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Dragon Tales

October 2, 2024

A Note From The Rev. Patti Sachs

Time for a Bible lesson. “What the hell?” you might say. Exactly! In Sunday's gospel Jesus mentions being thrown into “hell” three times. And despite all the stories and pictures and lessons I’ve been given through the years, I just can’t imagine a God, who is LOVE itself, casting anyone into eternal darkness and hellfire. I just can’t. I don’t believe in the “hell” this word has come to mean. So where or what is Jesus talking about, this place of fire that never goes out?

Let’s explore the etymology (the roots) of the word “hell”. It comes from an Old English word “helle”, first documented around 724AD to refer to the nether world of the dead from the Anglo-Saxon Pagan period. In the Greek (from which our version of Mark is translated) the word ‘hell’ is ‘Gehenna’. Gehenna is a Greek word that comes from the Hebrew phrase, ge Hinnom, meaning “valley of Hinnom”.

In ancient times, before David captured Jerusalem and made it into “the City of David”, there was a tribe of ancient Israelites who worshipped the Canaanite god Molech. Worship and appeasement of Molech involved the sacrifice of children (nice, huh???). And this took place in the valley of Hinnom, down the southwest slope of Old Jerusalem. When David conquered Jerusalem, the vile place was turned into the city dump. Fire perpetually burned there (“eternal fire”). It was a smelly, awful place. Perfectly fit for the concept of complete separation from God. So, our concept of “hell” as a place where the devil lives and tortures people is not Biblical. It most likely comes from Dante’s “Inferno”, which wasn’t written until the 14th C!

I am no authority, and my beliefs are just that, mine. Yours are probably different than mine and that’s as it should be. We all come to our beliefs (or we should) by thoughtful reading and prayer, investigating our questions and asking God, “What about….?” Whatever your question, don’t worry about these things. God is ALL GOOD, ALL the time! And God’s love will never fail you.

Stewardship Campaign- Give Here or At QR Code Below
Children's Formation Families sponsoring Coffee Hour this week!

Coffee Hour Coordinator Position Filled- Thank you Melanie Carson!

Thank you to Kathy Lang for all her time and energy as the Coffee Hour Coordinator for the last several years!

The Vestry will be hosting coffee hour on October 6th. The Vestry is always open to hear your feedback, but you will have an additional opportunity to speak directly to them during coffee hour. Also, it is not to soon to consider being on the Vestry. The nominating committee will be seeking candidates soon. Come and talk to current Vestry members if you think you might be interested.

Trees for Sacred Spaces

Coffee hour information session October 6th

Trees for Sacred Spaces Partnership, Fellowship Hall

Join our Jr. Warden, Paul Schurke for a short information session on St. Margaret’s connection to the State of Maryland and their 5 Million Trees initiative with Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake to plant trees at houses of worship. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has come to our site and approved us for participation. We will need lots of participation for Installation Day on October 26th. More to come.

Click Here to RSVP For Pizza Night Dinner October 14th

Leading in Divided Times

October 8th on Zoom, 6pm-8pm

Join your fellow Episcopalians from around Maryland for some enlightening conversations on how to converse honestly in these fractious days. "Leading in Divided Times" is for everyone! Click the link to find out more and register: https://www3.thedatabank.com/dpg/543/personal2.asp?formid=Events&c=20240930091203480282

Movie Synopsis and Trailer can be found here: 'Origin' Trailer: Ava DuVernay's Historic Adaptation of Pulitzer Prize-Winning 'Caste' | Academy Newsletter (oscars.org)

The SMC Long Range Plan was first shared with parishioners on June 16, 2024. The Committee has collected those comments and incorporated them, along with the Long Range Plan goals and objectives themselves, into a Google Survey Form available using this link: https://forms.gle/Sip3WkPo7qMUTagh9.
The Long Range Planning Committee is looking for additional feedback from parishioners who have not yet commented, especially younger parishioners, parishioners with children, and newer members of the congregation. The Survey is a very user-friendly way for parishioners to help guide Saint Margaret’s Church’s growth and development over the next five years. Please take this opportunity to make your views known.

