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Acquiring and Distributing Knowledge                       April 2, 2020
Regarding God's Creation
Gen 7:19  The water prevailed more and more upon the earth, so that all the high mountains  everywhere under the heavens  were covered. ... 8:4  In the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat. 5 The water decreased steadily until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains became visible.   - NASU       (Bold emphasis added.)
Webinar only ! 
Webinar link for April 2, 7 pm.   
Click link,
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follow instructions. 
            Petrovich Responds to Challenges 

In recent GHCA presentations we have seen a substantial portion of what Dr. Doug Petrovich has produce in the last decade or more of PhD level work in archaeology. He has built a much better picture of the archaeological evidence supporting the Hebrew sojourn in Egypt presented in the Biblical narrative. He also identified much detail in the archaeological context that provides information that is not in the Biblical narrative but is highly consistent with the Bible narrative.
A breakthrough occurred when Petrovich
first deciphered a language that that had gone undeciphered for more than 150  years. This was the world's first language that employed the efficiency of an alphabet with just twenty-two symbols. Petrovich recognized that the language was in fact Hebrew. Other scholars had long recognized that it was in the Semitic group of languages that includes Hebrew, Canaanite and others but they failed to be able to read it. So, they missed a valuable line of evidence that provides information that would not likely survive in official inscriptions through the turmoil of the Second Intermediary Period, the enslavement, and the Exodus in the middles of the 18th Dynasty.
When did this first alphabetic language appear? It was a time that would be shortly after Jacob and his clan would be expected to enter Egypt. The places where it first appears is in the Sinai turquoise mines where Hebrew leaders and workers were employed.
 The simplicity of an alphabet is immensely important because its efficiency enables widespread literacy among the Hebrew. In contrast Egyptian hieroglyphics required the complex use of over 800 symbols which only the most highly educated elite or a class of professional scribes could manage. Of course Moses was among these elite. But Jacob's clan coming to Egypt had no written language. According to the Bible the Hebrews would soon be told to write on their doorposts. Literacy would soon come to play an essential role in Hebrew life documenting, remembering  and following God's instructions. 
Petrovich also came to better understand the way the Egyptians gave new names to people in the form of phrases describing the distinguishing characteristics or events in their life. These phrase names would be colored by Egyptian culture and religion so there are difficult issues involved. But Petrovich seems to have recognized that one can systematically see how some of these actually fit the individuals and order of events in the Biblical narrative. Some important examples include: He who is over all the land of Egypt, He who puts the king of the Gods to the forefront, and two brothers: He who lost his place, and He who was lifted up.

A critical recognition of the place where Jacob and his clan was settled in the region of Goshen was named Avaris. He identifies Jacob's house before it was built up into a palatial district by Manasseh and Ephraim. After the confusion of the  second intermediary period of Egypt, and the 18 th dynasty including the Exodus, Pharaoh Rameses II early in the 19 th Dynasty built over Avaris a huge palace and temple complex. So, the place name for that location naturally became Rameses and that is the place name used in the Bible. That passage identifies the geographic location of the Hebrew settlements, slavery servitude, and place of Exodus. It does not imply the Exodus was in the time of Rameses.  When the place name Avaris was no longer recognized manuscripts were likely updated to read the place name that would be recognized, Rameses. This name change still confuses many scholars today! It is notable that the Bibles we read today have had many scriptural updates within our current memory.
Another important confusion factor for scholars in institutional positions is that they are expected to discount any supernatural or miraculous elements in any Biblical narrative. They were educated that way and their colleagues practice that way so they are hamstrung to presume that all miraculous elements in the Old Testament are mythological. That is what goes for normal.  After all, modern science is commonly considered to preclude anything miraculous. 
Now that we are beginning to see Petrovich's big picture we will begin to look at the some of the scholarly opinions that have been challenged and how Dr. Petrovich responds.  First, we will look in some
detail at Petrovich's paper responding to statement made by well know scholars interviewed by Tim Mahoney in the course of his movie titled "The Moses Controversy, Who Wrote The first Books of the Bible?" This movie is part of Mahoney's Patterns of Evidence series where Mahoney interviews a sequence of scholars about questions that arise as he progresses through his learning process. One of the great strengths of the Patterns of Evidence series is that Mahoney shows us the diversity of scholarly opinion on multiple issues. A significant weakness is that such learning processes are often not in an optimum sequence for easily understanding of the most  important issues. That can be somewhat confusing but it is necessary to become educated, not just indoctrinated.
Dr. Petrovich's  paper "Interacting with the Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy Film"  published in 2019 responds directly to twenty three of the opinions stated by various scholars in that film. This is fascinating as one of Petrovich's latest publications showing glimpses of where he is in his work. Therein he shows how his archaeological framework provides strong unifying answers to the current scatter of scholarly opinion. This presentation will open our eyes and minds and give us a much better understanding of how so much is converging on the Petrovich archaeological framework explains where the Bible's Hebrew sojourn in Egypt is to be found in Egyptian history.  At a future date will also look at DP responses to some scholarly papers that have been published to critique Petrovich's various publications.

