November 24, 2024

9:45 AM English Worship

in person, on Facebook and YouTube

11:00 AM Sunday School and Confirmation Classes

12:15 PM Spanish Worship

in person, on Facebook and YouTube

Flowers from November 17, 2024

November 24, 2024

Laidler Campbell in celebration of her granddaughter Ash’s 22nd birthday. 

Nancy Hartman in celebration of Amy and John’s anniversary.

Chris and Janet Michaelsen in thanksgiving for the music, musicians, and ministries of St. Mark’s – Deo Gracias!

News This Week

With a new year looming on the horizon, it’s time to renew our support for St. Mark’s flower ministry. Flower dedications make possible the outstanding floral displays that grace the chancel area every week. These dedications are an opportunity to lift up a loved one or special occasion or to simply acknowledge the glory of God. Flower dedication forms are available in the narthex and at the link below. A donation of $25.00 is requested for each weekly dedication. Please return the completed form(s) to the church office by December 15 with a check payable to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.


In addition, a volunteer is needed to manage the dedication process. It entails no more than a few hours once a year to assemble a list of dedications. Office staff and eMessenger volunteers then ensure that the dedications appear in the weekly worship bulletin. If you feel a calling for this task, reach out to Patty or Steven Carlson at (703) 455-8239.

Flower Dedication Form

Fall Congregation Meeting- November 24

Our Fall Congregation Meeting is very important in our self-governance. We establish a budget for the next calendar year and conduct elections. This year, we will also have important discussions of some current challenges in our security and safety environment as they affect both the church and the Montessori School.

Our Fall Congregation Meeting will take place in the Fellowship Hall at 2:00 PM on Sunday, November 24, 2024. The meeting will also be on Zoom. Prior to the meeting, there will be a Pizza Lunch in the Fellowship Hall, starting at 1:15 PM, as the Spanish service ends. 

It has come to our attention that some members have concerns about the logistics for the Congregation Meeting. For some, it is problematic to attend church in the morning and come back for a 2:00 PM Congregation Meeting. For those members, Zoom is an option and you will be able to vote via Zoom. We have had online Zoom voting for all Congregation meetings since we started having hybrid meetings. If you have any questions about how the Zoom voting works, contact Erik Long or Cheryl Dwyer. For congregation meetings that may run longer, we cannot squeeze the meeting in between our normal English and Spanish service times. In the future, we will investigate other worship and congregation meeting times. 

Zoom information: Topic: Congregation Meeting Time: Nov 24, 2024 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 1512 4966 Passcode: 5800

The proposed budget will be provided prior to the meeting. See a related announcement regarding the slate of candidates for elected positions.


  • Call for Quorum
  • Opening Prayer
  • President’s Remarks
  • Senior Pastor’s Remarks
  • Approval the 2025 Operating Budget
  • Security: There will be discussions of security issues facing the church and the Montessori School. Council will ask the Congregation to approve a resolution regarding its position in this matter.
  • Election of Candidates for 2025 Elected Positions
  • Closing Remarks
  • Closing Prayer 
  • Adjourn
Proposed 2025 Budget

November 24: St. Mark’s Elections

The Fall Congregation Meeting is November 24. There are still open positions available for all elected positions. If you are interested, please contact Bill Dinnison, Laura Murphy, or Erik Long. If you are interested in being a Synod Assembly Voting Member but are unsure if you will be able to attend on June 6-7 2025, we suggest you volunteer to be an alternate.

The Congregation Council will ask the Congregation to elect the following people:

  • Congregation Council (3-year term): Jim Kyger, Maureen Murphy, Peter Weekly
  • Nominating Committee for 2026 Positions (1-year term): no candidates
  • 2025 Synod Assembly Voting Member: Larry Long, Erik Long
  • 2025 Synod Assembly Voting Member (Alternate): Colleen Struss

The Saint Mark's Montessori School Advisory Board Would Like You To Know


Why: The open gate in the fence between the apartments next door and the church provides unknown individuals access to our school and playground.

We were so thankful to Erik Long and the congregation council when they approved the fence and came up with the Gateway option. Welcoming and serving the community around us will always be one of our church’s top missions. The flow of the neighbors using the property as a shortcut did improve.

