Wednesday, April 1, 2020 Volume 1, Issue 4
(630) 682-7400
Newsletter Sign Up

The COVID-19 Weekly Update will provide current information and resources for DuPage County. We encourage you to share this widely through our community. To subscribe and receive weekly local updates on COVID-19, please fill out  this form
DuPage County
Launches COVID-19 Dashboard
Interactive Map to Show Cases by Municipality

On Monday, March 30, the DuPage County Health Department announced a new, interactive COVID-19 case map. The dashboard links data from the DuPage County Health Department into the GIS Data Systems from DuPage County to provide a greater level of understanding into how the coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, pandemic is unfolding across our communities.

The information on the COVID-19 Dashboard will be updated daily to provide DuPage County residents information about the current spread of COVID-19 and need for healthy distancing and prevention steps to slow the spread of disease. Information around age range, sex as well as community of residence of the cases identified through testing will be included. Since testing resources are limited to the most severe cases and at-risk populations, this does not reflect total disease presence in our communities. As testing becomes more available, this information will become more reflective of the actual disease activity in the community.
 Stay At Home Order Extended

 On Wednesday, April 1st, Governor Pritzker issued  Executive Order 2020-18 , extending the Stay at Home Order through Thursday, April 30th. The order prohibits things like visiting other people’s homes (except to provide care or supplies) and gatherings of more than 10 people and closes all nonessential establishments, including most retail, recreation and entertainment businesses. It does NOT prohibit essential activities like going to the grocery store, receiving medical care, or taking your pet for a walk. For more information on what this order means for you, please read on....
Recruitment of Medical Professionals to Aid Fight Against COVID-19

The DuPage County Health Department, in conjunction with the State of Illinois, is assisting in the recruitment of more medical professionals to aid in the fight against COVID-19. The state is calling on all licensed healthcare providers who are available to help to register at . The call for help includes physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, physician assistants, medics, LPNs, CNAs, podiatrists, and dentists.
Illinois Department of Public Health Issues Recommended Guidance for Preventing Spread of COVID-19 in Grocery Stores

Grocery stores can play an important role in protecting their employees and customers from COVID-19 infections by following personal and environmental hygiene practices. The following industry best practices can be employed to keep employees and customers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read on...
Resources for Those in Need
Partnership with

The DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) and DuPagePads are working together to help DuPage County residents who are in need. Every Friday, DCHD staff will help deliver food from the DuPagePads Client Service Center to families and individuals who are in emergency housing and in need of meals.

This will help those higher risk families and individuals who are now in emergency housing, stay sheltered in an environment that will protect them from the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To learn more, please visit , or call (630) 682-3846.
Struggling to Provide Healthy Food for Your Young Children During the COVID-19 Crisis?

Women, Infant, Children (WIC) is here to help. The WIC Program provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and community referrals and vouchers for nutritious supplemental foods at no-cost to eligible pregnant, postpartum, or breastfeeding women, infants and children living in DuPage County.

Currently, you can enroll in WIC without going to a clinic. WIC families have an option to do phone-based WIC appointments, and complete online nutrition education.

Call DuPage County Health Department for enrollment information at (630) 682-7400.
Food Resources

Northern Illinois Food Bank partners with 900 feeding programs across 13 counties to serve our neighbors needing food. If you or someone you know is in need of food please use the locator map to find a food pantry or soup kitchen near you. Use the contact information provided to confirm hours of distribution and residency requirements.

The Food Bank’s SNAP Outreach Team is also fielding calls and online requests 7 days per week related to SNAP (food stamps) applications and locating a pantry. Some of the SNAP eligibility requirements have been temporarily lifted due to COVID-19. For assistance call 844-600-7627 or use the online contact form.

Visit the Food Bank website to learn more about how to give help and get help (
What's New
DuPage County Health Department has recently added new information to their website:

Guidance is changing rapidly, please check the website frequently. 
Illinois COVID-19 Hotline and Email Address

If you have questions about Coronavirus - Call the Illinois Coronavirus Disease
(COVID-19) Hotline:

1(800) 889-3931 or, send an email to: DPH.SICK@ILLINOIS.GOV  

Both are available anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
(630) 682-7400