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Dragon Tales E-News

July 31, 2019
A Note from Jeff

Our Diocesan youth mission trip to Puerto Rico is complete. I just accompanied some of our parishioners on this trip to assist those still recovering from Hurricane Maria after two years.

When we arrived, we divided into two crews. One crew went to a house and hacked away two years worth of jungle growth and removed trash deposited by Hurricane Maria. My team worked on the community center of Ponce. When I saw the scope of the work to be done, I was not at all sanguine we could pull it off in the time allotted.

But we morphed into pure pilgrims. Everyone worked so hard and when we left, the residents of the Belgica neighborhood of Ponce had a community center freshly painted inside and out as well as trash-free grounds.

Before I left St Margaret’s this summer, the St Margaret's Women's Guild very generously gave me $1000 toward the trip. I struggled with the right way to use it, and eventually decided God would show me. God did. In the Community Center that we completely rehabbed there was a kitchen. Nothing worked or was covered in rust. The cabinets were rotted to the point they don’t have the strength to support any weight. I presented the center leader with a check to rehab that kitchen. He was quiet a moment, and then started to cry. He told us that anything we had done was incredible, but that now we had done more than he ever imagined. He said we made the place brand new. He said many things to the group about his gratitude to us and to God.

Afterward he gave me the carving shown above. He made it himself from wood blown down in the Hurricane. He said he wished he had more but that was all he had.This, this, this is what life is all about. Thank you St Margaret’s Guild for your generosity. If your goal was to make grown men cry, mission accomplished.

When we left, the wrecked yard of a talented wood carver was clear and free of debris for the first time in two years. When we left, we carried beautiful memories home of our time here. Participants have worked hard, touched hearts, bonded as a community, and represented our Diocese exceedingly well. Be very proud of them. Our futures are brighter because of these young people.
Upcoming Spire Deadline -- The deadline for submissions for the new Spire that covers the new program year (Sept - Oct) is due on Friday, August 9.
Realm: Coming Next Week!

 The time is almost here when parishioners are invited to join Realm, a new kind of church communication tool that keeps records, fosters communications among groups, and provides a safe and secure way of information-sharing. Not only will this improve work life for our staff, it will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community of faith.

Here are just a few examples of how Realm will make life easier at St. Margaret's:

✨The Profile system will enable you to update your contact information and choose a privacy setting you are comfortable with. We will ask you to opt in to the directory so that parishioners can contact you if needed. Communicating with other parishioners and staff will then be available that is not on social media.

✨Users can ask to become members of other St. Margaret's Church groups through the system. Take a look at all of our groups, when they meet, and who the parishioners are that are involved already. It's an easy way to get more active here at St. Margaret's.

✨Users can give safely online through Realm (no more checks in the mail) and check their up-to-date giving totals (but not anyone else's).

✨Users can register for classes and events easily and receive more information on each program.

✨✨✨✨AND, there is an app called "Realm Connect" that allows you to have information and communications anywhere you bring your cell phone!

Look for more information along with your personal invitation to join from Realm next week. If you don't get it, be sure and check your spam folder. In the meantime, check out these two Realm videos.
Back to School Supplies Drive

Members of the parish are asked to help with back-to-school supplies for children whose families are unable to provide. Again this year we will be partnering with Broadneck Elementary on Shore Acres Road in Arnold. Their guidance counselor has requested we provide supplies for students who require assistance and register late or are otherwise not qualified to be listed with county social services.

As in past years, the Mission Commission will provide the actual backpacks; parish families are asked to provide the supplies requested per grade level. If you can help, please put a note in the collection plate or contact Barbara Marder at i or 410-518-9978. She will provide you with a list of supplies needed. If you would like to contribute but cannot shop, a cash donation will help; let Barbara know and someone will do the shopping for you.
Camp Allen starts NEXT WEEK!

Camp Allen, a half-day camp for the children of the Allen Apartments in the Parole area of Annapolis, will soon be here -- August 5-9. If you will be helping out and haven't already, please contact Sarah Hyde at 410 562-9904.

Needed for Camp Allen we particularly need girls bathing suits in all sizes, and boys in Large (12-14) and XL (16). B ring donations and place in the designated box in the narthex closet.
You may have come to St. Margaret’s looking for a church home, for a baptism, or a special service, but you have stayed because of the people you have met. We want to help you connect with more parishioners through our Foyers program --social groups who meet regularly during the program year.
We will be signing up new Foyers participants at Sunday coffee hour now through August 4. If you are not able to do that, you can email with your first and last name (as well as all family members who would like to participate) and a preferred contact number and email.
The Foyers Planning Committee members for this coming year are Lesal Kilcrease, Arvilla Wubbenhorst, Janice Roper Graham, and Web Chamberlin.
Men's Breakfast on August 24

Mark your calendar for the next Men's Breakfast to be held on Saturday, August 24, 9:00 a.m., at the Riverbay Roadhouse in the Cape St. Claire center. Speaker TBD. For questions or to RSVP, contact Tug Knorr at
blessing of the backpacks
Blessing of the Backpacks on Aug. 25

Our annual blessing of students and educators for the new school year will be on Sunday, Aug. 25 at the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services. Students are encouraged to bring their backpacks for a special gift.
65 and Over Invitation

Parishioners 65 and over are invited to Jim and Judy MacGregor's home on Sunday September 8th for fellowship and a light supper from 4 to 7pm. Located in Twin Harbors, off the Magothy, their address is 201 Nomini Dr, Arnold, 21012.  