Thursday Morning Book Study

Sometimes God calls a person to unbelief in order that faith may take new forms. 

—Christian Wiman, My Bright Abyss  

If the city is a metaphor for certainty and belonging, then the wilderness is for our questions and our truth.

—Sarah Bessey, Field Notes 

Do you find these quotes intriguing? Do you like to explore new ideas or learn how we got where we are? Then the Thursday Morning Book Study might be an ideal place for you to expand your horizons in a non-judgmental collegial group. We meet every Thursday at 9am until 10:30am on Zoom. Sometimes we read theological books – like Rachel Held Evans, Richard Rohr, or Howard Thurman. Currently we are using Yale Divinity School on-line and reading the Book of Acts. The study guide gives us content questions, background information, and supplemental readings or artwork. Please contact Pat Hall (pshall1@verizon.net), Kathy Polk (kkpolk@yahoo.com) or the Rev. Patti Sachs(patti@st-margarets.org) for Zoom information.

VESTRY- The Vestry of the church, our group of twelve elected lay representatives who help the Rector run the church, meets on the third Tuesday of every month except August. The meetings are hybrid and are open to the congregation to attend. Please let the Rector or the Senior Warden know in advance if you’d like to attend and if you have a matter to bring. You need to be on the agenda to have a voice. The next meeting is October 15th.

The Vestry has received the nominations of Sophia Canuel and Katherine Parker as Young Adult Voting members. The Vestry will vote on their nominations at the next Vestry meeting on October 15. Thank you to both Sophia and Katherine for stepping forward!

Volunteers needed to run a game table! Contact Emily DelSordo at emily@st-margargets.org to help!

Children, Youth, And Families

Jeff's Most Recent Holy Hotmail (Youth Events) 
RSVP For Acolyte Pizza Night HERE


Click Here for Music At St. Margaret's, Fall 2024
Music-Only Calendar


St. Margaret’s Annual Mission Fair will be held in the Fellowship and Parish Halls October 13th from 10:15am to 11:15am.

Each year we feature guest organizations that have received Endowment Grants, Parishioner-led Grants, as well as our internal mission groups. This year the theme is “Community” and the following community organizations will be participating :

Next One Up (Baltimore) , Annapolis Immigration Justice Network, STAIR, Court Appointed Special Advocate (Anne Arundel County) My Brother’s Pantry, and Daughters of the King.

SMC’ s own mission groups: Women’s Guild, Lighthouse (Pumpkin Patch, Pantry, Dinners), Broadneck Elementary Tutoring, Winter Relief, Endowment Grants, Shawl Ministry, and Archives will also be there. This is a wonderful annual gathering of “giving groups”, the energy is palpable, and it gives our parishioners the opportunity to find out more about volunteering opportunities. If you have questions, please contact Beth Arruda (maggiebarruda@gmail.com).

Pumpkin Patch Volunteers Needed

The Missions Commission will be staffing the Pumpkin Patch at St. Martin's Lutheran that benefits the Lighthouse Shelter from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat. Oct. 26th. Any interested volunteers should reach out to Hutch Robbins at edmasuhu@aol.com or at 410.212.3639. Youth and their families are especially encouraged to volunteer.

St. Margaret's Church Endowment Grant Applications Now Being Accepted

Know a non-profit that needs funding? Applications are now being accepted for the annual St. Margaret's Church Endowment Grants program through December 15. The process has moved online, and applications can be submitted through our portal at https://st-margarets.submit.com. Grant awards range from $2,500 to $25,000 for one year and up to $30,000 for a two-year grant. Want to serve as a liaison or grant reviewer? Contact Christine Feldmann at missions@st-margarets.org



Light House: Ongoing: The Light House in Annapolis currently provides dinners year round for 65 community members in need. St. Margaret’s Church parishioners provide that meal once a month. The work involves planning, purchasing, and preparing the meal in the convenience of your home and delivering it to the Light House. Reimbursement is available for your grocery costs.