Unfortunately, unlawful activity at the Friendship House continues, and police activity at the apartments beside us occasionally spills over. Recently an altercation had a suspect use our Gateway as a way to escape police. Children were on the playground, just yards away from the incident.

The past incidents are just one part of the story; the real concern is the unknown, future events. Sadly, the threat is real in today’s society. The mass shooting at a Presbyterian school in Nashville in March of 2023, and the April 2024 shooting of two daycare workers at a Kindercare right here in West Springfield disproves the theory that “it won’t happen here.” It can happen anywhere.

The police have strongly recommended closing the gate during school hours. This recommendation is supported by the Advisory Board.  


Benefits to the School: Increased safety. Locking the gate during school hours and re-routing foot traffic to the sidewalk in the front of the church eliminates unknown individuals walking within yards of our students. Shutting the Gateway will also reduce unlawful activity at the Friendship House, because there is no “escape route” through the Gateway.

School staff (as well our custodian Julian) will no longer have to monitor who is coming in and out of the Gateway.

Increased school enrollment as families feel more comfortable leaving their little ones (ages 3-6 years) in our care. Enrollment has been negatively affected due to families’ security concerns.

How this Affects the Church: Increased safety. Decreased liability in case of an incident. A “no cost” solution to security. Families living in the apartments will understand safety concerns; many have their own children and are familiar with common school security procedures.


Gateway would remain open evenings, weekends, and when programs are offered that benefit the neighborhood (ESOL, Food for Others, AA, etc.)


Operating Plan: School director would post signs on both sides of the Gateway, in both English and Spanish, at least one week before closure, announcing the times the gate would be closed. This would give neighbors plenty of time to plan the extra few minutes needed to walk around the church on the front side of the property using the sidewalk.

Julian could lock the gate when he arrives in the morning; school staff could unlock it after the last child leaves in the evening.

Our hope is that we can continue to be a welcoming community to the adjacent neighborhood, while at the same time protecting the young children in our care. We feel this will best be solved by continuing to leave the Gateway open evenings and weekends, and certainly when we are offering programs that may benefit the neighborhoods. We also feel that locking the gates (with ample warning) during school hours would keep the flow of strangers walking within yards of our school and playground at a minimum, alleviating concerns of school staff and parents of the children.


The St. Mark’s Montessori School Advisory Board:

Linda Vretos, Chairperson

Claudia Wright, SMMS Director

Bill Turner, Council Liaison                                                                           

Cheryl Dwyer, Member at Large                   

CarolSue Carlson-Jones, Member at Large

Kathy Dinnison, Member at Large

Ray Griswold, Financial Advisor

Ken Anderson, Financial Advisor

Jack Kalmar, Property Committee

Letter from St. Mark's Montessori School Director

White House Ornaments Pickup!

The 2024 White House Ornaments will be distributed from 1:15 PM to 2:00 PM prior to the Congregational Meeting THIS SUNDAY, November 24 (during the pizza lunch). Ornaments are $25 each and payment is due at pickup (cash or check made out to "St. Mark's Lutheran Church.")

If you are unable to attend the meeting, contact the St. Mark's Office at 703-451-4331 or

Grateful Appreciation for the Warm Clothing


Here is an extract (with minor editing) of an email dated November 10 from Janelle Swensson, who, along with her husband, delivered all the coats, warm clothing, blankets, etc. donated by St. Mark’s to the families impacted by Hurricane Helene in southwest Virginia and in Hazard, KY. 


Dear Ones,


Our trip to Wise, VA and Hazard, KY went so well.


I cannot thank each of you enough for all your donations of coats and winter clothing. WOW! You are amazing.


As we approached Abingdon, VA, FEMA is everywhere, utilities are everywhere—Damascus, VA (near the Virginia/Tennessee line) was literally wiped off the face of the earth—they are working so hard in that area. On the sides of the mountains there are huge swaths, seriously acres & acres of downed trees and workers out everywhere to try to clear & get those utilities back in service. 


