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Dragon Tales

December 11, 2024

A Note From Emily DelSordo

As a mom, this season is so stressful and busy. There are extracurricular Christmas Parties stacked on school Christmas Parties stacked on Santa photos stacked on "Mom, I forgot I have to bring a treat to share tomorrow." Whew!

I have two pieces of advice that I am living on this season. Number one is similar to the Rev. Darryl's sermon last week- Do Less. Or really, shed the guilt of not doing everything. I get in the really bad habit of thinking something will bring my family joy, so I sign us up, only to find that when it comes to the event, my family would have been happier and had a more meaningful family day staying home together. Doing less makes more room for the "Reason for the Season," for preparing for Jesus' birth. I hope the next time you are offered to do something that sounds like fun but wouldn't give space and time to focus on Jesus' birth, you can feel my solidarity with you in saying "No".

The other advice I was given last week is to think about the layers of emotion this season brings. I was talking with a friend who said "I just can't get in the Christmas spirit this year. And I don't know why, considering my whole family is traveling from all over the country to spend the holiday with me." Putting myself in her shoes, I can feel the stress to make my house look perfect, have all the plans put together, and checking all the boxes before they arrive. But her statement also brings up other emotions- excitement that my family is visiting, thankfulness that they are coming to me and want to spend the holiday with me, and joy that no matter what my house or my plans or my "boxes" are, we will be together and able to share the gift of time. We tend to forget that we don't have to focus on the negative or hard emotions- we can focus on the joy, excitement, and thankfulness this season brings and try to live in the moment.

I say this realizing there are many for whom this holiday season brings grief. I pray that in this time of year you can also feel some peace, hope, and love.

I hope that you can make space for the birth of Jesus, do less, and focus on the positive this holiday season!

Stewardship Campaign- Click Here To Pledge

Youth Group Parent Meeting

Calling all 5th-12th grade parents! Our new Youth Group Leader Allison would like to meet with parents of youth in grades 5-12 to hear YOUR hopes and dreams for Youth Group at St. Margaret's. Whether your children come every week or they have never been before, Allison wants to hear from you. She has one more meeting time- on zoom today, Wednesday, December 11th at 7 pm (here is the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7894861399?pwd=Q1VVNW5UMm85dVpmZjFEVy9iZ1I0QT09&omn=83255194049). Youth Group is for all youth in grades 6-12 but we want to include 5th grade parents in this conversation to hear their hopes for the future as well. Please join Allison to discuss Youth Group! 

The Warm Tree is up and ready for you to grab an angel and bring your unwrapped purchase back to place under the tree that is in the Narthex.

RSVP HERE for Caroling and Pizza Night

Ensemble Galilei will bring their 34th Annual Winter Solstice/Christmas Concert to St. Margaret’s Church on Friday, December 20 at 7:00pm. Presenting an all-star lineup including British tenor James Oxley, famed harpist Sue Richards, award winning Uillean piper Isaac Alderson, renowned virtuoso on early winds Kathryn Montoya, Maryland’s own multi-instrumentalist Ginger Hildebrand, and poet and musician Carolyn Surrick on viola da gamba, this concert is one of the hallmarks of the holiday season in Annapolis. Tickets are $40 general admission/$35 students and seniors and are available in advance at www.egmusic.com

Reminder: Shoe boxes stocked with personal hygiene items for "roaming students" at Broadneck High School are due at the church office no later than December 15. 

The next Guild meeting will meet in the sanctuary on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at noon. 

Thank you to all who supported our very successful bazaar!

Newcomers and Welcoming Group Looking for Volunteers

Are you friendly? Do you enjoy meeting new people? Can you welcome people into the community at St. Margaret's? Or maybe you love to host?

We are forming a group of people who can assist on Sunday mornings with welcoming newcomers to the church and can design the upcoming newcomer events for the spring. No experience necessary, and the more the merrier! Join by clicking this link: (LINK WAS NOT WORKING LAST WEEK- WORKS NOW) https://onrealm.org/smcannapolis/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MjFkNDYxNDgtOTI2ZC00MTQ2LTgyZTQtYjIzYzAwOGFjZGYz

daughters of the king

Daughters of the King Announcement

The Daughters of the King is a lay Order for women in the Episcopal Church. Our local Anne Arundel chapter is preparing to offer a discernment class for those who are interested in joining the Order. An information session for those interested will take place in January (more information available in December). Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service.  By reaffirmation of the promises made at Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism.  

We find the Order to be a quiet place in a busy world, where we can support each other in our walk with Christ.  If you are interested in learning more, please contact Pam Roth at 410-353-6774, or at rothsbythebay@verizon.net

VESTRY- The Vestry of the church, our group of twelve elected lay representatives who help the Rector run the church, meets on the third Tuesday of every month except August. The meetings are hybrid and are open to the congregation to attend. Please let the Rector or the Senior Warden know in advance if you’d like to attend and if you have a matter to bring. You need to be on the agenda to have a voice. The next meeting is December 17th at 7pm.

Children, Youth, And Families

Youth Group Christmas Party

4pm on Sunday!

