Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 17, 2021
Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?”
They said to him, “Rabbi”—which translated means Teacher—“where are you staying?”
He said to them, “Come, and you will see.” - Jn 1:38-39a
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.
Dear Parishioners,
Living, as we are, under the Cloud of COVID, we probably owe it to ourselves and to one another to point out such silver linings as do appear where and when they pop up. Such happened for me last Monday night. For the past ten years, I’ve been part of a book club that meets on the second Monday of the month from 7:00 to 8:30/9:00 at the Islamic Resource Center on South 27th Street in Milwaukee. The membership has fluctuated wildly over the years – we’ve had as many as 25 participants on some occasions and as few as three on a couple. Sometimes, the weather is the problem; sometimes, it’s the book. READ FR. PHIL'S FULL MESSAGE
Saturday, January 16
4:00 pm Gale Nemec
4:00 pm Glenn Anhalt & Dolores Kupsh
Sunday, January 17
7:30 am For the People of St. John the Baptist and St. Thomas Aquinas
9:30 am For the People of St. John the Baptist and St. Thomas Aquinas
Monday, January 18
8:00 am Intention of Katie Fries
Tuesday, January 19
8:00 am Gordon Trimberger
Thursday, January 21
8:00 am For the Youth of St. John the Baptist Parish
Friday, January 22
12:00 pm For the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
Saturday, January 23
4:00 pm Virginia Schwaab
4:00 pm Antonio Miosi
Sunday, January 14
7:30 am Open
9:30 am Open
Mass Schedule
Saturdays* - 4:00 pm
Sundays* - 7:30 am and 9:30 am
Mon., Tues. and Thurs. - 8:00 am
*Weekend Mass attendance
requires advance registration.
Born into Eternal Life
Our parish family extends its sympathy to the family and friends of
Annabelle Casper
Prayer is essential in the protection of human life. Join us at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church for a Regional Pro-Life Mass on January 22 at noon.
God of all life, Help us to appreciate the great gift that is human life formed in your image, a reflection of your holiness. Help us to recognize you in all whom you have created: children not yet born, families affected by poverty and war, people of different abilities, people from other lands, and all who are victims of hatred and racism. Help us to bear witness to the dignity of all whom you have created, regardless of stage of life, or wealth, or ability, or color, or creed, for every person is fully equal in your loving eyes. Share with us your holy knowledge that we are all your children, each bestowed with inherent dignity. May your justice reign forever! Amen. - USCCB
Respect Life Rosary and Mass
January 22, 2021
11:30 am Rosary for Life
12:00pm Mass
On January 22 the Church in the U.S. observes a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn. Join us for a special Respect Life Mass at SJB celebrated by Bishop Schuerman.
9 Days for Life Novena
January 21 – 29, 2021
9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. CLICK TO JOIN
Friday, January 22 at 4:00pm
(Facebook account not required)
RA 12 - August 14-15, 2021
Are you a runner? A biker? A wanna-be runner or biker? Looking for something to motivate a healthy 2021? Or maybe your style is more along the lines of cheering and celebrating (beer garden and pancake breakfast included)? Are you a bleeding heart who loves a good cause and desires more inclusivity? St John the Baptist Church and School community have teams started for the RA 12 happening August 14/15. Yes, RA 12 stands for Road America and 12 hours! It’s an overnight adventure at Road America! Come camp, run, bike, listen to music, drink beer, cheer, eat pancakes, have a blast … all while being healthy and supporting those with differing abilities! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Middle School years can be challenging as students begin to transition away from the elementary years of schooling. St. John the Baptist's middle school works to prepare students for high school and beyond. Our dedicated and caring core group of middle school teachers work hard to help students transition into being more responsible and to become more independent learners. Students are blessed with the opportunity to participate in Exploratory Classes such as, Culinary Arts or STEM focused classes. These classes are intended to gauge their interests as they prepare for their high school years. Our middle school offers both Pre-Algebra and Algebra, best meeting students where they are at, preparing them for their high school years. Students have many opportunities to model being a "Disciple of Christ" since religion is woven into all subject areas and a variety of service projects take place annually. Students learn how to complete a formal research paper and become comfortable with public speaking. If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about our middle school program, please contact the school's office at (920) 893-5961.
Church Offerings
*2020 contribution statements for tax purposes will be mailed at the end of January.
St. John the Baptist has always had a strong history of stewardship, and we have been blessed by the generosity of our parishioners in both easy and difficult times. With that in mind, please prayerfully reflect on your ability to share your financial gifts with our parish. Please know that we rely entirely on your generous donations to continue operating and providing the ministry to serve the Lord and our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are most grateful for your continued support. Thank you! GIVE ONLINE
Confessions - 2nd and 4th Saturdays -9:30 am - 11:00 am
Eucharistic Adoration - Mondays 3:00 - 5:00 pm in Church
Turn your hearing device to the “T” coil setting and sit in either of the middle two sections of church.
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