Finding the "True Light"

We are embarking on the season of True Light. The precious few hours of daylight and long nights characteristic of this time of year can seem like there is too little light, so we often decorate our living spaces with little sparkles and large flashing bulbs.

Holiday decorations are beautiful and fun! But let’s not forget that December gives us the opportunity to look within, to seek the True Light that is not affected by the spin of the planet, nor lost in the holiday decorations and activities.

As we close this most wonderful and challenging year, I invite you to join me to go within, detach from distractions, and bask in the eternal, infinite Light, always present and always powerful with or without our conscious recognition.

This year, my heart is bursting with warmth and thanks for those of you I know and those I have yet to meet. I thank you for joining me on this path of healing, inspiration, transformation, and service.

Each individual stepping on the Akashic Records path expands the path itself, making more room than ever before for those desiring a more conscious relationship with their soul. We are on a broad highway with more than enough room for everyone and anyone choosing to join us. 

I wish you blessings and love during this Season of Light and throughout the New Year!


Heart of the Akashic Records on Audible!

New Release! Linda has been busy in the Fort Raphael Publishing recording studio to create the Audible version of The Heart of the Akashic Records Revealed. Watch for a release in early 2024.

The Heart of the Akashic Records Revealed: A Comprehensive Guide to the Teachings of the Pathway Prayer Process is Dr. Howe's most recent book. This deep dive into the Akashic Realm offers all you need to bring your Soul's Purposes to life. Share the keys to access infinite wisdom, aliveness, and love with those you love. NOW

Looking Ahead...

Online FREE event at Circles of Wisdom. Wednesday, January 3, 12 noon-1:00 pm Eastern time. The one-hour event will include:

  • Meditation led by Dr. Linda Howe 
  • Empowerment exercise with time for reflection 
  • Q&A – submit questions prior to event
  • Linda reads from "The Heart of the Akashic Records Revealed" 
Register Here for January 3 FREE Event In late September, Linda flew to Florida where she was interviewed by Emilio Ortiz of Hathor Studio about her work in the Akashic Records. We anticipate a broadcast date early in 2024. Stay tuned!

Classes and Events

Register Here for Level I

Dr. Linda Howe guides you on a pathway to a life-long journey in Akashic Studies. For a taste of this work, the "How to Read the Akashic Records" Introductory Class is available in English with subtitles in 26 languages, or verbal translation in Russian, Spanish, and Chinese.

Find out more about Life-Long Learning

These three On-Demand classes from Dr. Linda Howe, focus on areas of life that could benefit from a new approach. There is wonderful work being done in the psychology, medical and coaching communities. This is the missing piece – the practical spiritual approach. When the spiritual context is addressed, we understand valid reasons for choices made and the spiritual opportunity in every challenge.

  • Health and the Akashic Records (two sessions)
  • Self Parenting Through the Akashic Records
  • Transforming Our Relationship with Trauma Through the Akashic Records (two sessions)
Register Here

Subscribe to Dr. Linda Howe's YouTube channel for access to interviews, information sessions, and other Akashic inspiration.

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About Us

Dr. Linda Howe's "Bring Your Soul's Purposes to Life" is the monthly newsletter of the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies. Now in her third decade of spiritual teaching, Dr. Linda Howe is an award-winning author, teacher, and world-renowned leading expert in the field of Akashic Studies. She was the first person to bring the Akashic Records to the world-wide community and make teachable access to the Records available to anyone with a desire to learn, starting in 1996. She founded the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies in Chicago in 2001, teaching thousands of students globally. Linda focuses on the Akashic Records as a spiritual resource for personal empowerment and transformation.

2023: Cultivating Conscious Connection–

Honoring our Oneness

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