First stop Wise: The St. Mark’s Boy Scout Trailer and my car were all for Wise. They were overwhelmed, grateful, and thanked us over & over. Our contact, LeAnn, took me aside after unloading, “Janelle I need to ask your permission. I had a call yesterday from the 4-H Leader for Washington County (50 miles from Wise). She has a boy 12, size 12, has no clothing at all, his family lost everything they own in Damascus; she has a girl 10, size 12 again, has no coat, her family lost everything they own in Damascus, but they have found essential clothing, but no coat. Do you mind if I find these sizes & take them over to Damascus?” Oh my—"Of course,” I said, “you know where they need it, I trust you, you see that things go wherever they are needed.” LeAnn proceeds to tell me that every single time we have come, either the day of, or the day after, she gets a call or calls from a teacher or from another 4-H Leader, of a big need, does she know how to find help. LeAnn thinks it has to be more than coincidence. I personally think it is a God thing. It just never seems to fail.


An hour drive to Hazard, KY, to The Housing Alliance—they help those flooded out & have lost their home. Donna, the lead person, greets me with “You have no idea how bad we need your donations. I have a crew coming first thing tomorrow morning to take sleeping bags, blankets, sheets, towels to western North Carolina to FEMA & utility crews & volunteers. There are no hotels left there, they are sleeping in their cars, this is exactly what we need. Perfect timing.” That is exactly what we had in the RV, top-to-bottom, front-to-back!


Next morning, The Baby Pantry, also thrilled to see us. Then Care Cottage (in Hazard KY, caring for physically and emotionally abused children)—they were over the moon with the fleece blankets, etc. Then Viper Elementary School with the U-Haul trailer—again, they were SO grateful and the teachers told us yet again how poor the students/families of their school are; they desperately needed the coats, sweaters, sweatshirts, etc. The school that was sent to join them from the top of the mountain that got destroyed in the flood of 2022—they keep telling us those children are even poorer. I find it so hard to believe it is possible to be poorer.  


I am so grateful to each of you for all you do & all you collect & all you donate. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart. ~ Janelle


Thanks and blessings to all of you at St. Mark’s who have made such a difference in the lives of so many with your donations! 

~ Linda Pendleton

All Women Are Invited to the Women of the ELCA December

Combined Circle Meeting


St. Mark’s Women of the ELCA will have their winter soup luncheon on Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 12:00 NOON in the Fellowship Hall. All St. Mark’s women are invited! The program is “The Colors of Christmas.” Join us for food, fun, fellowship, carol singing, and a cookie exchange. If you want to participate in the cookie exchange, please bring three dozen cookies and then take home three dozen of a variety for your holiday dessert plate.  


Put the date on your calendar now—you won't want to miss this celebration! All women are invited!

Military Care Packages Collection: November 24 and December 1 (or Anytime)

Our recipients for the end-of November/early December are an Air Force group; our contact person is Grace Martin. She says this about our project and about her fellow Airmen: 

We appreciate the love and support from you all. You remind us why we love to serve our country. In my 22 years of service, I don’t think I’ve worked with such young individuals who demonstrate so much pride and happiness in what they do! It’s reassuring to see they understand what they’ve signed up for and enjoy the profession. 

We do not know much about them yet, but Grace will be sending information that we hope to have for next week's Messenger. We do know they are in serious military situations. They have not sent a wish list yet—but you are so adept at choosing items and baking treats that they love. You have already furnished some of your Halloween candy (thank you!!), which we are putting into festive Christmas-y treat bags so they will be cheered when they open the boxes and see signs of Christmas staring up at them—these are the boxes that will in effect be their Christmas holiday boxes. 

A huge thank you to all of you for your continuing support of this project—and that thank you comes from us as well as from the troops who receive your special packages, letting them know we are thinking of them.

Save the Date: December 15

Food Distribution Event at St. Mark’s

St. Mark’s has accepted an invitation from Franconia District Supervisor Lusk to host a drive-through food distribution event on Sunday December 15, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, with boxes of food for those in need. As we learn more details, we will arrange a sign-up schedule for volunteers to distribute the boxes. We also expect to learn details of when and where volunteers can help fill the boxes with food from local food bank sources. We plan to invite other area churches to participate in the filling and distribution of the boxes. We feel so blessed to be asked to help serve our community and nearby neighbors in new ways!

Please note that this food distribution event is separate from St. Mark’s support for the ECHO program to provide Christmas meals to needy families. Stay tuned for further information about that program.

