St. George Catholic School 
7880 St. George Drive 
Baton Rouge, LA 70809 
School Office: 225-293-1298   School Fax: 225-293-4886 
Pre-K Office: 225-293-9822    Pre-K Fax: 225-293-7432 
                            Student Absence Reporting -
                             Cafeteria - 225-293-1719   
                                    Find Lunch Menus and Information   HERE (menu subject to change)

Dear St. George Families,
Yesterday we held an Open House for prospective families. My thanks to all who helped with our Open House. You are what is most impressive about St. George Catholic School.
As I've been showing people around the school, I have come to appreciate some of the features of this school that I am now so familiar with that I otherwise don't notice. I'll bet you're the same way. But it's the people that are most important.
I once met a young mother who told me her story. When she was 18 years old, she felt like God may have been asking her to be a nun. So a few days after graduating high school, she entered the convent as a trial period to further discern if that was right for her. From the moment she entered the convent, she was unhappy. Finally, after a month of being miserable, she went to see Mother Superior, in tears: "I know God wants me here," she said between sobs, "but I am so unhappy." Mother Superior smiled. "Why do you think God wants you here?" "Because I am so unhappy," the young mother said.
I think there's a twisted fear in all of us that if the Lord really does teach us, that if we really did "walk in his truth", we're going to be miserable. Perhaps it's because we remember so well Jesus' admonition: "If you wish to be my disciple, you must take up your cross and follow me." But suffering is not the same thing as unhappiness, and we need to know the difference.
There have likely been brief stretches in your life when things were just "right". You were staying on top of your work. Your relationships were in good order--with your family, your friends. You were going to Church and building on your relationship with God. You were getting enough sleep. For athletes, this sometimes occurs in mid-season when you get into a good rhythm coming home from practice, taking a shower, doing homework, going to bed on time. Life was "clicking". And here's the most interesting part, it's during those times we are most happy. Our life feels right. We're proud of ourselves!
It's when we really mess up-when we SIN-that we're filled with guilt and shame, weighed down, like a depressing blanket that we put over ourselves. The Christian life is a joyful life! When we "walk in the way of Truth" we are happy, fulfilled, satisfied - because we are living as God created us to live.
Sometimes doing the right thing is hard. When my oldest daughter was a senior, she went to a party and came home around 9 p.m., unhappy looking. I didn't ask - I tried to give her some space. But I knew what was going on: she had gone to the party and there were things going on that she didn't want to get involved with, so she left. No doubt she felt lonely, especially since she had friends involved.
Sometimes doing the right thing will make us feel lonely. But here's the promise God makes to us. If we rely on him, "We can do all things in Christ who strengthens us".  Ask him to help you. He will.
God bless, 
Jack Nelson

 Friday, November 1 School Liturgy, 8:00 am, All Saints Day
3rd grade Breakfast with the Saints

 Saturday, November 2
2nd Grade Reconciliation Retreat

 Thursday, November 7
School Liturgy, 8:00 am
Follow Friday Schedule
Out-Of-Uniform No Pink Slips October

Friday, November 8
Grandparent's Day
Follow Thursday Schedule

Tuesday, November 12
Progress Reports

* Morning carpool begins at 7:20 am and ends at 7:43 am
* School day: 7:45 am - 2:45 pm
* Before Care drop-off begins at 6:45 am and ends at 7:15 am
* After Care pick-up begins at 3:20 pm

* Saturday, November 9*
SGS Winter Follies 2020 will be on January 17, 18, 19, 2020
Sign Up Link, Audition Guidelines, and Audition Material HERE
Questions Regarding SGS Winter Follies? Please email or call Mrs. Jan Dupre,
SGS Director of Performing Arts, / (225) 293-1298

November Lunch Menu (subject to change) 
* Federal and State regulations prohibit our cafeteria employees from charging the child's account for a parent meal. 
* The cafeteria does not accept credit cards nor do they keep cash on hand, therefore, parents must pay the exact amount or write a check for a lunch. Adult meal price is $5.50.
* Please note that according to the LA. School Food Service Policy Guidance Manual, outside restaurant food, soft drinks, and candy are not allowed in the school cafeteria. Your compliance is appreciated and necessary.

Keep up with the happenings around St. George by reading the St. George Catholic Church Bulletin HERE.
CATHOLICISM: THE PIVOTAL PLAYERS : The Adult Faith Formation ministry will offer Bishop Robert Barron's last two Pivotal Players: Flannery O'Connor and Bishop Fulton Sheen. We will begin learning about Flannery O'Connor, whose influence on contemporary culture, particularly literature and film is profound. Her startling prose awakens us to sin and, consequently, to the need for salvation. Please come and join us as we delve deeper into O'Connor and how she radically changes our idea of what religious fiction can be. We meet in the Parish Office on Sunday, November 17th and December 8th at 9:30 a.m. For more information contact Karen Fawley at (225) 293-2212 or
St. George Catholic School
(225) 293-1298