December, 2021 E-Letter
Every Pennsylvanian deserves equitable access to health, education, and financial stability. That's why our mission is to build more resilient families and thriving communities throughout our state. United Way of Pennsylvania champions local United Ways to be an inclusive, impactful, and collaborative network, working alongside community leaders.

Are you ready to help make a positive impact in your community, and across PA? For United Way, success is the product of all who come together to donate their time, their financial resources, and to raise their voices to advocate. Here’s a look back at all we have accomplished together in 2021.
Alongside local United Ways, we lead for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.) We surveyed 3,000 households across the state, to understand how the COVID-19 crisis impacted their health, child care, employment and financial stability. We bring ALICE to the forefront in our advocacy, building bipartisan awareness and support. This helped secure additional public investments for high-quality early childhood services, more federal tax breaks for working families, and has set the stage for us to lead advocacy for a state-level Earned Income Tax Credit. 

PA 211 is serving more people than ever, in every PA county. We are adapting our technology to give people even more options to get connected to help. And, because of local United Ways' deep relationships in their communities, with UWP acting as a statewide coordinator, the United Way network is helping nonprofit partners vaccinate hard-to-reach populations through the LIVE PA grant.
Join us in our mission to improve life for every Pennsylvanian - make your year-end gift now. You can choose to support the ALICE Project, PA 211, or to donate or volunteer at your local United Way. Together, we can continue to make sure every PA family thrives.
(For most single filers, up to $300 in donations to charity is deductible in 2021. For couples filing jointly, up to $600 in donations is deductible. Please, give to the United Way program of your choice now.)
Helpful Resources:
Income Tax Assistance
Next year, get all the income tax credits you deserve! Check out resources to file for free online, or with the assistance of a volunteer tax preparer. Find out more about available tax credits.
Winter Resources
Let PA 211 connect you to local programs like take-home food baskets, free holiday dinners, and ways to give back. Availability of some programs may be limited in your area.
Make Your Voice Heard
We need your voice to advocate for programs that help every person in PA. Learn more about our priorities, and use our quick forms to send a letter to your legislator!
Stay Up-To-Date
Learn about the latest programs designed to help Pennsylvanians, and check out current United Way projects across the state!
United Way of Pennsylvania
PA 211