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November 20, 2019
A Note from Judy

It's the Saturday before Thanksgiving and that means only one thing for me -- get ready for the Holiday Bazaar!

The Bazaar has been an important fundraiser for the St. Margaret's Women's Guild for many years. Some don't know that the Guild provides funding for numerous missions and church activities, including:
  • New Choir Robes;
  • Vacation Bible School T-shirts;
  • Parish Hall kitchen supplies;
  • Friends of Arundel Seniors;
  • Youth Group Mission Trip to Puerto Rico;
  • Empower One/Mission trip for Jeffery Wubbenhorst;
  • The Club at Collington Square in Baltimore (Trip to Six Flags);
  • Book Fair at Windsor Farm Elementary; and
  • Fire Alarmers organization.

Please consider attending the bazaar. We have a variety of local crafters, artists, and vendors whose items are perfect for your holiday shopping! We also offer raffles, giveaways, and delicious food in the kitchen.

And if you have recently done some fall cleaning and have gently used household items you would like to donate for our White Elephant Sale that day, please clean them off, put a suggested price on each and bring the items to the Fellowship Hall on Friday between 12 - 2 and 5 - 7pm.
and White Elephant Sale
(Donations can be brought to Fellowship Hall on Nov. 22)
Sponsored by St. Margaret's Women's Guild
Proceeds benefit missions projects of the Guild
Saturday, November 23 * 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
*Vendors *Crafters *Raffles *Food
Current Pledge Information (11/19/19)
Current # of Pledges: 177 = 68% of goal
Current Amount of Pledges: $793,116 = 86% of goal
If you have not yet pledged for next year, please pledge online HERE, or fill out a pledge card and return to the church office or place in the offertory plate.

What’s is your 2019 pledge progress?
To find out if you have completed your 2019 pledge amount simply log onto REALM ( and check your giving. If you need help, email Elizabeth or Teresa in the office and your progress will be be emailed to you.
( or

Please pray for our vestry as they make financial decisions based on pledging amounts.
Some of our youngest parishioners got an up close and personal look at the Holy Eucharist at the 9:00 a.m. service on Sunday. The little ones met with the Rev. Peter on Saturday to talk about what it means when you come to the altar each week.

Thank you to Teresa Todd for the photo!
Author Karen Gonzalez visited St. Margaret's on Monday after the Adult study group read her book "The God Who Sees" this fall. Her amazing story of her family immigrating from Guatemala led to two-hour, in-depth discussion. Members of the Annapolis Immigration Justice Network were also on hand. Photo by the Rev. Patti Sachs.
Thanksgiving Basket Participants

We thank all parishioners who have signed up to provide and drop off Thanksgiving meal baskets for local families in need. Please remember to pick up the provided turkeys in the parish hall this Sunday, Nov. 24 or contact coordinator Barbara Marder at .
Endowment Grants Program for 2020

The 2020 St. Margaret's Church Endowment Grants application is now available on the church website . New this year: the committee will award one multi-year grant to a deserving organization. Applications are due by November 30, 2019. Pass this along to your favorite non profit! 
Youth News and Events

The Youth Group's annual Giving Tree will go up in the Narthex before the 1st of December. The Tree helps serve students in need at Magothy & Severn River Middle Schools. There will be tags for scarves, hats, gloves/mittens, and blankets, and each will specify boy or girl, and the grade. They will be distributed before the last day of vacation before Christmas so ALL donations must go to Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Leader, no later than December 17th. 

Children and Youth's annual caroling will be held on Sunday Dec 15 th . As in the past, all who are interested will meet in the Parish Hall following the 11:15 Service. We will have a quick lunch of cold cuts, and then off for about 90 minutes of visiting/singing.

The youth program is planning a visit to one of the Bello Machre homes in the area on Thursday, Dec. 5 . They provide semi-independent living for developmentally challenged adults. It is a Thursday, but there is a two hour early school dismissal for AA County Schools. The idea is that a small (10) group will meet and decorate the house with the residents, and maybe bake cookies, etc. The event would be from 3-5pm that afternoon. Location TBD

The Youth Group will have its Christmas Party on the 16 th .   

Bishop Unplugged THiS Saturday
St. Philip's in Annapolis will hold this annual fall diocesan event this Saturday, November 23, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Cost is $5. (For grades 6-12). Participants will spend the afternoon with Bishop Sutton in fellowship and fun. No registration required, but for questions contact Kate Riley at .

