Dragon Tales E-News
December 18, 2019
A Note from Patti

It’s almost here!!! Hopefully everyone is ready! Mark these dates and some new times: If you aren’t quite ready for all of this, or just really are not feeling it this year for whatever reason, maybe you’d like to join us for a Quiet Christmas service today. We’ll gather in the sanctuary at noon, and at 7 pm. Come, find blessing in community, and be fed with Holy Eucharist, our well for the journey.

This Sunday, the 22nd , make sure to plan on seeing St. Nicholas in the Parish Hall at 10:30. (Bring your cameras!) The children will have an opportunity to hear the St. Nick story from the man himself! After story time, the children will be invited to sit with him for individual pictures.

We have divided our past 4:00 Christmas Eve service into 3:00 and 5:00 this year so that everyone can fit in the main sanctuary comfortably. There are the later candlelight services with our adult choirs, too – music starts at 7:30 for the 8:00 service, and at 10:30 for the 11:00 service. Be sure to invite your friends and relatives! Below is an inviting welcome video you can share with family and friends, on your Facebook page, Twitter account or in local FB groups! 

On Sunday, Dec. 29, join us for Christmas Lessons and Carols. It will be a beautiful service of readings and music. AND, we'll have a wonderful New Year's pot-luck brunch for coffee hour between the services! Bring a breakfast casserole to share.

Don’t forget to take time to be quiet, to rest – even for a few moments – and be thankful for all the many blessings of this life and season. 

. There will be no Faith & Fellowship activities
on Monday, Dec. 23 & 30.
quiet christmas
A Quiet Christmas Today

Join us today either at Noon or 7:00 p.m. for our annual Quiet Christmas service.If you are grieving for a loved one or loss of something in your life, or even if you need a quiet, inspiring space for this busy season, you are welcome. And please invite anyone you feel could use this service today.
Christmas Welcome Video
Please share with your family & friends!
Sunday's Service
A Visit from St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas makes a return visit to St. Margaret's this Sunday, Dec. 22, around 10:30 a.m.in the Parish Hall. He will read a story and visit with children individually. Join us with cameras ready!

Note: There will be no Sunday School on Dec. 22, 29, or Jan. 5.
St. Margaret's office will be open for visitors on Monday, Dec. 23 and on Monday, Dec. 30. The office is closed Dec. 24-27 and Dec. 31-Jan. 1.

Our emergency pastoral number (if you need to contact a priest in an emergency situation when the office is closed) is 443-837-5463.

ALL giving for 2019 must be turned in by Monday, Dec. 30 at 9:30 a.m.

To give by phone, text GIVESMC to 73256.
Greens Needed for Sanctuary

The St. Margaret's Flower Guild would appreciate donations of evergreens, magnolia leaves, pine cones, etc. to help decorate the church for Christmas. Please place bagged items near the sanctuary doors on Sunday, Dec. 22nd after the 11:15 a.m. service.
Coming up on Sunday after Christmas

The choirs of St. Margaret's will provide a program of Christmas Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 29 at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. (There will also be the 7:30 a.m. Rite I service that day.)
We will be holding a New Year's Brunch during coffee hour that day (10:15 to 11 a.m. in the Parish Hall). Please bring a breakfast casserole to share.

There will be no Sunday School.
Children's Epiphany Pageant
on January 5

All young children of the church are welcome to participate in the Children's annual Epiphany pageant on  Sunday, Jan. 5 at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Rehearsal will be January 4, 9:00 a.m   . in the Parish Hall. Adult and youth volunteers are needed!

There will be no Sunday School on this Sunday.
Nursery care will be available at Christmas Eve 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. services and on Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Bishop Ihloff to Visit on January 5

The Rt. Rev. Robert Ihloff, new assistant bishop for the Rt. Rev. Eugene Sutton and former bishop of the Diocese of Maryland, will be visiting St. Margaret's on Sunday, January 5. Please provide him a warm St. Margaret's welcome.

Cursillo Workshop and Reunion on January 11

All members of St. Margaret’s Church are invited and encouraged attend a Cursillo 4th Day Workshop & Reunion Ultreya at SMC on Saturday, January 11, in the Fellowship Hall. There are no prerequisite or requirements to attend. And there are no secrets. Contact Mike Winn at 410-703-2768 or at mwinn421@gmail.com  for more information. The day features music by the Third Sunday Band. Attend the Reunion Ultreya at 1pm for music, sharing, and fun, while joining others from the Diocese of Maryland and the Diocese of Washington.
Soundboard Volunteers Needed for Third Sunday Band

The Third Sunday Band and SMC are in desperate need of some parishioners who are willing to take a turn on running the sound board for the third Sunday services each month. We have now lost 1 of our 2 dedicated and reliable soundboard operators.  This obligation is for NO MORE THAN 1 SERVICE PER MONTH!  Experience is not needed, a good ear helps. Training will be provided.  Can you help? Please contact the Band at  thirdsundaymail@gmail.com  or Al Todd at  hydroman1037@gmail.com