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June 2022

Susan Barton

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Dyslexia In The Classroom

The Fight

Your Child’s Mental Health

It Took Until 5th Grade...

Tutoring During the Summer

For Barton Tutors





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Dyslexia In The Classroom


Thank you, Dyslexic Advantage, for this wonderful graphic.


The Fight


Parents must fight to get what their child needs.

That fight can be exhausting, but our kids are worth it.


Your Child's Mental Health


Without the right support at school and at home, dyslexia can create anxiety, stress, depression, or anger.

Our children deserve better.


It Took Until 5th Grade...


We started our journey in first grade when our daughter’s teacher shared that she was not grasping reading concepts as fast as she should. I was shocked because I had read to her since she was a baby, and books were a big part of our home.

For the rest of that school year, we spent many long, tearful evenings trying to teach her the sight words. We would go over and over and over them, but she could not retain them.

We also spent at least two hours every night doing homework, and practicing her reading.

Despite that, at the beginning of third grade, she was only reading 27 words per minute – which was at the bottom of her class.

She also struggled with spelling. I got her list several days early, so we would have extra time to learn the words. It did not help.

Over the years, the teachers said, "It will click one of these days," or "She is young for her grade," and "You are doing all the right things at home."

Yet year after year, she spent many long, tearful nights doing homework. When I asked if she might have a learning disability, the answer was always, “No.”

In fifth grade, we hit a wall. That year, she spent four to five hours a week studying her spelling words – just to get a D.

She also got a D in Social Studies, even though I read the textbook out loud to her, because her vocabulary was way behind.

She began to have problems with her peers, partly due to her very low self-esteem.

At the end of some of our homework battles, she began to say she should be dead because she was useless. She stayed up late every night due to anxiety, and she developed depression. We knew we had to do something, but we did not know the cause of her academic struggles.

Then a friend at a party suggested she might have dyslexia. Our life changed that very day.

To listen to this story, or share it, click here.


Tutoring During The Summer


Your child can make great strides during the summer when the pressures of homework and testing are not present.

Instead of taking the summer off, Susan Barton strongly encourages parents to increase the frequency of tutoring.

To see why, watch this 7 minute video.


For Barton Tutors


New Online Games
From Spelling Success

Spelling Success has created many new online games for remote tutoring, and now offers an annual subscription to access them. To learn more, click here.

If you are doing in-person tutoring, Spelling Success continues to offer their very popular game card decks.




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