The Baptism of the Lord - January 10, 2021
Priests, Prophets, Kings
Loving Father, at our Baptism we were anointed in Christ’s name to be priests, prophets, and kings. Our mission is his.
Help us to worship you, Lord God, and to offer our whole lives to you. Embolden us to share your love and salvation. Empower us to seek your kingdom of justice and peace.
When the light of our faith wavers, and our white garments become stained and torn, cleanse us and renew your Spirit within us. Guide us each day along the way of your Son so that we, your beloved children, may be pleasing to you in all that we do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. READ MORE
Dear Parishioners,
Well, we made it through Christmas without having to turn anyone away at the doors at any Mass at either STA or SJB. I’m kind of relieved about that but also a little disappointed that turn-out wasn’t better. Come Lent, throughout the Archdiocese there will be a concerted effort to promote Sunday Mass attendance as a critically important expression of our Faith as Catholics, so get ready! READ FR. PHIL'S FULL MESSAGE
Saturday, January 9
4:00 pm John Pfankuch
Sunday, January 10
7:30 am The Youth of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
9:30 am Wayne Schuldt
9:30 am Judith Huebner
Monday, January 11
8:00 am The Deceased Members of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Tuesday, January 12
8:00 am Catherine Tripp
Thursday, January 14
8:00 am Poor Souls of Purgatory
Saturday, January 16
4:00 pm Gale Nemec
4:00 pm Glenn Anhalt and Dolores Kupsh
Sunday, January 17
7:30 am For the People of St. John the Baptist and St. Thomas Aquinas
9:30 am For the People of St. John the Baptist and St. Thomas Aquinas
Mass Schedule
Saturdays* - 4:00 pm
Sundays* - 7:30 am and 9:30 am
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 8:00 am
*Weekend Mass attendance
requires advance registration.
2nd and 4th Saturdays
9:30 am - 11:00 am
Eucharistic Adoration
Mondays 3:00 - 5:00 pm in Church
Welcome to the Newest Member of our Catholic Faith Family
Baptized Saturday, January 9, 2020
Owen Oliver Reedy - Son of David and Victoria Reedy
May Owen and his family enjoy the blessings of the sacrament and continue in God's Love throughout their lives.
Respect Life Mass at SJB
January 22, 2021 - 12:00pm
On January 22 the Church in the U.S. observes a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn. Join us for a special Respect Life Mass celebrated by Bishop Schuerman.
9 Days for Life
January 21 – 29, 2021
9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. CLICK TO JOIN
Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
With deepest gratitude,
St. John the Baptist acknowledges
Memorial Gifts received in the month of December
Gifts to the Angel Fund
Ralph Bermke and Tim Morrison
Gifts to St. John the Baptist School
Joel Zimmerman, Knights of Columbus, Plymouth Council No. 1789.
Memorial gifts to the Parish
Doris Thelen, David Steiner, Robert Anhalt, The Menchak/Martch Families, Knights of Columbus, Plymouth Council No. 1789
Bust the Deficit Campaign Update
As of January 1st, donations to the campaign total $75,504. THANK YOU!
Dollars by dollar, we'll reach our goal… ensuring a strong future for our parish and school. Our official campaign will be closing on January 15th. Can you help us meet our goal? Your dollar counts!
RA 12 - August 14-15, 2021
Are you a runner? A biker? A wanna-be runner or biker? Looking for something to motivate a healthy 2021? Or maybe your style is more along the lines of cheering and celebrating (beer garden and pancake breakfast included)? Are you a bleeding heart who loves a good cause and desires more inclusivity? St John the Baptist Church and School community have teams started for the RA 12 happening August 14/15. Yes, RA 12 stands for Road America and 12 hours! It’s an overnight adventure at Road America! Come camp, run, bike, listen to music, drink beer, cheer, eat pancakes, have a blast … all while being healthy and supporting those with differing abilities! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
"Grab and Go" - Free Community Meal - Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Hosted by St. John the Baptist
On Tuesday, January 19 we are offering a complimentary meal for members of our community. Sloppy Joe (with bun on the side), cheese, chips, veggies, fruit, pickle, and dessert is on the menu. Please reserve your meal(s) by Friday, January 15 at 12 noon. Meal pick up/delivery is from 5:15-5:45 pm at SJB’s playground parking lot, on the west side of the school. Call the SJB parish office at 920-892-4006 or click here to reserve your meal. Home delivery available for the homebound within Plymouth and Elkhart Lake city limits.
Women Celebrate Coffee - Gathering the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:00-10:30 am
January 16, 2020 will be held virtually via ZOOM
Meet new friends and join in faith-filled discussion topics. No preparation needed, bring your open heart. WHO ARE WE? We are women of all ages, single, married, all walks of life, women at different places on our faith journeys, women seeking deeper faith friendships, women who are prayer warriors for each other women, women with busy lives needing no monthly commitment.
We want to get to know YOU! Ask a friend to ZOOM along! Grab your coffee or tea!
Did you know that St. John the Baptist School has a flexible PreK Childcare Program for 3 and 4 year olds? Parents can choose between two morning start times of 7:35 am or 8:15 am and can choose a half or full day option for their child(ren). 3K students need to attend a minimum of 2 days per week and 4K students must choose a minimum of 3 days to attend per week. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee Schools model PreK programs after the WMELS (Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards). Learn more about WMELS
Our dedicated and caring team of PreK educators would love to share more about the engaging and fun opportunities that they provide our students with daily. If interested in learning how your child(ren) can become a part of the St. John the Baptist School family, please contact the school office at (920)893-5961.
Parish Office Hours and Facility Use
Beginning Tuesday, January 12, St. John the Baptist Church and School buildings will be available
for small group meetings. Contact the parish office to reserve your meeting time.
While in the building please remember to wear facial masks, social distance at all times and sanitize your meeting space. The parish office will resume regular business hours on January 12th (Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - Noon and 1:00 - 4:00 pm).
Communion Distribution to the Homebound
A Pyx is a sacred vessel used for transporting the Consecrated Eucharist to those who are homebound. If you would like to borrow a Pyx for short term use to bring Holy Communion to a family member or friend, SJB has Pyx’s available. We ask for a $10 deposit that will be returned to you when the Pyx is returned. For long term use, we ask you to purchase a Pyx, the cost is $15.
Please see the Sacristan before Mass for assistance.
Church Offerings
St. John the Baptist has always had a strong history of stewardship, and we have been blessed by the generosity of our parishioners in both easy and difficult times. With that in mind, please prayerfully reflect on your ability to share your financial gifts with our parish. Please know that we rely entirely on your generous donations to continue operating and providing the ministry to serve the Lord and our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are most grateful for your continued support. Thank you! GIVE ONLINE
Turn your hearing device to the “T” coil setting and sit in either of the middle two sections of church.
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