The 2025 signup is now available and your help is needed. Gather a few of your friends or family members and sign up for a meal in 2025. Preparing a meal for 65 is so much easier when the cooking is shared. When the work is done and the food is delivered, the sense of helping is truly wonderful. Please click on the link below to learn more about this volunteer opportunity and to sign up for a dinner in 2025:


SMC POC: Janet Allen, SMC’s Light House Dinner Coordinator


Light House:  Ongoing: Donate REQUESTED food and other items to Light House by placing in the designated area under the window in the Narthex. Please see list of needed items here: https://annapolislighthouse.org/get-involved/needs/

We collect for the Lighthouse Shelter all year, and you can leave your donations in the basket in the back corner of the narthex. 

Thanks for your support of this great cause!   - Pam Roth and Helen Patterson

SMC POC: Pam Roth, SMC's Light House Donation Coordinator rothsbythebay@verizon.net

Sunday Service, September 29nd

Sunday's Service Bulletin

Sunday's Announcements

Servers have been added to Realm Connect: check on your profile page under "serving." For more info about how to find your schedule, contact JoEllyn Fountain at jfountain777@gmail.com


Oct 2- Eucharist 9am, Ringers 6:30pm

Oct 6- **, Adult Choir at both services, Trees for Sacred Spaces Coffee Hour Presentation, Blessing of the Animals 2pm, Youth Group 4pm-6pm

Oct 7- Choristers as scheduled 5:15pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm followed by Minute-To-Win-It Games for Individuals and Families, Adult Choir 7pm

Oct 8- Gospel Sessions on Zoom 9am

Oct 9- Eucharist 9am, Ringers 6:30pm

Oct 11- Origin Movie Showing 6pm

Oct 13- **, Adult Choir at both services, Missions Fair 10:15am, Youth Group 4pm-6pm

Oct 14- Acolyte Training 5:30pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm, Adult Formation following dinner, NO Choristers rehearsal, NO Adult Choir

Oct 15- Vestry Meeting 7pm

Oct 16- Eucharist 9am, NO Ringers

Oct 20- **, Wellspring Band at both services, Guild Mums Sale between services, Youth Group 4pm-6pm

Oct 21- Choristers as scheduled 5:15pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm, Adult Choir 7pm

Oct 22- Gospel Sessions on Zoom 9am

Oct 23- Eucharist 9am, Ringers 6:30pm

Oct 26- Trees for Sacred Spaces planting 9am

Oct 27- Services at 7:30am and 10am, Youth Service at 10am, Fall Festival 11am-1pm, Youth Group 4pm-6pm

Oct 28- Chorister Evensong 5:45pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm, Adult Formation Following Dinner, Adult Choir 7pm

Oct 30- Eucharist 9am, Ringers 6:30pm

Nov 1- Youth Group Lock-In

Nov 3- **, Adult Choir at both services, Youth Group 4pm-6pm

Nov 4- Choristers as scheduled 5:15pm, NO Faith and Fellowship, Adult Choir 7pm

Nov 5- Election Day (VOTE!), Office is closed

Nov 6- Eucharist 9am, Women's Guild Noon, Ringers 6:30pm

Nov 10- **, Adult Choir at both services, Youth Group 4pm-6pm

Nov 11- Acolyte Training 5:30pm, NO Choristers, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm, Adult Formation Following Dinner, Adult Choir 7pm

Nov 12- Gospel Sessions 9am on Zoom

Nov 13- Eucharist 9am, Ringers 6:30pm

Nov 17- **, Wellspring Band at both services, Youth Group 4pm-6pm, Newcomers Dinner 5pm-7pm