April 2, 2020
Petrovich Responds to Challenges
Dr. Doug Petrovich: Interacting with the Patterns of Evidence
Presented by Frank Mayo
Online attendance ONLY !
On April 2, at 7 pm, 
Click the link at top of page,

Give the webinar a try, you will like it !
Looking forward to seeing you all online,
Frank Mayo      

Images from Petrovich, "The World's Oldest Alphabet" .    Tables from my personal notes.                    

Examples of Important YEC Scientific Evidences 

Some major examples of physical evidence we point to include:
  • Remains of original soft tissue still found in dinosaur bones. Along with that tissue is C-14 that would decay completely away in less than a hundred thousand years, a tiny fraction of the dinosaur fossil's supposed age.
  • For many years geologists have found C-14 in fossil carbon throughout the fossil record. So, the entire fossil record is less than 100,000 years old.
  • The origin of the information and molecular machinery in the first living self-reproducing cell remains a complete enigma for biologist and biochemists.
  • In the origin of the universe, big bang theory is being recognized as a dead end by increasing numbers of secular scientists. The hypothesized inflation has nothing to start it, drive it forward, or stop it. Without inflation fatal flaws appear with the absence of predicted antimatter, magnetic monopoles, or any means for the whole universe to come to the same precise background temperature. Then the formation of the first stars is as enigmatic as the origin of the first biological cell. Dark matter and dark energy are as enigmatic as the galactic motions they are needed to explain.
At the root of all standard science are many assumptions that may be quite incorrect. At the top is that there is no God. Another is that present process can be used to explain everything in the past. When we look at a canyon we are taught to assume the river at the bottom cut the canyon. But perhaps tectonic events made the canyon and there is a river at the bottom because water always flows downhill. At the root of big bang theory is a pure assumption that has been named the "Cosmological Principle". Perhaps inaccuracies there are responsible for the big bang's multitude of problems.    
There is more about the role of assumptions in science found on our website here. There are many more resources on young earth and young universe evidences here.

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  Houston's First Baptist Church is located at 7401 Katy Freeway.   That is just west of the intersection of I-10 and Loop 610 West on the south side inbound feeder between Silber and N Post Oak.  Detailed directions to Houston 's First Baptist Church at The Loop campus can be found  here.
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Ongoing Prayer Needs and Praises!

Christians around the world are being persecuted and murdered to force them out of their homes or to change their faith. Pray for God's protection for them and support from Christian organizations in the West.

John Morris    Continue to pray for John and all the leaders, researchers, and writers in the YEC community.  
AIG, CMI, CRS, ICR, and LRA (Logos Research Ass.)  the big five YEC creation organizations doing active research, publication and speaking. Pray for inspiration, enabling and financing. 

GHCA and Roger Sigler, Fred Bauhof, Tony Comeaux, Pete Moore, Frank Mayo a nd other GHCA members working to do research, publication, or local teaching ministries in creation science. We all need the Lord's guidance, enabling and funding. 

Jobe and Jenna Dee Martin:    Give thanks for continued good health and continued production of great creation DVDs and speaking tours.

David and Mary Jo Nutting, f ounders of Alpha Omega Institute. Pray for their speaking staff and continued training young speakers.

John and Eileen Pendleton doing creation and gospel ministry in Zacatecas Mexico, Central and South America, and Cuba! Pray for support and funds.

News from Houston, Texas & around the World 
Houston Science & Culture Network
Houston chapter of the Discovery Institute's division of Science and Culture.
More info at

Why Neuroscience Points to a Soul  a great article for all from the DI.

James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life   
Tour calls out false claims. See also the link to Tour's response to critics.

San Antonio:  Tx flag
The San Antonio Bible Based Science Association (SABBSA) usually meets the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at Jim's Restaurant located on the corner of Ramsey and San Pedro, approximately 1 mile outside Loop 410 across from Hovey's Motor Cars.  More info is at .
Dallas-Ft Worth:  
The Metroplex Institute of Origin Science (MIOS) meets at the Dr. Pepper Starcenter, 12700 N. Stemmons Fwy, Farmers Branch, TX, usually at 7:30 pm on the first Tuesday of each month. 
Lubbock Area (Crosbyton):
All year: Consider a visit to the  Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, directed by Joe Taylor. The Museum is definitely worth the visit if you live near or are traveling through the Panhandle near Lubbock. If you call ahead and time permitting, Joe has been known to give personal tours, especially to groups. For more information, visit
Creation Evidences Museum  in Glen Rose TX (south of Ft. Worth), lectures 1st Sat. each month, .
Also see the nearby Dinosaur Valley State Park with many dino tracks, although presented with secular view of evolution,  (link here) .