August 2021
Club Connections
Dunwoody Woman's Club
Serving the community since 1971
Thursday, August 19 - 10am
DWC Called Meeting
City Annex-4470 N Shallowford Rd.

Saturday, August 28 - 12 to 2pm
Mosaic Mandala Art Project
Spruill Art Center - Meet at 11:45am
5539 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd.
Dunwoody, GA
Sponsored by: Arts and Culture
Wednesday, Sept 1 Callanwolde Fine Arts Center. Meet at 9am at Dunwoody Library to carpool.
980 Briarcliff Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA
Sponsored by: Arts and Culture

Thursday, September 9 - 10am
Smart Nutrition and Wellness
1095 Old Roswell Rd, Suite E
Roswell, GA
Sponsored by: Health & Wellness

October 6: DWC Home Tour
Ways and Means
Faye Cashwell -
Susan Crawford -
Diane Norris -

Mark your Calendars!

DWC Home Tour
October 6, 2021
10:00am - 2:00pm

The Home Tour Committee has been busy this summer finalizing plans for the tour. We hope everyone has October 6th marked on their calendar and plan to work the day of the tour. We have three fantastic homes and a decorator showcase and need everyone to help the day of the tour.

Date: Thursday - August 19th at 10:00 am
Location: City Annex

This is your opportunity to pick up your tickets. Please make every effort to sell your tickets and turn in your money at the September 16th General Meeting.

Thank you to everyone who helped with our Sponsorship Campaign. We did a fantastic job with more than $24,000 collected in sponsor money. Sponsor envelopes with thank you letters and tickets will be available at the August meeting. If you would be willing to help deliver them with a personal thank you, it will save on postage costs.

If you have not received notification of your home assignment from one of the head hostesses, please call Martha Blondheim (770-457-6670) or Jill Jordan (770-378-7298). If you have a friend that may want to work the tour, please let us know. If your husband is willing to help with traffic control during the home tour, please respond to one of the emails above - Faye, Susan or Diane.

Pam King -

 You may know members’ faces and recognize their names, but wouldn’t you like to know more about them? To help us get to know our fellow members better, we will begin a Member Spotlight campaign in September. In our monthly meetings as well as in our monthly newsletter, we will highlight different members to do just that!
Arts and Culture
Jo Ann Kostkan
Kim Reuning
Thank you to all who participated in the flower-arranging workshop. Not only did you take home a fabulous tea cup arrangement, but you made it possible to brighten so many of our ladies’ days with your donated bouquets!
Saturday, August 28-Community-wide Free Mosaic Mandala Art Project for Spruill Center from 12-2pm. 
  • Learn the joys of making mosaics while benefitting the community! A Spruill instructor will provide materials and design for 3 community mosaics to be installed at Spruill Center for the Arts. Donations are appreciated to help fund the project!
  • Class is full but you can add your name to the waitlist at
  • Let Kim or Jo Ann know you are attending - meet us there at 11:45 am.
  • Members signed up at the May meeting: Kim Reuning, Jo Ann Kostkan, Suzanne Bentz, Pam King, Beverly Clark, Carolyn Anderson, Kay Moe, Pat Troxel, and Karen Turner.
 Wednesday, September 1-Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
  •  Meet at Dunwoody Library parking lot to carpool at 9 am.
  • We will enjoy a docent-led tour of the mansion and gallery and stroll through the gardens. Lunch will follow at Murphy’s nearby.
  •  The gallery exhibit features drawings by Jerushia Graham. She uses an X-Acto blade and a Japanese screw punch to cut, a process that takes 2 months to complete.
  • Please RSVP to Jo Ann or Kim by August 18. Let us know if you can drive and if you are staying for lunch.

Please save your coffee cans and lids or Fluff marshmallow/similar containers with lids. We will be using them for our October scarecrow art project at Adult Day of Dunwoody.
Upcoming Community Art Events:
Atlanta Dogwood Festival—August 6-8
Piedmont Park Arts Festival—August 21-22
Spruill Gallery Juried Exhibition on view through August 21
Civic Engagement and Outreach
Donna Knowlton
Thanks to all the ladies and husbands who participated in the Dunwoody 4th of July Parade and celebrated our 50th Year Anniversary theme. A special thanks to the Girl Scouts for carrying our banner. This is always a fun event. We hope you will join us next year.

