Second Sunday of Advent - December 13, 2020
God, our faithful Lord, you accomplish your will in all things. We await the fulfillment of your promises. We long for the fullness of your kingdom, and that longing is our ceaseless prayer. Until the advent of that glorious day, lift up our hearts in unwavering joy.
Show us the light that has already come into our world, so that we may give you thanks in all that we do. Keep us holy and blameless as we undertake works of justice and promote peace, so that others may see and hear and know your goodness, and be drawn to your light. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. READ MORE
Dear Parishioners:
Happy Gaudete Sunday. “gau-dé-te: rejoice! (Latin) imperative form”
The Third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called “Gaudete Sunday” because of the liturgy’s “entrance antiphon” which quotes St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians: “Rejoice in the Lord always.; again, I say rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” (Philippians 4:4-5). READ FR. PHIL'S FULL MESSAGE
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Our Parish Family
Born into Eternal Life
Our parish family extends its sympathy to the family and friends of
Joyce F. Kalchthaler
Barbara Marty
May they, with God’s Blessing,
Rest in Peace
Welcome to the Newest Member our Catholic Faith Family
  Baptized Sunday, December 13, 2020
Glenroy Michael Sesing
Son of Chad and Jamie Sesing
May Glenroy and his family enjoy the blessings of the sacrament and continue in God's Love throughout their lives.
A Message from the School Principal, Mrs. Amy Nelson
Students in PreK through 8th grade enjoyed making Christmas tree ornaments that were showcased during the Plymouth Holiday Parade on the St. John the Baptist School float. Now the ornaments are proudly displayed on a Christmas tree near the office. This tree is a reminder to the our whole school family that we are all blessed with many gifts and talents to share with one another. In keeping with the spirit of Christmas, students and staff are donating items for the Sheboygan County Food Pantry. What a wonderful way to give back to the community for those less fortunate!
St. John the Baptist School Alumni
Please help us by filling out a confidential online two-minute survey to help promote our school! Whether you are a high school student or well into your career, your answers will help us learn how SJB school has shaped you. To participate, please click on the survey button. Please share the survey with any of your past classmates as well. Thank you for your help!
"Bust the Deficit" Campaign Update
Bust the Deficit Campaign Update
~ from the SJB Finance Council
We are happy to report that as of December 4th, we have received donations totaling $59,254! Contributions to a specific fund are considered restricted and will be used to defray expenses in that area. Thank you again!
Technology means more than just learning computing skills, it is part of every aspect of our lives today and necessary for 21st Century learning. Many of the interactive boards in the classrooms are starting to show their age. Thank you to those that have recently donated to the school’s technology fund. These monetary donations will assist the school in continuing to ensure that our students have the necessary tools needed to succeed now and in their futures. These tools also enhance learning for our faith formation students.
Parish Information
Women Celebrate Coffee - Gathering the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:00-10:30 am
December 19, 2020 will be held virtually via ZOOM
Meet new friends and join in faith-filled discussion topics. No preparation needed, bring your open heart. WHO ARE WE? We are women of all ages, single, married, all walks of life, women at different places on our faith journeys, women seeking deeper faith friendships, women who are prayer warriors for each other women, women with busy lives needing no monthly commitment.
We want to get to know YOU! Ask a friend to ZOOM along! Grab your coffee or tea!
Contact Sue Feick 920-838-3230 or [email protected] to receive the meeting link.
St. John Lutheran Christmas Grab & Go Community Meal - December 25th
Call 893-3071 to reserve a meal
Pickup will be from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
FREE 2021 CALENDARS - Compliments of our local funeral homes!
They are available in the back of church and outside of the parish office. Enjoy!
Turn your hearing device to the “T” coil setting and sit in either of the middle two sections of church. 
Donate to SJB from the your mobile phone or online at
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