Car pooling would be best if possible from the nearby middle schools lot on Peninsula Farm Rd. Those with walking challenges, drive down our gravel driveway and park in front of our garages. There is a no stair approach on the far right side.  Questions and RSVPs can be made with Judy MacGregor at 410 991 9115. 
Annapolis Chamber
Music Festival
coming to St. Margaret's

Once again, we are excited to announce that the Annapolis Chamber Music Festival will host a concert at St. Margaret's this August!

On Tuesday, Aug. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Margaret's, these talented young musicians will present " Echoes," a concert that explores the interplay of virtuosic solo instruments and the human voice. Artists featured include Ralph Vaughn Williams and Franz Schubert.

Tickets are $28 and can be purchased at
Children's Summer Hour

Our new Summer Children's Hour continues this Sunday at 10:20 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Kids ages 3-10 and their families are encouraged to join clergy for a discussion on the Gospel lesson and a craft/activity following.
Play Bible Bingo This Summer!
Attend Services on Sunday!

Congratulations to Barbara Schneider
who got Bingo on Sunday!

Will we have other winners this Sunday?

St. Martins-in-the-Field will be hosting the first ever “Our Minds Matter Wellness Festival” on Saturday, August 3 from 2:00-6:00 p.m., at 375 Benfield, Severna Park. The event includes food trucks, a raffle, puppy rescue adoptions, live music, games, a silent auction and much more. Our Minds Matter is a student created and led movement advocating for more mental health resources in public schools and fighting to end the stigma that surrounds mental illness. To find out more about the movement and the festival contact

The annual Run for the Light House on Sept. 22 provides scenic half-marathon and 5K routes along the trails of Quiet Waters Park and through the beautiful Chesapeake Bay-front community of Hillsmere Shores. This race event is unlike any other in the greater Annapolis area! Returning in 2019 due to popular demand - 1.25 Mile Walk/Donut Dash! All proceeds from the Run for the Light House will benefit the Light House in Annapolis, a well-known public charity working to end the cycle of homelessness and poverty. Register HERE .

Province 3 Trail to Truth: Pilgrimage of Racial Reconciliation , October 11-14, 2019. Join the Province 3 Youth Committee for a pilgrimage by bus from Washington D.C. to Philadelphia, PA to discuss and dismantle the history of racism in the church and government. Be a voice for positive next steps. Included in the four day journey: African American History Museum, church histories, amazing guest speakers, and youth from the thirteen dioceses that are Province 3.  Learn more here .

Baltimore International Seafarers' Center Golf Tournament , October 17, Elkridge Club, Baltimore. The day of golf includes a 4-person scramble, breakfast snacks, lunch and awards receptions following the tournament.  Learn more and register online .
Church Clergy/Staff

The Rev. Peter W. Mayer, Rector

The Rev. Patti Sachs, Asst. Rector

Elizabeth Radley, Director of Operations

Jim Douglas, Directir of Music

Laura Tayman, Communications Asst

Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Leader

Teresa McCorkle, Bookkeeper

Tricia McVeigh, Day School Director

Judy Hall, Churchyard Adm.

Jim Bowersox, Facilities/Operations Asst.

Quick Links

To give to St. Margaret's online, click here:  

To give through text, then text GIVESMC to 73256

Church Office Summer Hours
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Mon - Thurs
Service Participants

THIS Sunday, August 4
EM @7:30: Fran Becker
Lector @ 7:30: Kathy Polk
EM @ 9: Katy Strother, Kevin Dell'Oro
Lectors @ 9: Paul Westcott, Karyn Sproles
Current Acolytes @ 9: Caroline Viscardi, Henry MacMillan, Molly Rose Svendsen
Summer Children's Hour: Albanese Family
EM @11:15: Peg Overton, Janis Brewer
Lectors@11:15: Phil Meeder, Peg Overton
Current Acolytes @ 11:!5, Sarah Mayer, Allen Mayer NEED MORE
Coffeehour Hosts: Sarah Hyde, Kathy Lang, Carole Bracken, Lyn and Sam Sloan
Flower Guild: Kathy Lang
Altar Guild: Elizabeth Parker, Lyn Sloan, Betsy Dobbs

Next Sunday, August 11
EM @7:30: Ben Tolley
Lector @ 7:30: Ben Tolley
EM @ 9: David Allen, Janet Allen
Lectors @ 9: Charlie Lang, Kathy Lang
Current Acolytes @ 9: Joseph Jackson, Zacca Jackson, NEED MORE
Summer Children's Hour: Berthelotte Family
EM @11:15: - Peg Overton, Jim Reising Lectors@11:15: Ann Lallande, Jan Brewer
Current Acolytes @ 11:15: Wes Reising, NEED MORE
Coffeehour Hosts: Elizabeth Kopack, Justyn Kopack, Seung Won Wenz, Heidi Ruegg, Jan Brewer
Flower Guild: Mary Kirkeby
Altar Guild: Nancy Saroch, Stephanie Ceruolo, Alice Gillis, Lisa Moylan

Go to our scheduling system to request a replacement or sign up where needed.

Swapped with someone else? Email a note to .

(Bulletins are usually printed
on Wednesdays each week.)
St. Margaret's Church
 Office Phone: 410-974-0200
Emergency Pastoral #: 443-837-5463