Did you catch Dr Fagan on DocTalk?
Dr Fagan sat down with Dr Goodman for the latest episode of DocTalk. She was able to tell a little more about what Lifestyle Medicine is and how it's changing lives!
Link to the video via Facebook is below
Next patient seminar
Coming up fast is our next patient seminar. It's about optimizing your hormones. There will be a presentation in the lobby, Q&A session, and even the chance to get your labs drawn while you're here to check your levels.

What else is going on?
We had a great time at the Wine 10k! The "Homewood Gump" even made another appearance. Rumor has it that he hasn't been seen in Homewood since October.

We're also SO close to finishing up our new website! We are very excited to have something that will really showcase all the different products and services we have to offer.

Lastly, did you know the D1 Indoor Track NATIONAL Championships were here last weekend? It was incredible. New collegiate records were set. The third fastest time in HISTORY was run in the 60 meter hurdles. It was an incredible weekend and a huge honor for our city to host such an event.
How do hormone levels change as you age?
What can you do about it?
Two presentations, same date: 12:00 pm and 5:15 pm
How do hormone levels change as you age
At what age do you start feeling the affects of changing hormones
What are your options
As a man, what does your energy level have to do with your hormone levels
As a woman, does it matter if you've had a hysterectomy, are on birth control, have tried and failed other methods
Is it safe
All these questions and more will be answered at our Hormone Therapy Patient Seminar. You don't have to be a current patient of ours to attend. We'll do a presentation, have a question/answer period, and have staff on hand to draw blood if you'd like to have your levels checked.