DREAM and expect, these are the words the Lord gave us for the past year. Dream with Him and expect these dreams to become a reality. We began the year with hope the Lord would open doors and further equip the Church with Unbound Ministry.

We dreamed of bringing the Unbound Conference to new countries. We dreamed of connecting with our Network teams in new and deeper ways. We dreamed of new translations to give people access to the Unbound model. We dreamed of connecting with dynamic Christian leaders on our podcast. We dreamed of creating new training videos to better prepare those seeking to minister to others.

EXPECT the Lord to show up in greater ways than you could hope for. We expected the Lord to move powerfully, and He exceeded our expectations!

We traveled to Mexico, Cameroon, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates. This was the first time our team had traveled to each of these countries to do an Unbound Conference.

We hosted a series of Unbound Network Meetings on Zoom where we shared, prayed, connected, dreamed, and learned together. In March we had our first in-person Leadership Conference in 4 years. It was a joy to be together again!

We published Resistiendo al Diablo, the Spanish translation of Resisting the Devil, and Unbound was translated and published in Portuguese.

Dr. Bob Schuchts, Lindsay Fay Costello, Dan DeMatte, Mike & Alicia Hernon and many other friends joined us on the Open Doors: Conversations with Heart of the Father podcast. Our listeners had the opportunity to understand Unbound in new ways and how it connects to other ministries around the world.

In October, we recorded brand new versions of our Basic and Advanced Training videos. Philamedia Co., who created our new Freedom in Christ series, joined us again to develop two training series that draw viewers in and enable them to effectively learn the Unbound model.

Your generous gifts in 2023 helped to bring dreams with the Lord into reality. We are asking you today to DREAM & EXPECT with us for 2024.

Would you consider making a year-end gift, increasing your current partnership pledge, or checking that your credit card information is up to date?

We need your help to bring Unbound to all who need the saving power of Jesus.

In all these labors and for all these opportunities, we give thanks.

In the Father’s Love,

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