Dear Quality Champions and Practice Administrators,
Hello 2022! It’s a new year filled with opportunities and a renewed vision for our network. Looking back, 2021 was filled with amazing accomplishments from all of our member practices.

As a network, we banded together to continue to advocate and help safeguard the health of children and families in our communities during uncertain times. There were numerous developments throughout the year, and we worked together to learn and adapt quickly to make the year successful - together.

We are excited to build on last year’s momentum as we launch the 2022 TCCN Quality Program. We will continue to renew our commitment to excellence by focusing on moving the needle forward on quality improvement outcomes. Our network objectives for this year are to improve well child visit compliance rates, appropriate treatment for asthmatics, and appropriate screenings.

As part of the 2022 TCCN Quality Program, we are asking that all practices commit to quality improvement activities and coding for the 2022 TCCN Measures of Focus which are listed below: 
  • Well Child 0-30 months​
  • 3-21 Well Child Visits​
  • Asthma
  • Behavioral Health and Depression Screenings
  • Anthem/BCBS Contracted Measures (details available here)
Additionally, we ask that all practices commit to participating in the following quality improvement activities including:
  • Practices will work recall lists to improve measure rates (including Anthem/BCBS lists)​
  • Commit to attending one of the two TCCN Clinical Quality Forums in 2022. ​
  • Practices will continue current Quality Improvement efforts and adhere to Minimum Standards.
One you have read and understood the requirements of the 2022 TCCN Quality Program, please click the following link to complete the required practice attestation. The attestation link can be found at

To further support our practices throughout the year, TCCN will send out monthly communications in our Quality Steps newsletter and from our TCCN leadership team to help provide additional education and quality improvement resources. The expectation is that your practice will review the materials, share, and discuss within your practice and make changes when needed.
Your Next Steps:
1. Review the 2022 quality program requirements and measures of focus.
2. Commit to quality improvement activities and coding for the 2022 TCCN Measures of Focus:
  • Well Child 0-30 months​
  • 3-21 Well Child Visits​
  • Asthma
  • Behavioral Health and Depression Screenings
  • Anthem/BCBS Contracted Measures
3. Complete by 2/28/22 the required 2022 TCCN Quality Program Attestation online at
4. Commit to attending at least one of the two TCCN Clinical Quality Forums in 2022.
5. Continue current Quality Improvement efforts and adhere to Minimum Standards.
Thank you for making this a priority for your practice this year. Together, we can continue to provide excellence for the patients, families, and communities we serve. 

Please contact [email protected] with any questions you may have. 
The Children’s Care Network 

The Children's Care Network

Phone: 404-785-0101  l  Visit us at
Please add [email protected] to your list of trusted senders

"Great pediatric doctors and leading children's hospitals improving healthcare and the health of our children, because our children deserve it!"