December 2015
Progress at COP Encouraging, But Misses Pope Francis as Modernity's Galileo
By John Fullerton
It was exciting to be in Paris during the COP talks on Climate.  There was an unprecedented united movement of scientists, civil society, progressive business leaders, investors, and activists representing social and ecological interests from around the world, all demanding our political leaders put the common good ahead of national interests and actually lead. Soon we will know the results. 
Even the best-case outcome in Paris will be insufficient, that much is clear.  And the hard work of implementing the voluntary pledges on the ground lies ahead.  Canada, under new leadership, deserves praiseworthy attention for its 180-degree turn to the right side of history.  Saudi Arabia deserves global scorn for its continued disingenuous interference with progress.   America did its part, but of course could always do more.  Yet Congress awaits...
The course for the next five years has been charted.  Action is rightly now the operative word.  But a second line of inquiry continues to simmer below the headline grabbing pledges and initiatives, like Bill Gates's $1 billion leadership commitment (1.25 percent of his net worth, it must be said) on the Breakthrough Energy Coalition that will invest in clean energy innovation.  Of course innovation is essential.  But genuine solutions that address root causes are far more complex.  For starters, our short-term obsessed financial system needs its own reinvention to effectively serve this unprecedented challenge.  (Con't.)
Announcing the Launch of the Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE)

Under the leadership of our Science Advisor Dr. Sally Goerner, we recently launched the Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE).

To be successful, Regenerative Economics in general and Regenerative Finance in particular must be able to integrate science and story, theory and practice, human factors and technical ones.  With expertise in fields ranging from international development and Regenerative Finance to nonlinear dynamics and ecological modeling, RARE's interdisciplinary team of systems thinkers is dedicated to making these connections real.  The group's mission is to support the birth of a Regenerative Civilization by using this rigorous integration of theory, practice, story, and measurement methods to address critical problems and to support existing reform efforts taking place in finance, economics, and development across levels from local to global. 

Other RARE team members include Stuart Cowan, Eric Derks, Brian D. Fath, Michael Field, Dan Fiscus, Bernard Lietaer, Curtis Ogden, and Robert E. Ulanowicz.  

To learn more about the projects RARE is currently working on, please click here.
Speaking Engagements

2016 events coming soon!

To request John as a speaker for your next event, please contact Emily Walsh for more info.
What We're Reading
For those of you who have been trying to keep abreast of the happenings in Paris for the COP21 Climate Conference,  BBC News  came out today with a helpful article, saying n egotiators aim to wrap up a global agreement to curb climate change on Saturday - a day later than expected.  "We are nearly there. I'm optimistic," said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who has been chairing the summit. 

Read the full piece  here or follow the live coverage here.
Quote of the Month
"Advocacy for the sustainability of this planet is really advocacy for the poor and the vulnerable. We don't want to just protect the earth because it is a nice place, but we want to protect it for those who are living on a thin line between survival and non-survival." 


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