February 13, 2024


It's Opening Week of Dry Streak and the cast and crew are ready to share all their hard work with you. Why not join us this Friday, February 16 for Opening Night, when you can meet the cast after the show while nibbling on delicious appetizers?

The play runs February 16 - March 2. Get your tickets now at Choose Refill or click the button below to buy online.

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Our Spring Production

Director Kim MacMillan is delighted to announce the cast of our spring play, Outside Mullingar.

  • Anthony Reilly - Oliver Becker
  • Tony Reilly - John Lomas
  • Aoife Muldoon - Eileen Podanowski
  • Rosemary Muldoon - Liz Willms

Thank you to everyone who came out to audition.

The play runs April 26 - May 11 and is our entry into the Okanagan Zone Festival in Vernon the week of May 13 - 18.

February Play Reading

Our first play reading was a great success. We will get together again on Wednesday, February 28 at 7:00pm when we will read The Laramie Project written by Moises Kaufman and members of Tectonic Theatre Project. This powerful play, written in 2000 about a real event, has been called a docudrama.

Four weeks after the murder of Matthew Shepherd, a gay university student, Kaufman and nine members of his group travelled to Laramie, Wyoming, where they interviewed more than 200 people. This play is written from these interviews, journals and news reports. It is a moving, thought-provoking and sometimes disturbing script. (There is some swearing.) We will have a short discussion after the reading. Scripts will be available at the reading. Everyone is welcome. Questions? Email Julia.

We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Paul Kirkwood-Hackett. Theatre was a huge part of Paul's life. He wore many hats while he was a member of Shuswap Theatre, including director, actor and lighting designer. He was also very active with Asparagus Theatre in Armstrong and Caravan Farm Theatre, as well as serving for a number of years on the executive of the Okanagan Zone of Theatre BC. We send our condolences to his wife Bea and family.


Most theatres have a no refunds or exchanges policy and that has been our practice. It can become a bit of a nightmare when there are numerous exchanges or requests for refunds. However, to better meet the needs of our patrons we will now allow exchanges only for an administrative fee of $3 per ticket. The fee is waived for season subscribers. Exchanges must be done in person at our agent, Choose Refill. Be sure to bring your tickets.

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