Latest News from the Sisters of Saint Joseph

SSJ E-NEWS is available for viewing on the SSJ website.

Edition No. 200—February 18, 2022 
Rite of Initiation
Sister Bethany J. Welch
February 13, 2022
On Sunday, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia celebrated the Rite of Initiation of canonical novice, Sister Bethany J. Welch. May God bless Sister Bethany as she deepens her relationship with Jesus Christ and as she continues to discern her call.

Bethany will reside at the CSJ/SSJ Novitiate in Glenside, PA.
Pictured from left: Maureen Erdlen SSJ (Congregational President), Sister Bethany Welch and Michelle Lasher SSJ (Formation Director)
Pictured from left: Michelle Lesher SSJ, Sister Bethany J. Welch and Cathie Meighan SSJ (Vocation Director)
Pictured from left: Judy Justinger SSJ (Buffalo), Michelle Lesher SSJ, Marguerite O’Brien CSJ (Congregation of Joseph), Sister Bethany J. Welch and Jeanne Marie Gocha CSJ (Carondelet, Albany)
Villa Zoom—Looking at the Bright Side

by Julie Gabell, SSJ Associate in Mission
Maybe it’s time to take a look at the bright side—those little perks that deliver a warm and fuzzy tug to the heart despite pandemic woes. That first cup of coffee in the morning, sunbeams dancing in the rising light, a silenced snooze alarm on a snowy day. 

If we look closely enough, there are dozens of these unexpected snippets that make us sit up and take notice: the smell of pizza warming in the oven, a good book that we can’t put down, the lingering strains of a favorite song. Just little things but touches of normalcy in a chaotic world. In addition, we live with one another in a community of faith. Never do we have to go it alone on a cold winter evening, bear our sorrow in secret, or suffer pain in silence. That choice is ours to make. We can always find someone to share our thoughts, laugh at a joke, or discuss the nightly news. 

The point is, we have far more reasons for optimism than we do for pandemic depression. In her book Two Dogs and A Parrot, Joan Chittister O.S.B. stresses our need to become conscious of the goodness of life and learn to enjoy just being alive. This, she concludes, “requires giving ourselves over to the randomness of the uncontainable.” Not easy, but possible if we are willing to “snap the bonds that constrain us.”

Today, as the world teeters haplessly amid global distress, pandemic uncertainty, and threats of war, let’s stop and take a long hard look at the everyday gifts that surround us. We live in a free country. We are safe, well-fed, have heat, and medical help available. We are blessed with surroundings that uplift and beautify. By keeping all this in mind we will be able to move beyond anything that prevents us from looking on the bright side where God in His goodness shines upon us.
Our Celtic Golf Raffle is back in full "swing!" One lucky winner (and a plus one) will win:
Roundtrip Coach Class International flights to Shannon Ireland

Ballybunion Golf Club – Old Course
Dooks Golf Club
Tralee Golf Club
Waterville Golf Links

Ground Transport: Self-drive car rental with automatic transmission from Hertz.
Includes unlimited mileage, collision damage waiver insurance and VAT

Hotel: Five nights in the 5* Killarney Park Hotel, located in the town of Killarney in Co. Kerry.One of the premier hotels in this picturesque town, situated on its own grounds yet centrally located within walking distance to the many shops, restaurants, and pubs.
(1-Room / Double Occupancy)

Meals: Full Irish Breakfast Daily

To purchase tickets and for more information, visit:
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"With the help of God's grace and in fidelity to our founder's expressed wish, we live and work lovingly among all persons with a special preference for those who are poor, which calls us wherever we are to be in union with them."
                         — SSJ Constitutions #21
Editor, Sister Carole Pollock SSJ | 215.248.7269 | |