Track Duty Hours in PharmAcademic
Programs can now track Duty Hours in PharmAcademic using an ASHP standard Duty Hours form! This new functionality supports the ASHP Duty Hour Requirements for Pharmacy Residencies Policy effective July 1, 2022. All programs will be defaulted to ON for the 2022-2023 residency year; however, RPDs can turn it off if they elect to use a different process that captures all required elements of the updated policy.
On the last day of each month (beginning July 31), residents will be sent an email notification and receive a task on their PharmAcademic Home page to complete an ASHP standard Duty Hours form. The 1-page form includes a required attestation statement and optional questions to track moonlighting and on-call activities (as applicable to individual programs).
To help programs identify issues, ASHP Duty Hours forms with reported violations will be routed to the RPD to review and cosign. New reports and pages have been added to PharmAcademic to help programs and ASHP Surveyors review submission status and the data collected via the new forms.
Please visit the PharmAcademic Help Center for more details and be sure to watch the brief Tracking Duty Hours Training Video!