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The Seventh Sunday of Easter

May 21st, 2023

7:45 & 10 a.m. services

The Rev. Larry Weeks

Celebration of Life for Greg Poling

Saturday, May 20th at 2pm.

Service will be held in the Sanctuary at Grace St. Paul's.

A reception will be in McBride Hall.

Dear Colleagues,

Summer Family Camp is coming up in about six weeks, and I'd really appreciate your help getting the word out! Will you please include the attached info in your announcements, and make sure people know about it? It's for families of all shapes, sizes, and ages, with or without children! Let me know if you have any questions.




Celebration of Life for Anthony Arnaud


Grace St. Paul’s will have a Celebration of Life for Anthony Arnaud on Saturday, June 3, at 10:30 a.m.


Tony was a larger than life character who made a deep impact on many people’s lives in New York City, Blue Hill, Maine, and in Tucson. He was married to GSP’s Dee Arnaud, who was a stalwart in our parish for over 20 years, never missing a Sunday.

Please join as we honor Tony on June 3.

Spirit Song/Taize will be changed from June 1 to Thursday June 8 at 5:00 pm in the chancel.

The service will continue o the first Thursdays in July and August. 





The Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop on Saturday May 6 was wonderful, and they have given us 6 DVDs with Fr. Thomas Keating teaching about the practice and meaning of Centering Prayer. They last about 20 minutes each. 


We will meet Fridays at 11:30 am from May 19th to June 23rd in the Bloom Room so we can watch these videos. Then we’ll take a short break and begin our usual time of centering prayer practice and sharing at 12 noon. 


Everyone is welcome to come to these, and please tell friends who may be interested in finding out more about this beautiful, ancient practice.  

Are you looking for a way to give back? Do you want to provide a helping hand for an hour or two to help feed the houseless, the hungry, families in need, and others in our community of pilgrims?

If so, then please consider joining Bread from the Pantry! Our mission is to “be bread” for each other and for those in need. Surplus bread from Beyond Bread’s Campbell location is collected nightly, then sorted and distributed to local shelters, church food banks, and social service groups.

Please join us in our walk with Christ by calling the parish office at (520) 327-6857 and providing your contact information. Thank you!

PACC Update

Grace St. Paul's still has the PACC Ministry.

The box has been moved into the parish administrative office.

If you have any questions please contact the church office at 520-327-6857

Come to the Parish Office after the service. Individual sessions will be very brief.

If you already have a photo you wish to use, please email it to the Parish Administrator.

If you wish to make arrangements for an alternate time or location, please contact

John Banks ( or 520-870-0355).



We will be hosting a Grace St. Paul’s Raise the Roof Craft Fair this fall! All proceeds will be go to GSP to help fund needed roof repairs. 

Whether you sew, quilt, bake, can goods, knit, crochet, applique, paper craft (including card making, explosion boxes, etc.), do mixed media, paint, draw, needlework, work with wood, metal(s), clay, ceramics, make candles, soaps, jewelry or any other handmade item, we ask that as your creative spirit is unleashed and poured into whatever it is you love to make that you consider making a commitment to donate some of your gems to the fair. 

Ready to commit (no need to commit to a number of items only that you’d like to make a donation)? Have questions? Please contact Anne Sunderland ( or Debbie Fricke (

The date of the fair will be announced at a later time. We look forward with great excitement to hearing from you!

The following is an up-to-date list of all services and classes currently offered. 

Click on the Zoom link at the appropriate time to join any service or class.

Descriptions of some services and classes are available.

Click on the red here under each title.

Worship or Meeting

Date and Time

Zoom address

Live Streamed Sunday Worship

Sunday 10 AM   

Facebook Live


Youtube Live

Sunday bulletins

Youth Group - In person

Sunday 12:00-1:30 p.m.

Sunday Worship

Edited service video

By 7 PM Monday


GSP Today

Monday at noon

Please click here for more information.

Migrant Prayer Vigil

1st & 3rd Monday at 4:30 PM

Please click here for more information.

bulletin for the service:


Evening Prayer 

Tuesday 6 PM


Fourth Tuesday 7 PM


Liturgy Meeting

Wednesday Noon

Staff Meeting

Second Wednesday 2 PM

Fourth Wednesday 2 PM

Guided Meditation

Wednesday 7 PM

Please click here for more information.


Morning Prayer

Thursday 9 AM

Please click here for more information.

Reading Between the Lines - Lectionary

Thursday 10 AM

Spirit Now/Spirit Song Worship

Thursday 5:00 PM

Please click here for more information.


GSP Spirit Players

1st Friday 6:30 PM

Please click here for more information.

Contact Nanalee Raphael or the office

Friday Night Evening Prayer

2nd, 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Friday 7:00 PM


Grace St Paul's Episcopal Church

2331 E. Adams St., Tucson, AZ 85719

Parish Office: 520-327-6857

Streaming Live on Facebook and YouTube

Choose a platform on the upper right at our website

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