Andrea Brantley, Director of Family Promise, has asked for our help with their latest and greatest fundraiser called “CoZzzy Comfy Sheets.” For every set of bed sheets purchased $12.00 will be donated to Family Promise. The bed sheets are 1800 thread count and all sizes are $50.00. They come in many colors. Each donation will go toward NEW mattresses and bedding for families in the Family Promise Program. Simply go to to order. Use group code Family Promise 1- 2021-KB on check out. The fundraiser runs from August 16 – September 6. Andrea says the sheets are “awesome.”
Education and Libraries
Linda Mote

We will be collecting school supplies for High Tower Elementary. We have 125 pencils for the August challenge. So, we need notebook paper, Crayola crayons, pencil boxes, washable markers, white glue, blunt scissors, large pink erasers, glue sticks, rulers, colored pencils, and Disinfectant Wipes. Please bring your donations to the August Home Tour meeting.

We made a $100 donation to the International Community School for their back to school supply drive.

If you are planning on participating in the book club in the coming year, please send me an email confirming your interest. I will then send you a list of books which you will need to vote on. There will not be a book club meeting in September, I will be out of town. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, October 5 via Zoom.
Kathy Hanna
Nancy Baldwin & Gang

September 23, Lecture and tour of Twin Branch Nursery in Woodstock, GA. Carpool from St. Luke's parking lot at 9:30 am. Lunch to follow in Roswell area.

  • Spalding Garden Club is hosting a Garden Faire Oct 16, with many pass along plants Please put the date and times 9:00-4:00 on your calendar.
  • Animal Shelters; Pill bottles without labels; blankets any size; dog or cat toys; animal treats, paper towels, old mascara wands, cereal boxes & paper towel tubes for making toys, food and monetary donations.
  • Recycling: Pill bottles can no longer be recycled at the Roswell Recycling Center. You can take your items to Morgan Falls KAB or do curb recycling.
  •  Adopt-A-Bench. We have a new bench application. It is a good time to celebrate ones you love! Contact Meredy @ 678-570-8929 or

Upcoming/Ongoing Events
Audubon:  Hummers are here fill your feeders with sugar water (no food coloring) and help them stay healthy.
Dunwoody Nature Center: Butterfly Experience on August 19-22. This event is popular and is selling out fast! Tickets for DNC's popular Monarchs and Margaritas on Sept. 18, are on sale now.
Master Gardeners: 2nd Sat in August 11-noon will be a Lecture on Seed Saving at the Brook Run Greenhouse.
Pebble Tossers: Will be presenting at the November General Meeting. They will be sharing information with DWC for a club fund raiser.
RecyclingPlease let us know the number and value of items you cleaned out and recycled. All clothing and items donated are to be reported in this CSP.
Health and Wellness
Terry Kemp
Deborah Gault
Smart Nutrition and Wellness Seminar - Jenya Hampton
Thursday, September 9 - 10am
1095 Old Roswell Road, Suite E, Roswell, GA 30076
To carpool, meet at St. Luke's Presbyterian Church at 9:15am

Jenya Hampton, CEO of Smart Nutrition and Wellness, has dedicated 20 years to the nutritional wellness industry in various capacities. These include a Certified Health Coach, Micro-current Electro-Acupuncture, Accelerated Rehabilitation Technician, and Nutritional Lifestyle Center Director for stage four cancer treatment at a facility in Arizona - nutrition was instrumental in the health and recovery of patients. 

We will present a $100 check to Jenya in her honor to FARE, the GFWC Georgia President’s Special Project – Food Allergy Research & Education. 

Following the seminar, we will meet at Brookwood Grill for a delicious lunch around 11:30 a.m. - 880 Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell, GA 770-587-0102 website: Brookwood Grill Menu

RSVP to Deborah Gault at if you plan to attend both the seminar and lunch before Wednesday, September 1.
RSVP to Terry Kemp at if you need a carpool ride and/or you are willing to be a carpool driver before Wednesday, September 1.

August is National Wellness Month
All during August, National Wellness Month focuses on self-care, managing stress and promoting healthy routines. Create wholesome habits in your lifestyle all month long and see how much better you feel!

Research has shown self-care helps manage stress and promotes happiness. Whether you challenge yourself to a new yoga pose or try a different spa treatment, make a small change and impact your health in positive ways.
There are numerous ways to make those small changes
  • Increase your water intake
  • Add more fruits and veggies to your meals.
  • Monitor your sleep and make adjustments for better sleep habits
  • Join a yoga, walking, or aerobics class
  • Learn to meditate

Please save the following items: travel size shampoo and lotions, little Kleenex, toothpaste, scarves, and socks for both men and women.   We will collect your donations for December. 
Arts and Culture
Coffee cans and lids or similar containers with lids for October art project for Adult Day Center

Education and Libraries
Notebook paper, Crayola crayons, pencil boxes, washable markers, white glue, blunt scissors, large pink erasers, glue sticks, rulers, colored pencils, and Disinfectant Wipes for High Tower Elementary. Please bring your donations to the August Home Tour meeting.

