Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year. I hope your family has settled into a seamless routine and are starting to prepare your hearts and minds for the Advent season. This school year, the board is celebrating the Year of Hope. Hope is a time for us to identify happiness and promote peace in our busy lives.
The results of the DCPIC Year-End Parent Engagement Survey are in and parents have told us that they want more information and events on Student Well-being, Mathematics and Technology and Innovation (STEM/STEAM). This year, our committee will focus on offering a half day Mental Health and Well-being Conference - more details to follow. We also want to build on the success of the Math Cafes for Parents Series offered last year and hope to provide parents with short Math videos that help support learning at home. Plus our social media feeds will focus more on well-being messages, and homework help tips.
Our regional events have been planned based on your feedback from the annual Year-End Survey. I look forward to meeting you at upcoming events and welcome your feedback. Wishing you all a blessed year!
Yours in faith,
Melissa Bevan
Chair, Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee