Lake Toxaway
news & updates

Lake Toxaway Charities mission is to support the charities, medical outreach, and educators who work with and minister to the abused, disabled, indigent, and those with special needs in Transylvania County
October 2019
Want to have a "hands on" volunteer experience working with a local area Meals on Wheels program?
Here's how it works: One or two days each week, you pick up the pre-packaged meals at 11:30 a.m. at the Quebec Community Club on Highway 64 [across from T. C. Henderson School] and deliver them to clients who rely on this hot meal daily. Your route would take about an hour and a half to complete. You meet the recipients, many of whom are elderly and housebound, as you deliver the meals. Often this brief visit is the highlight of their day.   
There are also volunteer opportunities with the Lunch Plus program, which serves lunch to participants at the Quebec Community Club Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon. You and other volunteers would help set up the lunch tables and stay to help clean up when the clients have left.

If you need additional information about volunteering for either or both of these worthy efforts, please call Pam McCall, Quebec Meals on Wheels Manager, at 828-862-4466.

The Angel Tree at the Greystone Inn
Christmas was a little brighter last year because of the overwhelming generosity of the Lake Toxaway community. Lake Toxaway Charities in partnership with the Greystone Inn, has once again identified local families who need our help. Each family will be anonymously represented as an angel on Greystone Inn's angel tree. The community has been invited to gather on Thursday, December 5th from 6:00-8:00 for the Greystone Inn's annual Christmas tree lighting party. Choose an angel and give back to the community we all love so much. If you’re leaving for the winter and want to help, please write a check for $250 payable to Lake Toxaway Charities.