Kudlow Says White House Will Not Defer Duties
National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow told Bloomberg News today that the White House will not implement a 90-day duty deferral at this time. He said after looking at the issue, the Administration believes such a deferral would be "too complicated."

Earlier this week, more than 370 companies, including leading U.S. footwear brands, sent a CEO letter to President Trump urging him to implement the 90-day deferral of duty payments. Others, such as Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and the National Council of Textile Organizations , have strongly opposed the proposal to delay duty collection.

FDRA encourages every footwear company to send a letter to their Member of Congress asking for immediate tariff relief and other additional measures to help the industry. See below for more info.

We will discuss these important developments on our next Coronavirus Call on Tuesday, April 7th at 2:00 p.m. EST.
Take Action TODAY for Footwear Relief in the Economic Response to the Coronavirus Crisis
Footwear employees have sent nearly 6000 letters to Congress. WE NEED YOUR HELP to make the industry's voice heard.
The Administration plans to advance a number of measures to help stimulate the U.S. economy during the coronavirus outbreak. FDRA is advocating that the relief package should include tools to help footwear companies and retailers manage their operations during the crisis.

You can send a letter below ( Due to the volume of footwear employees currently sending letters, it may take just a few minutes for the embedded widget that populates the form to load the form so that you can enter the information ). Please make your voice heard and send a strong message to Congress on behalf of the footwear industry.
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