Youth-led Sunday service at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 12th.

A MLK Day youth event through the Diocese will take place on January 19-20th. More details to follow.

Youth Happening #13 will take place for students in grades 9-12 at the Claggett Center near Frederick, MD. Participants should arrive Friday at 7 p.m. with parent pickup on Sunday at 3 p.m. Cost is $95 due by Jan. 23. Scholarships available.

New Beginnings diocesan program for grades 6-8 will be held April 26-28 at Camp Wright in Stevensville, MD. Cost is $75. Scholarships available. Deadline is April 18 for registration.

End-of-Year Lock-in will be held at St. Margaret's on Friday, June 15th . Look for more registration information in the future.
Faith & Fellowship Mondays

There is no F&F on Monday, Nov. 25th.
There will be Motet rehearsal at 7 p.m.

Coming Soon--
We resume Faith & Fellowship on Monday, Dec. 2 and the adult formation study will center on Rowan Williams' "Ponder These Things: Praying with Icons of the Virgin." The Rev. Patti Sachs invites participants to explore and reflect on the depths of meaning in three classic icons from the Eastern Christian tradition. Icons have been described as "theology in line and color." Tracing the movement within them, the Archbishop of Canterbury discovers the pattern of love that they reveal. This love invites and embraces us so that we find ourselves caught up in the drama of the love of God. The study will be held on Dec. 2 and Dec. 16 at 7 p.m.

On Dec. 9, parishioners are invited to a presentation by the Light House's BEST (Building Employment Success Training) Program which provides training to prepare students to work in the high demand fields of culinary arts and building trades. The two distinctive tracks prepare students by providing classroom training and a paid work experience with employers. Join us for a dinner prepared by the students at 6:15 p.m. and then the program begins at 7 p.m.
advent wreath
Advent Class & the Advent Wreath

Please attend our Sunday morning Advent class in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays, December 8, 15 and 22. On Dec. 1st, we’ll be learning about the practice of the Advent Wreath and making our own in the parish hall. Donations of greens are very welcome (evergreen, holly, magnolia, etc.). Leave green donations at the doors of the Parish Hall by 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 1. Freewill donations for wreath kits are $20.

On Dec. 8 & 15 at 10:15 a.m. , the Rev. Peter will lead discussions on
"Redeemed: the promises of Advent through the lens of Isaiah.
St. Margaret's Women's Guild
Christmas Luncheon

The Guild will hold their annual Christmas luncheon on Wed., Dec. 4, Noon, at Carrol's Creek in Annapolis. Tickets are $30. Make checks available to "St. Margaret's Church" with "Guild Luncheon" in the memo line. Deadline is Nov. 28.
Third Sunday Band Christmas Concert

Join the Third Sunday Band as they perform a joyful, holiday concert for the parish and community on Saturday, Dec. 7, 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Light refreshments follow. Tickets sold at the door for $5. All are welcome!
Advent Lessons & Carols on Dec. 8

The choirs of St. Margaret's will offer Advent Lessons & Carols on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 5:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. This service is intended to be a time of spiritual preparation, as we watch and wait for the coming of the birth of Jesus Christ. Nursery care is provided.
quiet christmas
Quiet Christmas Services on Dec. 18

Christmas is not as happy or joyful for many who have experienced some kind of loss. Our annual Quiet Christmas service will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 18 at noon and 7 p.m. and offers scripture, hymns, and prayers of comfort.
Honor a Loved One this Christmas

Honor a loved one with a donation of poinsettias or wreaths to decorate St. Margaret's sanctuary this Christmas. Donations and dedications will be notated on Christmas bulletins. Prices are $25 for a poinsettia and $40 for a wreath. Deadline is Dec. 15.

To pay by check: Make it out to "St. Margaret's Church" with "Christmas Flowers" in the memo line. Put in the offertory plate on Sunday or bring it by the office.

To pay by credit card: Go to and email your dedication information to
Greens Needed for Christmas

The St. Margaret's Flower Guild is in need of donated greens (evergreen, magnolia, pine cones, etc.) to help decorate the church. Please leave donations by the church doors on Dec. 23 after 2pm.
Christmas Eve Services

3:00 p.m.
Holy Eucharist with traditional congregational Christmas carols

5:00 p.m.
Holy Eucharist with traditional Christmas carols
Sung by the Spirit Singers and Youth Chorale

7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.
Music Prelude and Holy Eucharist with traditional Christmas carols
Music for choir, organ, strings, harp and trumpet
Sung by members of the Chancel Choir and Motet Ensemble

Christmas Day
10:00 a.m.

Christmas Lessons & Carols
Sunday, December 29
9:00 and 11:15 a.m.

New Year's Brunch
Sunday December 29
10:15 a.m. in the Parish Hall
Bring a breakfast casserole to share!

Children's Epiphany Pageant
Rehearsal on Jan. 4, 9:00 a.m. in Parish Hall
Performance on Jan. 5, 10:15 a.m., in Parish Hall
Sunday's Service
Realm: Get Connected.

We are asking all parishioners to join Realm to foster efficiency and communication at SMC. You need to be invited by us which will take you to a sign-in site. To ask for an invite (or another one), just email If you need help getting started, call the church office and we will schedule a time you can come in with your laptop.

To log in, go the website homepage and look for the Realm logo.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to unexpected circumstances, staff may not have the ability to set up for coffee hour or other events for a few months. Anyone that can show up a bit early and help set-up please do so. Coffee hour takes 5-6 round tables and chairs.
Church Clergy/Staff

The Rev. Peter W. Mayer, Rector

The Rev. Patti Sachs, Asst. Rector

Elizabeth Radley, Director of Operations

Jim Douglas, Director of Music

Laura Tayman, Communications Asst

Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Leader

Teresa McCorkle, Bookkeeper

Tricia McVeigh, Day School Director

Judy Hall, Churchyard Adm.

Christine Feldmann, Grants Adm.

Jim Bowersox, Facilities/Operations Asst.

Quick Links

To give to St. Margaret's online, click here:   

To give on your phone,
text GIVESMC to 73256
Church Office Hours
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Mon - Thurs
Service Participants

THIS Sunday, Nov. 24
EM @ 7:30: Jim Barnett
Lector @ 7:30: Susan Roberts
EM @ 9:00: Elizabeth Bowers, Beth Knorr
Lectors @ 9:00: Jeff Conover, Karyn Sproles
Acolytes @ 9:00: Austin Canuel, Cole Canuel, Sophia Canuel, Joseph Jackson, Zacca Jackson
Children's Chapel: Sarah Balcom, Froggi Jackson
EM@11:15: Peg Overton, Jim Weekley
Lectors@ 11:15: Peg Overton, Valery Weekley
Acolytes@ 11:15: Peter Saroch, Emily Carroll, Hannah Carroll
Altar Guild: Jeanne Nardi, Jan Little, Mary Lesster, Kim Morrow
Flower Guild: Shelly Hupp
Coffeehour Hosts: Web Chamberlain, Sarah Luisi, Danielle Rubino, Barb Lundien

NEXT Sunday, Dec 1
EM @ 7:30: Joan Rich
Lector @ 7:30: Joan Rich
EM @ 9:00: David Allen, Janet Allen
Lectors @ 9:00: Phil Meeder, Barbara Marder
Acolytes @ 9:00: Molly Rose Svendsen, Sarah Mayer, Allen Mayer, Katherine Parker, Matthew Parker
Children's Chapel: Emily Delsordo, Ernie Tucker, Ella Tomko
EM@11:15: Sue Snyder, Peg Overton
Lectors@ 11:!5: Mel Kessler, Valery Weekley
Acolytes@ 11:15: Greta Lunsford-Poe, Dylan Lunsford-McBride, Caroline VanArsdall
Altar Guild: Elizabeth Parker, Susan Roberts, Lyn Sloan, Betsy Dobbs
Flower Guild: Cindy Lynch
Coffeehour Hosts: Sarah Hyde, Teresa Todd, Carole Bracken, Bill Saur, Milko Rospigliosi

ALL servers on Sundays now have a Fall Schedule. An updated copy of the schedule can be found online HERE . Any changes or swaps will not be on this copy but in the scheduling system. Bulletin listings are taken from the scheduling system.

Go to our scheduling system to request a replacement or sign up where needed.

(Bulletins are usually printed
on Wednesdays each week.)

A Christmas services sign up
is available HERE .

St. Margaret's Church
 Office Phone: 410-974-0200
Emergency Pastoral #: 443-837-5463