Nov 18- Choristers as scheduled 5:15pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm, Adult Formation following dinner, Adult Choir 7pm

Nov 19- Vesty Meeting 7pm

Nov 20- Eucharist 9am, Ringers 6:30pm

Nov 23- Women's Guild Holiday Bazaar

Nov 24- **, Ringers at both services, NO Youth Group

Nov 25- NO Choristers, NO Faith and Fellowship, NO Adult Choir

Nov 26- Gospel Sessions 9am on Zoom

Nov 27-Nov 29- Office Closed

Nov 27- Eucharist 9am

Dec 1- **, Adult Choir at both services, Advent Wreath Making during Coffee Hour, Youth Group 4pm-6pm

Dec 2- Choristers as scheduled 5:15pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm, Adult formation after dinner, Adult Choir 7pm,

Dec 4- Eucharist 9pm, Women's Guild Noon, Ringers 6:30pm

Dec 8- **, Choristers at both services, Youth Group 4pm-6pm, Lessons and Carols 5pm

Dec 9- NO Choristers, Acolyte Training 5:30pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm, Adult Choir 7pm

Dec 10- Gospel Sessions 9am on Zoom

Dec 11- Eucharist 9am, Quiet Christmas Service Noon followed by Tea at 1pm, Ringers 6:30pm

Dec 15- **, Wellspring at both services, Youth Group Christmas Party 4pm-6pm

Dec 16- Choristers at scheduled 5:15pm, Faith and Fellowship Dinner 6:15pm, Adult Formation following dinner, Adult Choir 7pm

Dec 17- Vestry Meeting 7pm

Dec 18- Eucharist 9am, Ringers 6:30pm

Dec 20- Winter Solstice Concert 7pm

Dec 22-**, Ringers at both services, NO Youth Group

Dec 23- Choristers as schedule 5:15pm, NO Faith and Fellowship, Adult Choir 7pm

Dec 24-Dec 27- Office Closed

Dec 24- Services at 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm

Dec 25- Service at 10am, NO Ringers

Dec 29- **, No Sunday School, No Youth Group

Dec 30- NO Choristers, NO Faith and Fellowship, No Adult Choir

Dec 31-Jan 2- Office Closed

Jan 1- Eucharist 9am, NO Ringers

Jan 5- **, Epiphany Pageant 9am service, Lessons and Carols 11:15am service, NO Sunday School

**Sunday Service Schedule 7:30am, 9am, and 11:15am, Coffee hour between 9am and 11:15am services in the Parish Hall, Sunday School at 10:15am in the Formation Building

 Find The Complete Calendar On Our Website Here

St. Margaret's Contacts

The Rev. Peter W. Mayer, Rector - Peter@st-margarets.org

The Rev. Patti Sachs, Associate Rector - Patti@st-margarets.org

Elizabeth Radley, Director of Operations - Elizabeth@st-margarets.org

Jim Douglas, Director of Music - Music@st-margarets.org

Jake Ritmiller, Associate for Contemporary Music - Jake@st-margarets.org

Judy Hall, Administrative Assistant - Judy@st-margarets.org

For Churchyard Information- Churchyard@st-margarets.org

Emily DelSordo, Children's Formation Coordinator - Emily@st-margarets.org

Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Leader - Jeff@st-margarets.org

The Rev. Darryl R. Kemp, Liturgical Intern - Darryl@st-margarets.org

Teresa McCorkle, Bookkeeper - Office@st-margarets.org

Christine Feldmann, Grants Administrator - Missions@st-margarets.org

Deadline for Dragon Tales submissions is Monday afternoon.

Deadline for Weekly Announcements is Monday afternoon.


Do you have a prayer request to post in Sunday's announcements? Click HERE to make the request on our website. Deadline to make it in the Sunday's announcements is Monday afternoon.


Church Calendar


St. Margaret's Day School

Episcopal Diocese of Maryland

The Episcopal Church


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