For the Animal Shelters; pill bottles without labels; blankets any size; dog or cat toys; animal treats, paper towels, cereal boxes, old mascara wands, food and monetary donations.

Health and Wellness
Donations for Lutheran Towers - travel size shampoo and lotions, small packets kleenex, toothpaste, scarves and socks for men and women.
GFWC Clubwoman
Judy Bertrand

       Celebrate Our National Parks
August 25 marks the anniversary of the founding of the National Park Services. From protecting endangered species to preserving the country’s history and natural beauty, National Parks are important spaces. GFWC International Past President Mary Belle King Sherman, known as “The National Park Lady,” was a significant force in conservation efforts and in lobbying for the creation of the National Park Service. 

Honor GFWC’s history of conservation efforts and support of the National Parks Service by planning a volunteer opportunity for your club or participating in an event. You’re not limited to August 25; you can help or visit all year long! Make your plans now to help preserve the country’s most breathtaking landscapes. We have several parks in our own neighborhood.

Lynn Wright
Research shows that multiple people thinking for a short period of time are far more productive than one person thinking for a long time. Create a climate we are all your members feel their ideas will be welcome.

Lipscomb Society
Susan Crawford

Those of us who attended the 125th GFWC GA Convention in Savannah in June were treated to a performance by Libba Beachum as Mary Ann Lipscomb. Libba works at the North East Georgia History Museum and loves to perform “living history” re-enactments. I’ve attached the video of her presentation so you, too, can hear about Mary Ann Lipscomb’s interesting life and how she established Tallulah Falls School in 1909. “Mary Ann’s” charge to those present at the convention was to “Go back to your individual communities and see what needs are there. What skills do you have to offer? Make me proud!” 

GFWC GA has established the Lipscomb Society to help preserve the Mary Ann Lipscomb Cottage on the campus of Tallulah Falls School. Please help by joining The Lipscomb Society with a donation of $9 or $90 . The membership levels are based on the address of the cottage - 900 School Road but any amount is appreciated. Please make checks to The Lipscomb Society and mail to GFWC GA, P.O. Box 39, Tallulah Falls, GA 3 Be sure to mention you are a member of DWC and let Susan Crawford know of your tax deductible gift so she can include it in her annual report.
Tallulah Falls School
Linda Mote * Diane Norris
We received news that Mr. Peevy’s wife Dinah suffered a fall and broke her leg. DWC has sent her a get well card.

Classes at TFS will start for the 2021-2022 year on Monday, August 9. We will send welcome back cards to our four students.
Women in History
Suzanne Bentz
Febb King Ensminger Burn
 (November 1873 - June 1945)
From Febb Burn’s letter to her son, Harry Burn, a young Tennessee legislator:
Dear Son:
Hurrah and vote for suffrage. … Don’t forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. Catt with her “Rats.” Is she the one that put rat in ratification. Ha! No more from your mama this time. With lots of love, Mama
Indeed, mother knows best. Still, young Harry took his mom’s plea to heart with a whole lot of trepidation. He carried her letter in his vest pocket, secretly hoping he would not have to confront the issue with his fellow state legislators. Up to that point, he had, in fact, sided with the anti-suffragists. But he stunned everyone, voting “Aye” at the very last minute on August 19, 1920, casting the key ballot, giving women the right to vote, and making the 19th Amendment the supreme law of the land.
While Congress had passed the Women’s Suffrage amendment a year earlier, under our Constitution, 36 of the existing 48 state legislatures had to ratify it. Thirty five states had ratified the amendment by the spring of 1920. Tennessee was the last to do so. With Harry’s deciding vote, Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby signed the amendment into law eight days later. In 1971, Congress designated August 26 as Women’s Equality Day.
Harry’s mom, a strong willed widow, had followed the suffragette movement from afar while working the family’s farm. Bitter “anti” speeches published in local papers and fierce opposition to women’s suffrage from her son’s constituents, drove Febb Burn to action. “I sat down on [my] little chair on the front porch and penned a few lines to my son.”  
As they say, the rest is history. Never hesitate to speak your mind with your children when you know the cause is right. You just never know how your words will affect their lives and the course of history. 

Carolyn Anderson
Kay Moe
50 Years of Service in our Community 1971-2021