Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.

Dream Journal – October 2022

Are YOU the One?

Looking for one special Dream Giver to sponsor education for a special girl dreaming of becoming a nurse. Srey Ny‘s high school sponsor cannot continue the sponsorship to University level. 

Her 3 year nursing program costs $1,200 a year. Her family can afford to pay $600 a year and we urgently need a new sponsor to pay the difference of $600 a year for 3 years. 

If you can share $50 a month to help Srey Ny achieve her dream, please get in touch at [email protected].

Program Updates

Quarterly reports are sent to each grantor giving specific progress of their project. CCDO sent out 5 reports to donors this week.

The Mobile Library report was particularly heartwarming. It included an anecdote of a little girl copying a story from the book into her notebook. When the teacher asked her why, she said that she wanted to read the story to her little brothers at home. We rotate the books through different schools so children get to read new stories every week when the Tuk Tuk Library visits their school. We do need more books so that children can take them home and read them themselves or to their siblings.

Each paperback costs only $2.

How many can we purchase in your name?


RC Sentosa 7th Global Grant approved

Over the past year, CCDO has been fortunate to have Rotary Club of Sentosa sponsor Rotary Global Grants to build 24 Toilet Blocks with washstands in our rural schools. We have just been awarded a 7th Global Grant to build 5 more toilet blocks. Steve Swartz of Rotary Club of Phnom Penh Metro has been overseeing this project. He recently visited the schools and noticed that each toilet block also had cement walkways from classroom lined with flowers, so that the students can keep dry in the muddy rainy season. The schools and communities provided the walkways.

The one question many of the students asked was :

“Can we please have toilets in our homes, too?”

A brick latrine costs $360.


Rotary Club Sentosa came for a packed brief visit and in 3 days managed to visit 16 of the 24 schools where toilet blocks already completed. Michael Quek, Robin Tan, Karen Kang & Abe Jacob were suitably impressed with the schools, toilet blocks and additional fruit orchards. The outcome of the visit was the new idea of providing sports fields for soccer and volleyball. Apart from healthy exercise, they would like to see the schools take part in friendly sports competitions. This will teach the kids sportsmanship and be a fun outing for them.


Once again, the ever-generous Beth & Kevin Hoffman donated $2,650 to honor friends’ birthdays with water wells, a latrine, school fees and library books. Each person receives a letter of recognition plus photos of their well or latrine. It’s a wonderfully stress-free way to give a gift that needn’t be wrapped and does a lot of good to many. Be a generous and thoughtful friend especially this upcoming holiday season!

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
to change lives, one child at a time.
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