Order of Holy Eucharist, Rite II

21st Sunday after Pentecost

10:30 a.m.

Year A

October 22, 2023

Ministry Roles
Faith@8 Bulletin
10:30 Bulletin
Worship Zoom Link 
YouTube Channel
Prayer List

Stewardship Moments

During Stewardship season we will have three stewardship talks during the Sunday service called “Moments of Abundance”. This weeks “Moment of Abundance” is brought to you by Andrew Tomlinson.

Here is a little more about Andrew:

A resident of Bolton Hill since 2020, Andrew lives on the 1300 block of Bolton St. with his wife Alyssa. You can often see Andrew and Alyssa walking their dog Hazel in the neighborhood or out on regular runs. Andrew is a lifelong Episcopalian originally baptized in Michigan and he and Alyssa were married at St. John's Lafayette Square in Washington, DC in 2018. During the day Andrew is a health data lobbyist for the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) advocating on behalf of AHIMA members on issues related to the intersection of technology and healthcare. He is a graduate of the American University in Washington, DC with a degree in print journalism.

Pledge Here

Necrology List

Thank you to those who have completed the Necrology form thus far. We are interested in hearing your feedback about the usage of the form. Was the process easy, difficult, time-consuming, or ....? Let us know by emailing [email protected]

Necrology for All Saints Form

Your Support is very much appreciated!

Dear Memorial, 

Thank you for your generosity during our guest Afghan family's first month in Baltimore, which has been critical to their integration. At this time, we will remove the previously-shared Amazon list of support items. We will also stop directly bringing groceries to the family, to allow for more privacy and to let them navigate local grocery stores and markets. We will continue to support our guest family by collecting non-perishable items at Memorial Church on Sundays. A labeled plastic bin with a mint green lid (see attached photo) will be available at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday mornings to collect these essential non-perishable items:

View More Details 

If you have further questions about supporting the family, please contact Wendy Yap at [email protected]

Welcome Guide

Become a donor for weekly flower donations!

Join us in celebrating and honoring special occasions with altar flowers by registering for this event. Flowers on the altar are a beautiful way to offer praise and glory to God while commemorating significant moments in our lives. Whether you wish to remember a loved one, express thanksgiving, or acknowledge a milestone, dedicating flowers to the altar is a meaningful gesture.

Flower Donor(s)

Amy Krulak (Oct 22) - In loving memory of Mae Mallory Krulak on her birthday

Sign Up

Beginning of 2023 - 2024 Program Year

Service Time returns to 10:30 a.m.

October 8 thru October 29, 2023

Please note:

A volunteer's names will appear on the schedule once the person confirms their ministry role.

Memorial Episcopal Church

1407 Bolton St. Baltimore, MD 21217

Taizé Evening Prayer Service

Every Sunday at 7:00 pm located in the Peace & Justice Chapel

This contemplative service follows the liturgical format of worship used by the Ecumenical monastic Community at Taizé alternating simple chants and scriptural readings with periods of silence. The overarching theme of the Taizé form of worship is reconciliation, across ecumenical, cultural, social, and racial divides. Taizé chants are chanted in multiple languages as an expression of Christian unity, rooted in respect of people’s differences.

Please note that these services are in person only. For questions, please contact John Seeley [email protected] or Barbara Cates [email protected]

Service for Peace & Justice

Hiram Hisanori Kano

October 24, 2023

Join us to celebrate Hiram Hisanori Kano

Tuesday Morning at 8 am

*This is a virtual service only*

Service Bulletin
Click Here for Zoom Link

Nursery Space is temporarily unavailable

For the time being (until renovations are complete), the nursery is unavailable to children. We look forward to welcoming our children back to the nursery soon!

General Instructions on Zoom Worship

To join us, all you need to do is follow the link below. We will have the order of service up on the screen, but if you’d like to print one out you can find a link to the service slides below. 

See below for information on physically coming to church!


We are still dependent on your support to operate. We continue to provide services, pastoral care, children’s programs, and our regular efforts at Memorial. Please make a contribution to support Memorial today. CLICK HERE.

Two Final Things:

1) Let us see your face! If at all possible, please start a video feed so we can see each other face to face, even across distance.

2) Please mute your feed unless you are speaking. And if you find you are muted, please don’t unmute. And please do respond to the prayers and readings even if you are muted, as we are all doing this together.

Call In Instructions

Meeting ID: 848 7313 8202

Passcode: 156705

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,84873138202#,,,,*156705# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location

    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/knhOVE23a

Share a picture of you in worship on our Facebook page!

Open 9:30 am Live Stream Here
So you are going to Zoom church...
A few thoughts for the new and the not-so-new about coming to “Zoom Church”

  1. Prepare for church the same way you might prepare for coming to Church physically; set aside a special space in your room or your home, say a brief prayer or just reflect on where you and God have been this week, and arrive a few minutes early (or late) as you usually do.
  2. Logon early, just to make sure your system works and you don’t have any technical problems. If you do reach out to our e-vergers for help.
  3. Once you logon, your microphone will be muted. Keep it muted while you get settled and centered, and then, if there is some time for conversation before the service feel free to join! If not, you’ll see people at (virtual) coffee hour.
  4. Be mindful of what is behind you on screen and in your surroundings. Please keep yourself muted if you have a lot of background noise, because your microphone will pick up a lot more sound than you think!
  5. Be aware that there are often significant delays in sound on zoom. Don’t be surprised if you experience delays, it’s normal, especially with so many people. During long prayers we will keep most people muted but unmute a few volunteers to carry the ‘chorus’ of prayers.
  6. If nothing works? Go to our YouTube channel and watch the stream there: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSjBaSYI_UtvX5wwaZZnHaw
  7. Most importantly, have patience and have fun! It won’t be quite like being together in person, but we are still a community of faithful believers, still gathering together, and still worshipping in hope and expectation of a resurrection. Maybe now more than ever.