Sacristry: We Have a Signed Contract!

Last week, the Congregation Council approved the contract for the Sacristy, and we now have a signed contract with WRB! Thanks to Carl Bauersfeld for coordinating the details with WRB. Now that we have a contract, WRB can order the materials, especially the long lead-time items, and get their subcontractors lined up to work. At this point, we may see contractors making some site visits for planning and coordination, but there will be no significant demolition or construction disruptions at St. Mark’s during the holiday season.

Please continue to fulfill your pledges. If there are any changes to the schedule you indicated on your pledge form, please advise the Treasurer so she can manage expectations for cash flow. If you have not pledged or donated to date, any additional contributions will be gratefully received. We have already received some unpledged donations to the project after our congregation meeting to approve the project!

Holy Days Schedule


Midweek Advent Prayer Services

December 4, 11, & 18

10:30AM Daily Prayer, followed by a soup lunch,

live from the sanctuary and streamed-archived on YouTube and Facebook

7PM Spanish Communion liturgy, live from the sanctuary


Sunday, December 1 – Advent 1

9:45AM English Communion Liturgy & 12:15PM Misa en Español


Saturday, December 7

12PM, WELCA combined circle luncheon

4PM, NOVA Symphony Chamber Concert


Sunday, December 8 – Advent 2

9:45AM English Communion Liturgy

12:15PM Misa en Español

1:30PM, Community Meal with Christmas Carol Singalong and Crafts


Wednesday, December 11

7PM, The Vigil for the Virgin of Guadalupe, en español


Saturday, December 14

4PM, NOVA Chorale Concert


Sunday, December 15 – Advent 3

9:45AM English Communion Liturgy, with Children’s Christmas Pageant Presentation

12:15PM Misa en Español


Monday, December 16

7PM, Las Posadas, en español


Sunday, December 22 – Advent 4

9:45AM English Communion Liturgy, with Chancel Choir Advent Cantata


Wednesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve

3:30PM Pre-Service Music

4PM Traditional English “Family Service”

6PM Spanish Service

8:30PM Pre-Service Music

9PM English Holy Communion Liturgy, with Chancel Choir


Sunday, December 29 – Christmas I

9:45AM English Communion Liturgy,

with Christmas Lessons and Carols

12:15PM Misa en Español

2025- Hypothermia

Sunday January 26, 2025 through Sunday February 02 2025

Tuesday: Lohre Holter, prayers for a speedy recovery after surgery.

Wednesday: Mike Hardy; grieving family of Dr. James Kriewald, friend of Karen Randall.

Thursday: Maximiliano Blanco, father of Pr. Varinia Espinosa; Pr. Varinia Espinosa; Dionisio Baldelomar, father of Selva Cuellar; Luis Baldelomar, brother of Selva Cuellar.

Saturday: All who are suffering from the effects of recent hurricanes; grieving family of Jim Barnes, family of Lori and Kara Barnes.

Birthdays this Week:

Nov 25: Tony Bovill

Nov 28: Lori Barnes

Nov 29: John Powers

Nov 30: Jennifer Carlson

Birthdays Next Week:

Dec 1: Sebastian Avila

Dec 2: Nancy Hartman

Dec 3: Michael Bianchetta, Tiffany Kalmar

Dec 4: Sam Bowerman

Dec 5: Peggy Harris

Dec 6: Carl Anderson, Daniel Peterson

Dec 7: Peter Pate

Dwelling in the Word Bible Study

"Dwelling in the Word Bible Study" meets via Zoom meetings (see church calendar for Zoom link) every Thursday at 10:30 AM. Please plan to join us as we continue to study the Psalms!

Men’s Bible Study

We meet at 9:00 AM in the Lounge, and on Zoom (see church calendar for Zoom link). We are studying the book of James.

Kristin's Message based on the lectionary of the week by Kristin Berkey Abbott.

Visit our website
Flower Dedications Form

Article Deadline We need YOUR help! In order that ALL OF US receive the necessary documents for This Week, The Messenger, and the website, please send all articles you wish to have published no later than 5:00 PM on the Tuesday before the Sunday you wish for the articles to appear. Send those articles to