The Youth Group's ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY is this Sunday at 4 pm! Everyone is invited! This includes Youth Group Alum! This is extra special as we will celebrate with Jeff as his final Youth Group before retiring. Please join us! 

Sign Up For the Epiphany Pageant Here


Click Here for Music At St. Margaret's, Fall 2024
Music-Only Calendar


St. Margaret's Church Endowment Grant Applications Now Being Accepted

Know a non-profit that needs funding? Applications are now being accepted for the annual St. Margaret's Church Endowment Grants program through December 15. The process has moved online, and applications can be submitted through our portal at https://st-margarets.submit.com. Grant awards range from $2,500 to $25,000 for one year and up to $30,000 for a two-year grant. Want to serve as a liaison or grant reviewer? Contact Christine Feldmann at missions@st-margarets.org



Light House: Ongoing: The Light House in Annapolis currently provides dinners year round for 65 community members in need. St. Margaret’s Church parishioners provide that meal once a month. The work involves planning, purchasing, and preparing the meal in the convenience of your home and delivering it to the Light House. Reimbursement is available for your grocery costs.

The 2025 signup is now available and your help is needed. Gather a few of your friends or family members and sign up for a meal in 2025. Preparing a meal for 65 is so much easier when the cooking is shared. When the work is done and the food is delivered, the sense of helping is truly wonderful. Please click on the link below to learn more about this volunteer opportunity and to sign up for a dinner in 2025:


SMC POC: Janet Allen, SMC’s Light House Dinner Coordinator


Light House:  Ongoing: Donate REQUESTED food and other items to Light House by placing in the designated area under the window in the Narthex. Please see list of needed items here: https://annapolislighthouse.org/get-involved/needs/

We collect for the Lighthouse Shelter all year, and you can leave your donations in the basket in the back corner of the narthex. 

Thanks for your support of this great cause!   - Pam Roth and Helen Patterson

SMC POC: Pam Roth, SMC's Light House Donation Coordinator rothsbythebay@verizon.net

Sunday Service, December 8th

Sunday's Service Bulletin

Sunday's Announcements

Servers have been added to Realm Connect: check on your profile page under "serving." For more info about how to find your schedule, contact JoEllyn Fountain at jfountain777@gmail.com


Dec 11- NO Eucharist 9am, Quiet Christmas Service Noon followed by Tea at 1pm, Ringers 6:30pm, Youth Group Parents Zoom 7pm

Dec 15- **, Wellspring at both services, the Rev Peter Coffee Hour Chat 10:15-11, Youth Group Christmas Party 4pm-6pm

Dec 16- Choristers 5:15pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm- Caroling and Pizza Night, Adult Choir 7pm

Dec 17- Vestry Meeting 7pm

Dec 18- Eucharist 9am, Ringers 6:30pm

Dec 20- Winter Solstice Concert 7pm

Dec 22-**, Ringers at both services, the Rev Peter Coffee Hour Chat 10:15-11, NO Youth Group

Dec 23- Choristers 5:15pm, NO Faith and Fellowship, Adult Choir 7pm

Dec 24-Dec 27- Office Closed

Dec 24- Services at 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm

Dec 25- Service at 10am, NO Ringers

Dec 29- **, No Sunday School, No Youth Group

Dec 30- NO Choristers, NO Faith and Fellowship, No Adult Choir

Dec 31-Jan 2- Office Closed

Jan 1- Eucharist 9am, NO Ringers

Jan 5- **, Epiphany Pageant 9am service, Epiphany Lessons and Carols 11:15am service, NO Sunday School

**Sunday Service Schedule 7:30am, 9am, and 11:15am, Coffee hour between 9am and 11:15am services in the Parish Hall, Sunday School at 10:15am in the Formation Building

 Find The Complete Calendar On Our Website Here

St. Margaret's Contacts

The Rev. Peter W. Mayer, Rector - Peter@st-margarets.org

The Rev. Patti Sachs, Associate Rector - Patti@st-margarets.org

Elizabeth Radley, Director of Operations - Elizabeth@st-margarets.org

Jim Douglas, Director of Music - Music@st-margarets.org

Jake Ritmiller, Associate for Contemporary Music - Jake@st-margarets.org

Judy Hall, Administrative Assistant - Judy@st-margarets.org

For Churchyard Information- Churchyard@st-margarets.org

Emily DelSordo, Children's Formation Coordinator - Emily@st-margarets.org

Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Leader - Jeff@st-margarets.org

Allison Wood, Incoming Youth Ministries Coordinator - Youthministry@st-margarets.org

The Rev. Darryl R. Kemp, Liturgical Intern - Darryl@st-margarets.org

Teresa McCorkle, Bookkeeper - Office@st-margarets.org

Christine Feldmann, Grants Administrator - Missions@st-margarets.org

Deadline for Dragon Tales submissions is Monday afternoon.

Deadline for Weekly Announcements is Monday afternoon.


Do you have a prayer request to post in Sunday's announcements? Click HERE to make the request on our website. Deadline to make it in the Sunday's announcements is Monday afternoon.


Church Calendar


St. Margaret's Day School

Episcopal Diocese of Maryland

The Episcopal Church


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