“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.” St. Gianna Molla
Could happiness really be that simple? I personally believe that it can be that simple. If you spend your time focusing on all that is good in every moment, then how could you not be happy. Try it. Remove negative energy, thoughts and conversations from your day. Focus on all that is good and see if it makes you happy. Could it be that simple?
Mrs. Fontenot
No Bus Service - October 12 & October 13
St. George will not have bus service on the following days: Monday, October 12 and Tuesday, October 13.
In an effort to alleviate a back-up in traffic, carpool will begin early, at 2:30, and run throughout the regular dismissal time.
To avoid long lines and cars backed up on the roads, parents are encouraged to come throughout the dismissal time (2:30 - 3:10), not just at the beginning.
Please note that Before and After Care will be provided on both of these days.
Carpool Drivers - Please Note
Carpool Drivers - Please do not turn left off of Siegen when coming from Perkins to enter the 2nd-5th or 6th-8th carpool line. This blocks the Prek-1st grade line from exiting campus and by-passes the other cars who are waiting in line to enter these carpool lines.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Parent Teacher Conferences - October 23 & October 26
PreK - 5th Grade - Friday, October 23
Conferences for PreK - 5th grade will be held on Friday, October 23. Students in grades PreK - 5th will not attend school on this day.
6th - 8th Grade - Monday, October 26
Conferences for 6th - 8th will be held on Monday, October 26. Students in grades 6th - 8th will not attend school on this day.
Due to Covid restrictions, conferences will be held virtually via Google Meet or telephone on an as-needed basis, unlike previous years. Teachers will contact the parents if they feel a conference is necessary. If you have not been contacted by your teacher at least three school days prior to the conference day and would still like a conference, please email your teacher directly.
School Lunch News
Follow the Child Nutrition Program on Instagram at diobr_childnutritionor visit thewebsite.
Pack 136 October Pack meeting will be held outside the Scout House on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 starting at 6:30pm. Bring your own chair and mask for the meeting. We will be practicing Social Distancing as well. If you have any questions, you can contact Pack 136 at pack136.stgeorge@gmail.com.
We have started selling Popcorn. See your nearest Cub Scout or contact us at pack136.stgeorge@gmail.com to order or see what is available.