their staff and/or local food supply charities. Pre-register here:
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Editor: Terese Loeb Kreuzer
All articles and photographs in Downtown Post NYC are copyrighted and
may not be reprinted or republished without written permission.
© 2020