2020 GlobalMindED
The Future of Work is Diverse, Inclusive, Just and Equitable
GlobalMindED closes the equity gap by creating a capable, diverse talent pipeline through connections to role models, mentors, internships for low-income students, returning adults, First Gen to college and inclusive leaders who teach them, work with them and hire them.
Miles, you were a successful black leader in industry before you rose within the ranks to the highest office of academia. What made you turn to education and what is your personal story before, during and after that seminal moment? 

MKD: I was taught by my parents that we have a greater responsibility in our lives other than just ourselves. While I was successful in my business life, most of my success enriched myself and the company I worked for. It did not necessarily have the societal impact that I wanted to have.

At the annual conference of the National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) in 1994, I had a conversation with a friend, in which I was discussing getting another master's degree in international business; as I wanted to do work in North and West Africa. She introduced me to the idea of getting a PhD, as the degree was "totally portable." It would allow me to teach or work anywhere in the world. She also let me know about The PhD Project.

The PhD Project was established in 1994 to increase the numbers of underrepresented minorities (Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans) with PhDs in business. Their goal was that by changing the face of professors in schools of business that we could change the faces of those in corporate America. This was systemic change and it really appealed to me.

The idea of having the opportunity to engage with students and serve as a mentor enabled me to endure the rigors and sacrifices involved with getting my doctorate from The George Washington University. Not insignificantly, the support offered by The PhD Project and the network it afforded me allowed me to transition out of corporate America into the role of student and after six years; the role of professor.

You have set a remarkable standard for First Gen success at Linfield college. As a First Gen yourself, how have you organized programs and resources to help these talented students complete college and go on to the best jobs available?

MKD: It is often overlooked at how much your background and access to information influences your opportunities. There is so much I did not know when I first arrived on a university campus. I think back to those days and use them as a touchstone to think about First Gen success at Linfield University.

We have established a systemic approach to supporting our First Gen students and making sure they are successful. From the First Gen orientation where we help set expectations for students and parents and issue "First Gen Promise" bracelets which establishes our commitment to them and their commitment to Linfield,  through our bi-monthly mentoring meetings conducted by First Gen faculty and staff, we systemically work to make sure our First Gen students are successful.

At Linfield University we understand the need to prepare students to have successful careers, and our career services works with First Gen and all students to be successful. However, at Linfield we also believe that we have not done our job if all we focus on is career preparation. We strive to prepare well educated citizens who can take on the bigger challenges of the world. Linfield's foundation is in an interdisciplinary and multiple perspective education model. The world, and organizations, needs people who can think critically and engage in problem solving.

At this moment in time in America between the COVID-19 and the social justice clarion call, what do you most want young First Gen, students of color, and all students to know about what our nation can become?

MKD: The U.S., more than ever, needs the kind of experiences and thinking that comes from having lived a life that may not have offered the benefits of a home with high socioeconomic status or the benefits of being well connected in society. When you are not part of those who have not necessarily fully benefited from the American dream then you must develop the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to make change.

Everyone who has engaged in great social change in our society took time to educate themselves. Frederick Douglas, W. E. B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington, Charles Richard Drew, Martin Luther King, Jr, Malcolm X and Barack Obama (to name a few), all engaged in educating themselves to take on the challenges of the times.

Nelson Mandela said; "education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." First Gen, students of color and all students have a role to play in making their communities, the U.S. and the world a better place.

What do you most want your personal and professional legacy to be at the end of your incredible life?

MKD: I think of my death often; not because I am morbid or afraid of death. I think of my death because it causes me to focus on how I live my life. The inscription I want on my tombstone is, "He made a positive difference in the lives of those he came in contact with."

This is the aspiration for my legacy, both personal and professional.
Links to read about Inclusive Leaders, many of whom are African American and people of color
Curated sessions from GlobalMindED 2020 YouTube channel:
From the Center for Positive Organizations: 
From Harvard Business Review:

From the World Academy of Art & Science and UN; Geneva Global Leadership in the 21st Century econference:
Listen here for an interview with Pam Newkirk, GlobalMindED speaker and author of Diversity Inc.: The Failed Promise of a Billion- Dollar Business. 
Responding to Crisis
The 30-Day Justice Plan
As the reset of America is underway, understanding the role you can play in a system of change can be difficult, but we encourage you to listen, learn and be active. To start, instead of, say, a juice cleanse, feed your brain and move yourself with this practical plan over the next month. Here's our guide of what to read, watch, listen to and do in order to be part of the solution.
All  2020 GlobalMindED virtual programs are available NOW on our YouTube channel. 

GlobalMindED and the SDG Impact Fund are delighted to announce  GlobalMindED's Donor Advised Fund. 2020 is the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations and the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Women's Declaration and Action Platform. Many from around the world are thinking of 2020 as the gateway to our most vital decade for delivering equity, the Sustainable Development Goals, and a world where all can thrive. Our key time for these outcomes is 2020-2030.

GlobalMindED DAF and the SDG Impact Fund are a powerful combined force for good as the 2019 year comes to a close and we reflect on the gratitude and the commitments we make to the causes we care most about. The DAF offers immense power and flexibility for giving prior to the year's end as you plant seeds of generous intention for 2020 and the decade ahead.

When you contribute to GlobalMindED, you support First Gen students. We have served more than 400 students by connecting them to role models, mentors, internships and jobs. Your generous support will allow us to take our work 10x and reach these talented students at scale who lack the resources and support we provide. Your support also helps teachers who can't afford the conference fees, faculty at colleges which are under resourced and students who persist at those universities despite food insecurity and/or housing insecurity.
Meet GlobalMindED Founder, Carol Carter as interviewed by Tim Moore on his podcast Success Made to Last: From Success to Significance

Listen to Part 1 of Carol's interview 
Listen to Part 2 of Carol's interview

Find out more about this and other podcasts at:  Success Made To Last

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Recent GlobalMindED Newsletter Profiles:  

Since 2006 when the flagship TGR Learning Lab opened its doors in Anaheim, CA, TGR Foundation has had a lot to celebrate, including its most recent milestone of one million students impacted by TGR EDU: Explore, alone.

Developed in partnership with Discovery Education, TGR EDU: Explore is a free digital resource library that offers interactive web experiences, lesson plans, training videos and tools for educators, students and families to explore new disciplines and gain skills for a modern and expanding workforce.

As you start the New Year, are you looking for ways to re-engineer your classroom culture? Check out Designing the Future: How Engineering Builds Creative Critical Thinking in the Classroom. The associated website has lots of activities, projects, and resources you can implement immediately. Our fall workshops using the book as a roadmap for change have been highly successful. Start designing the future today - try using the customized Study Guide for a book study in your PLC. Or contact ProjectEngin or Solution Tree to learn how you can bring professional development based on Ann's book to your school, district, or conference.

GlobalMindED | 303-327-5688 | contact@globalminded.org | www.globalminded.org