Drive-In Worship Begins Sunday, August 9!
Beginning this Sunday, August 9, St. Martin’s will have a Drive-In worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30. Put on some cool, comfortable clothes, grab a mask and some bottled water, load up your vehicle, and come on over to St. Martin’s parking lot. Download the order of worship from our website to your device or print it out before you leave home. Bring your personal Book of Common Prayer if you like. Try to arrive a little early in order to get parked and prepare for worship.
Near the entrance, you’ll be greeted by an Usher who will help you find a parking place. We’ll be using a checkerboard pattern with cars parked in every other space. Park in spaces marked with a "P." Ushers will also have a supply of masks and bottled water.
When you’ve found a place to park, roll down the windows and turn off the engine. We’ve extended the WiFi to cover the parking lot. To access it to view the service on your device, look for StMartinOutDoor, then use password tLbwy&awy. If you would like to listen to the service on your radio, tune to FM 87.9. Hold up your fingers to let the Ushers know how many worshipers are in your vehicle. Flash your lights if you need to attract the attention of the Ushers.
We ask that everyone remain in their vehicles throughout the service. Restrooms will not be available because we don’t have personnel to sanitize them after each use.
We’ll be able to pass the plate and celebrate the Holy Eucharist for the first time in five months! The Ushers will approach the driver of each vehicle during the Offertory. When it is time to distribute the Sacrament, the servers bearing trays of individually packaged vessels of consecrated gluten free bread and wine will also approach the driver of each vehicle. The driver will take the number of vessels needed. We ask that the driver wear a mask during the Offertory and during the Administration.
After the Blessing and Dismissal, as you leave the parking lot, Ushers will collect the empty vessels so they can be taken to the Sacristy.
In a few weeks, our Eucharistic Visitors will be deployed to bring the Sacrament to members who are unable to leave their homes. Watch for more information.
Thanks to our clergy, liturgical ministers, organist/choirmaster, video producer, staff, and regathering team for making arrangements so we can gather for worship in this new way. As in everything during this pandemic, the health and safety of those given into our care is the highest priority in our planning. Please continue to be patient with us as we strive to make this work!