January 16, 2023
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

The OLLI office will be closed on Monday, January 16, in celebration of Dr. King's birthday, and there will be no OLLI classes.

Logo Guided Explorations
Update: Due to the recent changes at OSF (link), the Jan 23 Talk to Us Guided Exploration will now feature OSF Interim Executive Artistic Director Nataki Garrett and Interim Chief Operating Officer Anyania Muse.
January 23 - Talk to Us: Vitcov & Ferris interview with Nataki Garret and Anyania Muse, Guides / Facilitators: Barry Vitcov and John Ferris
January 25 - Human Trafficking: It's Happening Here, There & Everywhere, Guide: Marissa Marx / Facilitator: Tracy Palermini
For more information and/or to sign up or to learn about developing a Guided Exploration, click here.
January 24 - Escape Room: The Scottish Play, Guide: Kerri Franklin / Facilitator: Cori Frank
For more information and/or to sign up or to learn about developing a Social Community event, click here.
One Credit Course Enrollment

Your OLLI classes qualify as SOU one credit courses, providing benefits for OLLI members who sign up and for SOU's funding. The online form only takes a minute or two to fill out. The deadline to enroll is Friday, January 27, by 5:00 pm Pacific Time. The more members who participate, the more funding SOU gets from the State of Oregon, so on behalf of the SOU staff, faculty, and students who will benefit, thank you in advance for supporting the next generation of lifelong learners.

Interested in helping out? For additional details or to sign up, please click here.
Join a Discussion with SOU Students!
Interested in making connections and sharing life experiences with SOU students? SOU Psychology professor, Noriko Toyokawa, invites OLLI members to participate in one or more discussions with the students of her Psychology of Aging course.

Click here or on the flyer to learn more about the opportunity.

Have questions or interested in joining? Email Noriko Toyokawa at ntoyokawa@sou.edu by January 31.
Catalog Erratum: The Lost Science of Money
An inadvertent error in the OLLI catalog listed the wrong information regarding the venue and class size for Louis Kohler's course, The Lost Science of Money. It is being presented in-person on Fridays, from 11:00 to 12:30. It is not too late to enroll. Click here for a description of this interesting topic.
OLLI in the News
Listen in to the Jefferson Public Radio's interviews with OLLI community members Pam Haunschild and Jeri Mendelson MD.

Click here to listen to the segment with Pam Haunschild, creator of the mural in the OLLI member lounge, as she talks about her journey to becoming an artist, and click here to hear all about Jeri Mendelson's upcoming OLLI course Medical Hazards in the Wilderness.
Free Lifelong Learning Opportunities
Ashland Senior Center: January Newsletter Click here.

Schneider Museum of Art: New Exhibition Click here.

OLLI at the University of South Dakota: OLLI Shorts Click here.
Have a question or need help with your OLLI membership?
The OLLI office is happy to assist you.
Email: olli@sou.edu  |  Phone: 541.552.6048
Office hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday–Friday