America’s Horses and Burros Need You Now More than Ever Before

September 25, 2022

It's been 20 years since the first federal bill was introduced targeting a ban on horse slaughter, and now it seems that the passing of the current bill is at risk.

Just this week during a Committee Meeting, the Safe Act H.R.3355 (the current anti-slaughter bill) was essentially dropped from the upcoming markup calendar, which means it may never make it to the house floor for a vote this session. 

How did this happen? 

It was just discovered that the Committee had received letters from leaders of large member pro-slaughter organizations claiming strong opposition to the Safe Act by their member base. Amongst groups sending letters was the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) and the National Tribal Horse Coalition (NTHC).  

What the general public may not realize is that these groups have been proponents of the perverse slaughter trade for many years now. Still, the recent discovery of these letters and their contents have sent shockwaves across the country, especially for the animal loving community. The AVMA says it's the official voice for the wellbeing of animals. They claim that horse slaughter is humane and that there is somehow a greater risk of animal suffering if horse slaughter were to be banned. The AAEP states their position is consistent with the AVMA.  However, their claims are not true!

What's next?


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Get the Truth Know the Facts

"Horse slaughter has never been considered by veterinary professionals to be a form of euthanasia. Congress and the general public must hear from veterinarians that horse slaughter is not and should not be equated with humane euthanasia. Rather, the slaughtering of horses is a brutal and predatory business that promotes cruelty and neglect." - Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Professor, Section Head and Program Director of the Animal Behavior Department of Clinical Sciences at Tufts' Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in North Grafton, Massachusetts. (Read Dr. Dodman's full Testimony Before the US House of Representatives)

"There is nothing humane about horse slaughter. From transportation to the use of electric goads, from slippery blood-spattered floors to the clanging and hissing of the apparatus, from the pop songs on the radio to the cussing of the killers, from the sight of horses being killed by those awaiting their gruesome fate to incorrectly positioned and operated captive bolt guns, from the grimacing and paddling of the half dead horses to their bleeding out while semi-conscious, nothing is respectful, nothing is humane. It's all about profit under the pretext of "animal welfare" - the only way to dispose of so-called "unwanted horses" - yeah right, Nick Dodman.

Horse Slaughter Issue Updates: 

Health Risks Associated with Consuming Horsemeat

Yes, TAINTED horsemeat in the International Food Chain is STILL a serious HEALTH THREAT!

Various audits done after the 2016 EU ban of horsemeat originating from the U.S. have reportedly continued to reveal prohibited toxic contaminants, including carcinogenic substances on a repeated basis, regardless of whether slaughtered in Mexico or Canada. EU control mechanisms are insufficient & fraud is rampant system wide. 

This should be a wakeup call to all Nations of people that consume horsemeat or that buy pet food containing horsemeat, or that care about animals.  Take note, the U.S. is not the only country that allows their equine population to be slaughtered for consumption after being treated with substances that are known to be lethal to humans. (Click here for more Issue Updates)

Please Act Now


At WFLF we believe that unity happens when people put their differences aside and stand together for the greater good. This is how we roll at WFLF SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES. We hope that you agree and are ready to take a stand or renew your pledge and stand united in effort to ban horse slaughter for good.


You Can Help End the Perverse Horse Slaughter Trade by acting right now. Show your united support for the horses and burros today by sharing the true facts and information with your friends, your colleagues, your family, and your state & local government representatives

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SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES A NATION BETRAYED is a documentary educational film project under Wild for Life Foundation (WFLF), a 501c3 nonprofit grassroots charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic equines. EIN: 26-3052458

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